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* And now , behold (5628 ), I know (5758 ) that ye all , among whom I have gone (5627 ) preaching (5723 ) the kingdom of God , shall see (5695 ) my face no more . * Wherefore I take you to record (5736 ) this day , that I am pure from the blood of all men . * For I have not shunned (5668 ) to declare (5658 ) unto you all the counsel of God . * Take heed (5720 ) therefore unto yourselves , and to all the flock , over the which the Holy Ghost hath made (5639 ) you overseers , to feed (5721 ) the church of God , which he hath purchased (5668 ) with his own blood . * For I know (5758 ) this , that after my departing shall grievous wolves enter in (5695 ) among you , not sparing (5740 ) the flock . * Also of your own selves shall men arise (5698 ), speaking (5723 ) perverse things (5772 ), to draw away (5721 ) disciples after them . * Therefore watch (5720 ), and remember (5723 ), that by the space of three years I ceased (5668 ) not to warn (5723 ) every one night and day with tears .

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