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* But , as they were speaking unto the people , the High-priests and the Captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them , * Being tired out because of their teaching the people , and announcing , in Jesus , the resurrection from among the dead ; * And they thrust on them their hands , and put them in custody for the morrow , for it was evening , already . * Howbeit , many of them that heard the word , believed ; and the number of the men became about five thousand . * And it came to pass , upon the morrow , that there were gathered together of them , the rulers and the elders and the scribes , in Jerusalem ; * Also Annas , the high-priest , and Caiaphas , and John , and Alexander , and as many as were of high-priestly descent ; * And , setting them in the midst , they began to enquire In what manner of power , or in what manner of name , did , ye , do this ? * Then Peter , filled with Holy Spirit , said unto them Ye rulers of the people , and elders ! * If , we , this day , are to be examined for doing good to a sick man , in whom , this , man hath been made well , * Be it known unto you all , and unto all the people of Israel : that , in the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene , whom , ye , crucified , whom , God , raised from among the dead , in him , doth , this man stand by , in your presence , whole . * This , is the stone , set at nought by you the builders , which became the head of the corner ; * And there is in no one else , salvation , for , neither is there any other name , under heaven , which hath been set forth among men , in which we must needs be saved . * And , looking at Peters boldness of speech , and Johns , and having discovered that they were unlettered and obscure men , they began to marvel , recognising them also , that they had been with Jesus ; * Seeing , the man also standing , with them , even the * Howbeit , ordering them to go forth outside the high-council , they began to confer one with another , * Saying What are we to do with these men ? For , indeed , that a notable sign hath come to pass through their means , unto all who are dwelling in Jerusalem , is manifest , and we cannot deny ! * Nevertheless , lest it further spread abroad among the people , let us charge them with threats , to be no more speaking upon this name , to any soul of man . * And , calling them , they gave them the sweeping charge , not to be sounding aloud , nor even to be teaching , upon the name of Jesus . * But , Peter and John , answering , said unto them Whether it be right in presence of God , unto you , to be hearkening , rather than unto God , judge ! * For , we , cannot but be speaking the things which we have seen and heard . * They , however , further charging them with threats , let them go , finding nothing as to how they might chastise them , on account of the people ; because , all , were glorifying God for that which had come to pass ; * For , more than forty years old , was the man , upon whom had taken place , this healing sign . * But , when they had been let go , they came unto their own , and told as many things as , unto them , the High-priests and Elders , had said . * And , they , having heard , with one accord , uplifted voice unto God , and said O Sovereign ! Thou , art he that made the heaven , and the earth , and the sea , and all things that are herein : * Who , by our father , through means of the Holy Spirit , even by the mouth of David thy servant , said Unto what end did nations rage , and , peoples , busy themselves with empty things ? * The kings of the earth stationed themselves , and , the rulers , were gathered together , with one intent , against the Lord , and against his Christ . * For they were gathered together , of a truth , in this city , against thy holy servant Jesus , whom thou hadst anointed , both Herod , and Pontius Pilate , with them of the nations , and peoples of Israel ; * To do whatsoever , thy hand and thy counsel , marked out beforehand to come to pass . * As to the present things , then , O Lord , look upon their threats , and grant unto thy servants , with all freedom of utterance , to be speaking thy word , * By stretching forth thy hand for healing , and by the coming to pass of both signs and wonders , through the name of thy holy servant Jesus . * And , when they had made supplication , the place was shaken in which they were gathered together , and they were filled , one and all , with the Holy Spirit , and began speaking the word of God with freedom of utterance .

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