





strkjv Acts:9-10 SEEK

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* And Saul , yet breathing out (5723 ) threatenings and slaughter against the disciples of the Lord , went (5631 ) unto the high priest , * And desired (5668 ) of him letters to Damascus to the synagogues , that if he found (5632 ) any of this way , whether they were (5752 ) men or women , he might bring them (5632 ) bound (5772 ) unto Jerusalem . * And as he journeyed (5738 ), he came (5633 ) near (5721 ) Damascus : and suddenly there shined round about (5656 ) him a light from heaven : * And he fell (5631 ) to the earth , and heard (5656 ) a voice saying (5723 ) unto him , Saul , Saul , why persecutest thou (5719 ) me ? * And he said (5627 ), Who art thou (5748 ), Lord ? And the Lord said (5627 ), I am (5748 ) Jesus whom thou persecutest (5719 ): it is hard for thee to kick (5721 ) against the pricks . * And he trembling (5723 ) and astonished (5723 ) said (5627 ), Lord , what wilt thou have (5719 ) me to do (5658 )? And the Lord said unto him , Arise (5628 ), and go (5628 ) into the city , and it shall be told (5701 ) thee what thou must (5748 ) do (5721 ). * And the men which journeyed (5723 ) with him stood (5715 ) speechless , hearing (5723 ) a voice , but seeing (5723 ) no man . * And Saul arose (5681 ) from the earth ; and when his eyes were opened (5772 ), he saw (5707 ) no man : but they led him by the hand (5723 ), and brought (5627 ) him into Damascus . * And he was (5713 ) three days without sight (5723 ), and neither did eat (5627 ) nor drink (5627 ). * And there was (5713 ) a certain disciple at Damascus , named Ananias ; and to him said (5627 ) the Lord in a vision , Ananias . And he said (5627 ), Behold (5628 ), I am here , Lord . * And the Lord said unto him , Arise (5631 ), and go (5676 ) into the street which is called (5746 ) Straight , and enquire (5657 ) in the house of Judas for one called Saul , of Tarsus : for , behold (5628 ), he prayeth (5736 ), * And hath seen (5627 ) in a vision a man named Ananias coming in (5631 ), and putting his hand on (5631 ) him , that he might receive his sight (5661 ). * Then Ananias answered (5662 ), Lord , I have heard (5754 ) by many of this man , how much evil he hath done (5656 ) to thy saints at Jerusalem : * And here he hath (5719 ) authority from the chief priests to bind (5658 ) all that call (5734 ) on thy name . * But the Lord said (5627 ) unto him , Go thy way (5737 ): for he is (5748 ) a chosen vessel unto me , to bear (5658 ) my name before the Gentiles , and kings , and the children of Israel : * For I will shew (5692 ) him how great things he must (5748 ) suffer (5629 ) for my names sake . * And Ananias went his way (5627 ), and entered (5627 ) into the house ; and putting (5631 ) his hands on him said (5627 ), Brother Saul , the Lord , even Jesus , that appeared (5685 ) unto thee in the way as thou camest (5711 ), hath sent (5758 ) me , that thou mightest receive thy sight (5661 ), and be filled with (5686 ) the Holy Ghost . * And immediately there fell (5627 ) from his eyes as it had been scales : and he received sight (5656 ) forthwith , and arose (5631 ), and was baptized (5681 ). * And when he had received (5631 ) meat , he was strengthened (5656 ). Then was (5633 ) Saul certain days with the disciples which were at Damascus . * And straightway he preached (5707 ) Christ in the synagogues , that he is (5748 ) the Son of God . * But all that heard (5723 ) him were amazed (5710 ), and said (5707 ); Is (5748 ) not this he that destroyed (5660 ) them which called on (5734 ) this name in Jerusalem , and came (5715 ) hither for that intent , that he might bring (5632 ) them bound (5772 ) unto the chief priests ? * But Saul increased the more in strength (5712 ), and confounded (5707 ) the Jews which dwelt (5723 ) at Damascus , proving (5723 ) that this is (5748 ) very Christ . * And after that many days were fulfilled (5712 ), the Jews took counsel (5668 ) to kill (5629 ) him : * But their laying await was known (5681 ) of Saul . And they watched (5707 ) the gates day and night to kill (5661 ) him . * Then the disciples took (5631 ) him by night , and let him down (5656 ) (5660 ) by the wall in a basket . * And when Saul was come (5637 ) to Jerusalem , he assayed (5711 ) to join himself (5745 ) to the disciples : but they were all afraid (5711 ) of him , and believed (5723 ) not that he was (5748 ) a disciple . * But Barnabas took (5637 ) him , and brought (5627 ) him to the apostles , and declared (5662 ) unto them how he had seen (5627 ) the Lord in the way , and that he had spoken (5656 ) to him , and how he had preached boldly (5662 ) at Damascus in the name of Jesus . * And he was (5713 ) with them coming in (5740 ) and going out (5740 ) at Jerusalem . * And he spake (5707 ) boldly (5740 ) in the name of the Lord Jesus , and disputed (5707 ) against the Grecians : but they went about (5707 ) to slay (5629 ) him . * Which when the brethren knew (5631 ), they brought him down (5627 ) to Caesarea , and sent him forth (5656 ) to Tarsus . * Then had (5707 ) the churches rest throughout all Judaea and Galilee and Samaria , and were edified (5746 ); and walking in (5740 ) the fear of the Lord , and in the comfort of the Holy Ghost , were multiplied (5712 ). * And it came (5633 ) to pass , as Peter passed throughout (5740 ) all quarters , he came down (5629 ) also to the saints which dwelt (5723 ) at Lydda . * And there he found (5627 ) a certain man named Aeneas , which had kept (5740 ) his bed eight years , and was (5713 ) sick of the palsy (5772 ). * And Peter said (5627 ) unto him , Aeneas , Jesus Christ maketh thee whole (5736 ): arise (5628 ), and make thy bed (5657 ). And he arose (5627 ) immediately . * And all that dwelt (5723 ) at Lydda and Saron saw (5627 ) him , and turned (5656 ) to the Lord . * Now there was (5713 ) at Joppa a certain disciple named Tabitha , which by interpretation (5746 ) is called (5743 ) Dorcas : this woman (5625 ) was (5713 ) full of good works and almsdeeds which she did (5707 ). * And it came to pass (5633 ) in those days , that she was sick (5660 ), and died (5629 ): whom when they had washed (5660 ), they laid (5656 ) her in an upper chamber . * And forasmuch as (5752 ) Lydda was nigh to Joppa , and the disciples had heard (5660 ) that Peter was (5748 ) there , they sent (5656 ) unto him two men , desiring (5723 ) him that he would not delay (5658 ) to come (5629 ) to them . * Then Peter arose (5631 ) and went with (5627 ) them . When he was come (5637 ), they brought him (5627 ) into the upper chamber : and all the widows stood by (5656 ) him weeping (5723 ), and shewing (5734 ) the coats and garments which Dorcas made (5707 ), while she was (5752 ) with them . * But Peter put (5631 ) them all forth , and kneeled down (5631 ), and prayed (5662 ); and turning (5660 ) him to the body said (5627 ), Tabitha , arise (5628 ). And she opened (5656 ) her eyes : and when she saw (5631 ) Peter , she sat up (5656 ). * And he gave (5631 ) her his hand , and lifted her up (5656 ), and when he had called (5660 ) the saints and widows , presented (5656 ) her alive (5723 ). * And it was (5633 ) known throughout all Joppa ; and many believed (5656 ) in the Lord . * And it came to pass (5633 ), that he tarried (5658 ) many days in Joppa with one Simon a tanner . * There was (5713 ) a certain man in Caesarea called Cornelius , a centurion of the band called (5746 ) the Italian band , * A devout man , and one that feared (5740 ) God with all his house , which gave (5723 ) much alms to the people , and prayed (5740 ) to God alway . * He saw (5627 ) in a vision evidently about the ninth hour of the day an angel of God coming in (5631 ) to him , and saying (5631 ) unto him , Cornelius . * And when he looked (5660 ) on him , he was (5637 ) afraid , and said (5627 ), What is it (5748 ), Lord ? And he said (5627 ) unto him , Thy prayers and thine alms are come up (5627 ) for a memorial before God . * And now send (5657 ) men to Joppa , and call for (5663 ) one Simon , whose surname is (5743 ) Peter : * He lodgeth (5743 ) with one Simon a tanner , whose house is (5748 ) by the sea side : he shall tell (5692 ) thee what thou oughtest (5748 ) to do (5721 ). * And when the angel which spake (5723 ) unto Cornelius was departed (5627 ), he called (5660 ) two of his household servants , and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually (5723 ); * And when he had declared (5666 ) all these things unto them , he sent (5656 ) them to Joppa . * On the morrow , as they went on their journey (5723 ), and drew nigh (5723 ) unto the city , Peter went up (5627 ) upon the housetop to pray (5664 ) about the sixth hour : * And he became (5633 ) very hungry , and would (5707 ) have eaten (5664 ): but while they made ready (5723 ), he fell (5627 ) into a trance , * And saw (5719 ) heaven opened (5772 ), and a certain vessel descending (5723 ) unto him , as it had been a great sheet knit (5772 ) at the four corners , and let down (5746 ) to the earth : * Wherein were (5707 ) all manner of fourfooted beasts of the earth , and wild beasts , and creeping things , and fowls of the air . * And there came (5633 ) a voice to him , Rise (5631 ), Peter ; kill (5657 ), and eat (5628 ). * But Peter said (5627 ), Not so , Lord ; for I have never eaten (5627 ) any thing that is common or unclean . * And the voice spake unto him again the second time , What God hath cleansed (5656 ), that call not thou common (5720 ). * This was done (5633 ) thrice : and the vessel was received up (5681 ) again into heaven . * Now while Peter doubted (5707 ) in himself what this vision which he had seen (5627 ) should mean (5751 ), behold (5628 ), the men which were sent (5772 ) from Cornelius had made enquiry (5660 ) for Simons house , and stood (5627 ) before the gate , * And called (5660 ), and asked (5711 ) whether Simon , which was surnamed (5746 ) Peter , were lodged (5743 ) there . * While Peter thought (5740 ) on the vision , the Spirit said (5627 ) unto him , Behold (5628 ), three men seek (5719 ) thee . * Arise (5631 ) therefore , and get thee down (5628 ), and go (5737 ) with them , doubting (5734 ) nothing : for I have sent (5758 ) them . * Then Peter went down (5631 ) to the men which were sent (5772 ) unto him from Cornelius ; and said (5627 ), Behold (5628 ), I am (5748 ) he whom ye seek (5719 ): what is the cause wherefore ye are come (5748 )? * And they said (5627 ), Cornelius the centurion , a just man , and one that feareth (5740 ) God , and of good report (5746 ) among all the nation of the Jews , was warned from God (5681 ) by an holy angel to send (5664 ) for thee into his house , and to hear (5658 ) words of thee . * Then called he them in (5662 ), and lodged (5656 ) them . And on the morrow Peter went away (5627 ) with them , and certain brethren from Joppa accompanied (5627 ) him . * And the morrow after they entered (5627 ) into Caesarea . And Cornelius waited for (5723 ) them (5713 ), and had called together (5671 ) his kinsmen and near friends . * And as Peter was (5633 ) coming in (5629 ), Cornelius met (5660 ) him , and fell down (5631 ) at his feet , and worshipped (5656 ) him . * But Peter took him up (5656 ), saying (5723 ), Stand up (5628 ); I myself also am (5748 ) a man . * And as he talked (5723 ) with him , he went in (5627 ), and found (5719 ) many that were come together (5761 ). * And he said (5713 ) unto them , Ye know (5736 ) how that it is (5748 ) an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company (5745 ), or come unto (5738 ) one of another nation ; but God hath shewed (5656 ) me that I should not call (5721 ) any man common or unclean . * Therefore came I (5627 ) unto you without gainsaying , as soon as I was sent for (5685 ): I ask (5736 ) therefore for what intent ye have sent for (5662 ) me ? * And Cornelius said (5713 ), Four days ago I was (5713 ) fasting (5723 ) until this hour ; and at the ninth hour I prayed (5740 ) in my house , and , behold (5628 ), a man stood (5627 ) before me in bright clothing , * And said (5748 ), Cornelius , thy prayer is heard (5681 ), and thine alms are had in remembrance (5681 ) in the sight of God . * Send (5657 ) therefore to Joppa , and call hither (5669 ) Simon , whose surname is (5743 ) Peter ; he is lodged (5743 ) in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea side : who , when he cometh (5637 ), shall speak (5692 ) unto thee . * Immediately therefore I sent (5656 ) to thee ; and thou hast well done (5656 ) that thou art come (5637 ). Now therefore are we all here present (5748 ) before God , to hear (5658 ) all things that are commanded (5772 ) thee of God . * Then Peter opened (5660 ) his mouth , and said (5627 ), Of a truth I perceive (5731 ) that God is (5748 ) no respecter of persons : * But in every nation he that feareth (5740 ) him , and worketh (5740 ) righteousness , is (5748 ) accepted with him . * The word which God sent (5656 ) unto the children of Israel , preaching (5734 ) peace by Jesus Christ : (he is (5748 ) Lord of all :) * That word , I say , ye know (5758 ), which was published (5637 ) throughout all Judaea , and began (5671 ) from Galilee , after the baptism which John preached (5656 ); * How God anointed (5656 ) Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power : who went about (5627 ) doing good (5723 ), and healing (5740 ) all that were oppressed (5746 ) of the devil ; for God was (5713 ) with him . * And we are (5748 ) witnesses of all things which he did (5656 ) both in the land of the Jews , and in Jerusalem ; whom they slew (5627 ) and hanged (5660 ) on a tree : * Him God raised up (5656 ) the third day , and shewed (5635 ) him openly (5656 ); * Not to all the people , but unto witnesses chosen before (5772 ) of God , even to us , who did eat (5627 ) and drink with (5627 ) him after he rose (5629 ) from the dead . * And he commanded (5656 ) us to preach (5658 ) unto the people , and to testify (5664 ) that it is (5748 ) he which was ordained (5772 ) of God to be the Judge of quick (5723 ) and dead . * To him give all the prophets witness (5719 ), that through his name whosoever believeth (5723 ) in him shall receive (5629 ) remission of sins . * While Peter yet spake (5723 ) these words , the Holy Ghost fell (5627 ) on all them which heard (5723 ) the word . * And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished (5627 ), as many as came with (5627 ) Peter , because that on the Gentiles also was poured out (5769 ) the gift of the Holy Ghost . * For they heard (5707 ) them speak with (5723 ) tongues , and magnify (5723 ) God . Then answered (5662 ) Peter , * Can (5736 ) any man forbid (5658 ) water , that these should not be baptized (5683 ), which have received (5627 ) the Holy Ghost as well as we ? * And he commanded (5656 ) them to be baptized (5683 ) in the name of the Lord . Then prayed they (5656 ) him to tarry (5658 ) certain days . * And the apostles and brethren that were (5752 ) in Judaea heard (5656 ) that the Gentiles had also received (5662 ) the word of God .

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