





geneva Deuteronomy:2:24-3 SEEK

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* Rise ye up , take your journey , and pass over the river Arnon : behold , I have given into thine hand Sihon the (note :)According to his promise made to Abraham , ( Gen_15:16 ).(:note ) Amorite , king of Heshbon , and his land : begin to possess [it ], and contend with him in battle . * This day will I (note :)This declares that the hearts of men are in God 's hands either to be made faint , or bold .(:note ) begin to put the dread of thee and the fear of thee upon the nations [that are ] under the whole heaven , who shall hear report of thee , and shall tremble , and be in anguish because of thee . * Then I sent messengers out of the wildernes of Kedemoth vnto Sihon King of Heshbon , with wordes of peace , saying , * Let me passe through thy land : I will go by the hie way : I will neither turne vnto the right hand nor to the left . * Thou shalt sell me meate for money , for to eate , and shalt giue me water for money for to drinke : onely I will go through on my foote , * (As the (note :)Because neither intreaty nor examples or others could move him , he could not complain of his just destruction .(:note ) children of Esau which dwell in Seir , and the Moabites which dwell in Ar , did unto me ;) until I shall pass over Jordan into the land which the LORD our God giveth us . * But Sihon king of Heshbon would not let us pass by him : for the LORD thy God (note :)God in his election and reprobation not only appoints the ends , but the means tending to the same .(:note ) hardened his spirit , and made his heart obstinate , that he might deliver him into thy hand , as [appeareth ] this day . * And the Lorde sayd vnto me , Beholde , I haue begun to giue Sihon and his land before thee : begin to possesse and inherite his land . * Then came out Sihon to meete vs , him selfe with all his people to fight at Iahaz . * But the Lord our God deliuered him into our power , and we smote him , and his sonnes , and all his people . * And we took all his cities at that time , and utterly destroyed the men , and the (note :)God had cursed Canaan , and therefore he did not want any of the wicked race to be preserved .(:note ) women , and the little ones , of every city , we left none to remain : * Onely the cattell we tooke to our selues , and the spoyle of the cities which we tooke , * From Aroer , which is by the banke of the riuer of Arnon , and from the citie that is vpon the riuer , euen vnto Gilead : there was not one citie that escaped vs : for the Lorde our God deliuered vp all before vs . * Onely vnto the land of the children of Ammon thou camest not , nor vnto any place of the riuer Iabbok , nor vnto the cities in the mountaines , nor vnto whatsoeuer the Lorde our God forbade vs . * When (note :)Meaning , upon just occasion : for God does not permit his people to fight every time it seems good to them .(:note ) thou goest out to battle against thine enemies , and seest horses , and chariots , [and ] a people more than thou , be not afraid of them : for the LORD thy God [is ] with thee , which brought thee up out of the land of Egypt . * And when ye are come nere vnto the battel , then the Priest shal come forth to speake vnto the people , * And shal say vnto them , Heare , O Israel : ye are come this day vnto battell against your enemies : let not your heartes faynt , neither feare , nor be amased , nor adread of them . * For the LORD your God [is ] he that (note :)Is present to defend you with his grace and power .(:note ) goeth with you , to fight for you against your enemies , to save you . * And the officers shall speak unto the people , saying , What man [is there ] that hath built a new house , and hath not (note :)For when they first entered to dwell in a house , they gave thanks to God , acknowledging that they had that benefit by his grace .(:note ) dedicated it ? let him go and return to his house , lest he die in the battle , and another man dedicate it . * And what man [is he ] that hath planted a vineyard , and hath not [yet ] (note :)The Hebrew word signifies to make common or profane , ( Lev_19:25 )(:note ) eaten of it ? let him [also ] go and return unto his house , lest he die in the battle , and another man eat of it . * And what man is there that hath betrothed a wife , and hath not taken her ? let him go and returne againe vnto his house , lest he die in the battell , and another man take her . * And let the officers speake further vnto the people , and say , Whosoeuer is afrayde and faynt hearted , let him go &amp ; returne vnto his house , least his brethrens heart faynt like his heart . * And after that the officers haue made an ende of speaking vnto the people , they shal make captaines of the armie to gouerne the people . * When thou commest neere vnto a citie to fight against it , thou shalt offer it peace . * And it shall be , if it make thee answer of (note :)If it accept peace .