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* And after these days , making up our baggage , we went up to Jerusalem . * And some of the disciples also from Caesarea , went along with us , and brought us to one Mnason , a Cyprian , and old disciple , with whom we should lodge . * And when we were arrived at Jerusalem , the brethren received us with pleasure . * And the next day Paul entered in with us to James ; and all the elders were present . * And having embraced them , he gave them a particular account of those things which God had done among the Gentiles by his ministry . * And when they heard it , they glorified God , and said to him , Brother , you see how many myriads of believing Jews there are : and they are all zealous for the law . * Now , they have been informed of you , that you teach all the Jews , which are among the Gentiles , to apostatize from Moses , saying , that they ought not to circumcise their children , nor to walk according to the customs . * What is it then ? The multitude must , by all means , come together ; for they will hear that you are come . * Therefore , do this that we say to you : there are with us four men who have a vow upon them ; * take them , and purify yourself with them , and be at charges for them , that they may shave their heads : and all will know that there is nothing in those things which they have heard of you ; but that you yourself walk regularly , keeping the law . * As for the believing Gentiles , we have written , determining that they should observe none of these things ; except it be to keep themselves from what is offered to idols , and from blood , and from that which is strangled , and from fornication . * Then Paul took the men , and the next day , being purified with them , entered into the temple , declaring the accomplishment of the days of purification , till an offering should be offered for every one of them .

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