
rwp@Acts:7:21 @{When he was cast out} (\ektethentos autou\). Genitive absolute with first aorist passive participle of \ektithˆmi\. {Took up} (\aneilato\). Second aorist middle indicative (with first aorist vowel \a\ instead of \e\ as often in the _Koin‚_) of \anaire“\, common in the N.T. in the sense of take up and make away with, to kill as in verse 28|, but here only in the N.T. in the original sense of taking up from the ground and with the middle voice (for oneself). Quoted here from strkjv@Exodus:2:5|. The word was used of old for picking up exposed children as here. Vincent quotes Aristophanes (_Clouds_, 531): "I exposed (the child), and some other women, having taken it, adopted (\aneileto\) it." Vulgate has _sustulit_. "Adopted" is the idea here. "After the birth of a child the father took it up to his bosom, if he meant to rear it; otherwise it was doomed to perish" (Hackett). {Nourished him for her own son} (\anethrepsato auton heautˆi eis huion\). Literally, "she nursed him up for herself (\heautˆi\ besides middle voice) as a son." This use of \eis\=as occurs in the old Greek, but is very common in the LXX as a translation of the Hebrew _le_. The tradition is that she designed Moses for the throne as the Pharaoh had no son (Josephus, _Ant_. ii. 9, 7).

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