(:note ) peace , and open unto thee , then it shall be , [that ] all the people [that is ] found therein shall be tributaries unto thee , and they shall serve thee . * But if it will make no peace with thee , but make war against thee , then shalt thou besiege it . * And the Lord thy God shall deliuer it into thine handes , and thou shalt smite all the males thereof with the edge of the sworde . * Onely the women , &amp ; the children , &amp ; the cattel , &amp ; all that is in the citie , euen all the spoyle thereof shalt thou take vnto thy selfe , and shalt eate the spoyle of thine enemies , which the Lord thy God hath giuen thee . * Thus shalt thou do unto all the cities [which are ] very far off from thee , which [are ] not of the cities of these (note :)For God had appointed the Canaanites to be destroyed , and made the Israelites the executers of his will , ( Deu_7:1 ).(:note ) nations . * But of the cities of this people , which the Lorde thy God shall giue thee to inherite , thou shalt saue no person aliue , * But shalt vtterly destroy them : to wit , the Hittites , and the Amorites , the Canaanites , &amp ; the Perizzites , the Hiuites , and the Iebusites , as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee , * That they teache you not to doe after all their abominations , which they haue done vnto their gods , &amp ; so ye should sinne against the Lorde your God . * When thou shalt besiege a city a long time , in making war against it to take it , thou shalt not destroy the trees thereof by forcing an axe against them : for thou mayest eat of them , and thou shalt not cut them down (for the (note :)Some read : For man shall be instead of the tree of the field , to come out in the siege against you .(:note ) tree of the field [is ] man 's [life ]) to employ [them ] in the siege : * Onely those trees , which thou knowest are not for meate , those shalt thou destroy and cut downe , &amp ; make fortes against the citie that maketh warre with thee , vntil thou subdue it . * If [one ] be found (note :)This law declares how horrible murder is , seeing that because of one man a whole country will be punished , unless remedy is found .(:note ) slain in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee to possess it , lying in the field , [and ] it be not known who hath slain him : * Then thine Elders &amp ; thy Iudges shal come forth , and measure vnto the cities that are round about him that is slayne . * Aud let ye Elders of that citie , which is next vnto the slaine man , take out of the droue an heifer that hath not bene put to labour , nor hath drawen in the yoke . * And the elders of that city shall bring down the heifer unto a rough (note :)That the blood shed of the innocent beasts in a solitary place , might make them abhor the fact .(:note ) valley , which is neither eared nor sown , and shall strike off the heifer 's neck there in the valley : * Also the Priests the sonnes of Leui (whom the Lord thy God hath chosen to minister , &amp ; to blesse in the name of the Lorde ) shal come forth , &amp ; by their word shal all strife &amp ; plague be tried . * And all the Elders of that citie that came neere to the slayne man , shal wash their hands ouer the heifer that is beheaded in the valley : * And shal testifie , and say , Our handes haue not shed this blood , neither haue our eies seene it . * Be merciful , (note :)This was the prayer , which the priests made in the audience of the people .(:note ) O LORD , unto thy people Israel , whom thou hast redeemed , and lay not innocent blood unto thy people of Israel 's charge . And the blood shall be forgiven them . * So shalt thou take away the cry of innocet blood from thee , when thou shalt do that which is right in the sight of the Lord . * Whe thou shalt go to warre against thine enemies , &amp ; the Lord thy God shal deliuer them into thine hands , &amp ; thou shalt take the captiues , * And shalt see among the captiues a beautifull woman , and hast a desire vnto her , &amp ; wouldest take her to thy wife , * Then thou shalt bring her home to thine house ; (note :)Signifying that her former life must be changed before she could be joined to the people of God .