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* And the multitude of them that believed (5660 ) were (5713 ) of one heart and of one soul : neither said (5707 ) any of them that ought of the things which he possessed (5723 ) was (5750 ) his own ; but they had (5713 ) all things common . * And with great power gave (5707 ) the apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus : and great grace was (5713 ) upon them all . * Neither was (5707 ) there any among them that lacked : for as many as were (5707 ) possessors of lands or houses sold them (5723 ), and brought (5707 ) the prices of the things that were sold (5746 ), * And laid them down (5707 ) at the apostles feet : and distribution was made (5712 ) unto every man according as he had (5707 ) need . * And Joses , who by the apostles was surnamed (5685 ) Barnabas , (which is (5748 ), being interpreted (5746 ), The son of consolation ,) a Levite , and of the country of Cyprus , * Having (5723 ) land , sold (5660 ) it , and brought (5656 ) the money , and laid (5656 ) it at the apostles feet .

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