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* And (note :)There are none more commonly diligent or bold enemies of the Church than those who profess themselves to be the chief builders of it , but the more they rage , the more steadfastly the faithful servants of God continue .(:note ) as they spake unto the people , the priests , and the The Jews had certain troops for the guard and safety of the temple and holy things (see ( Mat_26:47 )). These garrisons had a captain , such as Eleazarus Ananias , the high Priest 's son in the time of the war that was in Judea , being a very impudent and proud young man ; Josephus , lib . 2 , of the taking of Judea . captain of the temple , and the Sadducees , came upon them , * Taking it grieuously that they taught the people , and preached in Iesus Name the resurrection from the dead . * And they layde handes on them , and put them in holde , vntill the next day : for it was now euentide . * Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed ; and the (note :)While they thought to diminish the number , they actually increased it .(:note ) number of the men was about five thousand . * And it came to pass on the morrow , that their (note :)These were those who were members of the Sanhedrin , who were all from the tribe of Judah , until Herod came to power .(:note ) rulers , and elders , and scribes , * And Annas the high priest , and Caiaphas , and John , and Alexander , and as many as were of the (note :)From whom the high Priests were usually chosen and made . At this time the former high Priest was stepping down , and a new high Priest was being appointed .(:note ) kindred of the high priest , were gathered together at Jerusalem . * * Then Peter ful of the holy Ghost , said vnto them , Ye rulers of the people , and Elders of Israel , * * * This is the stone cast aside of you builders which is become the head of the corner . * Neither is there salvation in any other : for there is none other (note :)There is no other man , or no other power and authority at all ; and this kind of speech was common among the Jews , and arose from this , that when we are in danger we call upon those at whose hands we look for help .(:note ) name Anywhere : and this shows us the largeness of Christ 's kingdom . under heaven Of God . given among men , whereby we must be saved . * * And beholding also the man which was healed standing with them , they had nothing to say against it . * But when they had commanded them to go aside out of the council , they (note :)Laid their heads together .(:note ) conferred among themselves , * * But that it be noysed no farther among the people , let vs threaten and charge them , that they speake hencefoorth to no man in this Name . * So they called them , and commaunded them , that in no wise they should speake or teach in the Name of Iesus . * * For we cannot but speake the things which we haue seene and heard . * * For the man was aboue fourtie yeeres olde , on whome this miracle of healing was shewed . * * * Which by the mouth of thy seruant Dauid hast saide , Why did the Gentiles rage , and the people imagine vaine things ? * The Kings of the earth assembled , and the rulers came together against the Lord , and against his Christ . * For of a truth against thy holy child Jesus , whom thou hast anointed , both Herod , and Pontius Pilate , with the Gentiles , and the (note :)Although the people of Israel were but one people , yet the plural number is used here , not so much for the twelve tribes , every one of which counted as a people , but because of the great multitude of them , as though many nations had assembled themselves together , as in ( Jdg_5:14 ).(:note ) people of Israel , were gathered together , * For to (note :)The wicked execute God 's counsel , even though they think nothing of it , but they are not therefore without fault .(:note ) do whatsoever You had determined by your absolute authority and power . thy hand and thy counsel determined before to be done . * And nowe , O Lorde , beholde their threatnings , and graunt vnto thy seruants with all boldnesse to speake thy word , * So that thou stretch forth thine hand , that healing , and signes , and wonders may be done by the Name of thine holy Sonne Iesus . *

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