(:note ) and she shall shave her head , and pare her nails ; * And she shall put the raiment of her captivity from off her , and shall remain in thine house , (note :)As having renounced parents and country .(:note ) and bewail her father and her mother a full month : and after that thou shalt go in unto her , and be her husband , and she shall be thy This was only allowed in the wars , otherwise the Israelites could not marry strangers . wife . * And if thou haue no fauour vnto her , then thou mayest let her go whither she will , but thou shalt not sell her for money , nor make marchandise of her , because thou hast humbled her . * If a man have two wives , one beloved , and another (note :)This declares that the plurality of wives came from a corrupt affection .(:note ) hated , and they have born him children , [both ] the beloved and the hated ; and [if ] the firstborn son be hers that was hated : * Then when the time commeth , that hee appointeth his sonnes to be heires of that which he hath , he may not make the sonne of the beloued first borne before the sonne of the hated , which is the first borne : * But he shall acknowledge the son of the hated [for ] the firstborn , by giving him a (note :)As much as to two of the others .(:note ) double portion of all that he hath : for he [is ] the beginning of his strength ; the right of the firstborn [is ] Unless he is unworthy , as Reuben , Jacob 's son , was . his . * If a man have a stubborn and rebellious son , which will not obey the voice of his father , or the voice of his (note :)For it is the mother 's duty also to instruct her children .(:note ) mother , and [that ], when they have chastened him , will not hearken unto them : * Then shall his father and his mother take him , &amp ; bring him out vnto the Elders of his citie , &amp ; vnto the gate of the place where he dwelleth , * And shall say vnto the Elders of his citie , This our sonne is stubburne and disobedient , and he wil not obey our admonition : he is a ryotour , and a drunkard . * And all the men of his city shall (note :)A death which was also appointed for blasphemers and idolaters : so that to disobey the parents is most horrible .(:note ) stone him with stones , that he die : so shalt thou put evil away from among you ; and all Israel shall hear , and fear . * If a man also haue committed a trespasse worthy of death , and is put to death , &amp ; thou hangest him on a tree , * His body shall not remain (note :)For God 's law is satisfied by his death , and nature abhors cruelty .(:note ) all night upon the tree , but thou shalt in any wise bury him that day ; (for he that is hanged [is ] accursed of God ;) that thy land be not defiled , which the LORD thy God giveth thee [for ] an inheritance . * Thou shalt not see thy brother 's ox or his sheep go astray , and (note :)As though your did not see it .(:note ) hide thyself from them : thou shalt in any case bring them again unto thy brother . * And if thy brother [be ] not (note :)Showing that brotherly affection must be shown , not only to those who dwell near to us , but also to those who are far off .(:note ) nigh unto thee , or if thou know him not , then thou shalt bring it unto thine own house , and it shall be with thee until thy brother seek after it , and thou shalt restore it to him again . * In like manner shalt thou do with his (note :)You are bound to do much more for your neighbour .(:note ) ass ; and so shalt thou do with his raiment ; and with all lost thing of thy brother 's , which he hath lost , and thou hast found , shalt thou do likewise : thou mayest not hide thyself . * Thou shalt not see thy brothers asse nor his oxe fal downe by the way , and withdrawe thy selfe from them , but shalt lift them vp with him . * The (note :)For that alters the order of nature , and shows that you despise God .(:note ) woman shall not wear that which pertaineth unto a man , neither shall a man put on a woman 's garment : for all that do so [are ] abomination unto the LORD thy God . * If a bird 's nest chance to be before thee in the way in any tree , or on the ground , [whether they be ] young ones , or eggs , and the dam sitting upon the young , or upon the eggs , (note :)If God detests cruelty done to little birds , how much more to man , made according to his image ?(:note ) thou shalt not take the dam with the young : * But shalt in any wise let the damme go , &amp ; take the yong to thee , that thou mayest prosper and prolong thy dayes . * When thou buildest a newe house , thou shalt make a battlemet on thy roofe , that thou lay not blood vpo thine house , if any man fal thence . * Thou shalt not (note :)The tenor of this law is to walk in simplicity and not to be curious about new fads .(:note ) sow thy vineyard with divers seeds : lest the fruit of thy seed which thou hast sown , and the fruit of thy vineyard , be defiled . * Thou shalt not plow with an oxe and an asse together . * Thou shalt not weare a garment of diuers sorts , as of woollen and linen together . * Thou shalt make thee fringes vpon the foure quarters of thy vesture , wherewith thou couerest thy selfe . * If a man take a wife , and when he hath lyen with her , hate her , * And give (note :)That is , be an occasion that she is slandered .(:note ) occasions of speech against her , and bring up an evil name upon her , and say , I took this woman , and when I came to her , I found her not a maid : * Then shal the father of the mayde and her mother take and bring the signes of the maydes virginitie vnto the Elders of the citie to the gate . * And the maydes father shall say vnto the Elders , I gaue my daughter vnto this man to wife , and he hateth her : * And , lo , he hath given occasions of speech [against her ], saying , I found not thy daughter a maid ; and yet these [are the tokens of ] my daughter 's virginity . And they shall spread the (note :)Meaning , the sheet , in which the signs of her virginity were .(:note ) cloth before the elders of the city . * Then the Elders of the citie shal take that man and chastise him , * And they shall amerce him in an hundred [shekels ] of silver , and give [them ] unto the father (note :)For the fault of the child becomes the shame of the parents : therefore he was recompensed when she was faultless .(:note ) of the damsel , because he hath brought up an evil name upon a virgin of Israel : and she shall be his wife ; he may not put her away all his days . * But if this thing be true , that the mayde be not found a virgine , * Then shall they bring forth the mayde to the doore of her fathers house , &amp ; the men of her citie shal stone her with stones to death : for shee hath wrought follie in Israel , by playing ye whore in her fathers house : so thou shalt put euill away from among you . * If a man be found lying with a woman marryed to a man , then they shall dye euen both twaine : to wit , the man that lay with the wife , &amp ; the wife : so thou shalt put away euil from Israel . * If a maid be betrothed vnto an husband , &amp ; a man finde her in the towne &amp ; lye with her , * Then shall yee bring them both out vnto the gates of the same citie , and shall stone them with stones to death : the mayde because she cried not , being in the citie , &amp ; the man , because he hath humbled his neighbours wife : so thou shalt put away euill from among you . * But if a man finde a betrothed mayde in the field , and force her , and lye with her , then the man that lay with her , shal dye alone : * But unto the damsel thou shalt do nothing ; [there is ] in the damsel no sin [worthy ] of death : for as when a man riseth against his neighbour , and slayeth him , even so (note :)Meaning , that the innocent cannot be punished .(:note ) [is ] this matter : * For he found her in the fieldes : the betrothed mayde cryed , and there was no man to succour her . * If a man finde a mayde that is not betrothed , and take her , and lye with her , and they be founde , * Then the man that lay with her , shall giue vnto the maydes father fiftie shekels of siluer : and she shalbe his wife , because he hath humbled her : he can not put her away all his life . * A man shall not (note :)He shall not lie with his stepmother , meaning by this all other variations forbidden in (Leviticus . strkjv @18:1-30 ).(:note ) take his father 's wife , nor discover his father 's skirt . * He that is wounded in the stones , or hath his privy member cut off , (note :)Either to bear office , or to marry a wife .(:note ) shall not enter into the congregation of the LORD . * * The Ammonites and the Moabites shall not enter into the Congregation of the Lord : euen to their tenth generation shal they not enter into the Congregation of the Lord for euer , * Because they (note :)By this he condemns all who do not aid the children of God in their calling .(:note ) met you not with bread and with water in the way , when ye came forth out of Egypt ; and because they hired against thee Balaam the son of Beor of Pethor of Mesopotamia , to curse thee . * Neuerthelesse , the Lorde thy God would not hearken vnto Balaam , but the Lord thy God turned the curse to a blessing vnto thee , because the Lord thy God loued thee . * Thou (note :)You shall have nothing to do with them .(:note ) shalt not seek their peace nor their prosperity all thy days for ever . * Thou shalt not abhorre an Edomite : for he is thy brother , neither shalt thou abhorre an Egyptian , because thou wast a strager in his land . * The children that are begotten (note :)If the fathers have renounced their idolatry , and received circumcision .(:note ) of them shall enter into the congregation of the LORD in their third generation . * When thou goest out with the host against thine enemies , keepe thee then from all wickednesse . * If there be among you any that is vncleane by that which commeth to him by night , he shall goe out of the hoste , and shall not enter into the hoste , * But at euen he shall wash him selfe with water , and when the sunne is downe , he shall enter into the hoste . * Thou shalt have a place also without the camp , whither thou shalt (note :)For the necessities of nature .(:note ) go forth abroad : * And thou shalt have a paddle upon thy weapon ; and it shall be , when thou wilt ease thyself abroad , thou shalt dig therewith , and shalt turn back and (note :)Meaning by this that his people should be pure both in body and soul .(:note ) cover that which cometh from thee : * For the Lord thy God walketh in the mids of thy campe to deliuer thee , and to giue thee thine enemies before thee : therefore thine hoste shalbe holy , that he see no filthie thing in thee and turne away from thee . * Thou shalt not (note :)This is meant of the heathen , who fled because of their masters ' cruelty , and embrace the true religion .(:note ) deliver unto his master the servant which is escaped from his master unto thee : * He shall dwell with thee , euen among you , in what place he shal chuse , in one of thy cities where it liketh him best : thou shalt not vexe him . * There shalbe no whore of the daughters of Israel , neither shal there be a whore keeper of the sonnes of Israel . * Thou shalt not bring the (note :)Forbidding that any income gained from evil things should be applied to the service of God , ( Mic_2:7 ).(:note ) hire of a whore , or the price of a dog , into the house of the LORD thy God for any vow : for even both these [are ] abomination unto the LORD thy God . * Thou shalt not giue to vsurie to thy brother : as vsurie of money , vsurie of meate , vsurie of any thing that is put to vsurie . * Unto a (note :)This was permitted for a time because of the hardness of their hearts .(:note ) stranger thou mayest lend upon usury ; but unto thy brother thou shalt not lend upon usury : that the LORD thy God may If you show charity to your brother , God will declare his love toward you . bless thee in all that thou settest thine hand to in the land whither thou goest to possess it . * When thou shalt vowe a vowe vnto the Lord thy God , thou shalt not be slacke to paye it : for the Lorde thy God will surely require it of thee , and so it should be sinne vnto thee . * But when thou absteinest from vowing , it shalbe no sinne vnto thee . * That which is gone out of thy lips thou shalt (note :)If the vow is lawful and godly .(:note ) keep and perform ; [even ] a freewill offering , according as thou hast vowed unto the LORD thy God , which thou hast promised with thy mouth . * When thou comest into (note :)Being hired for labour .(:note ) thy neighbour 's vineyard , then thou mayest eat grapes thy fill at thine own pleasure ; but thou shalt not put [any ] in thy To bring home to your house . vessel . * When thou commest into thy neighbours corne thou mayest plucke the eares with thine hand , but thou shalt not moue a sickle to thy neighbours corne . * When a man hath taken a wife , and married her , and it come to pass that she find no favour in his eyes , because he hath found some uncleanness in her : (note :)By this God does not approve light divorcement , but permits it to avoid further inconvenience ; ( Mat_19:7 ).(:note ) then let him write her a bill of divorcement , and give [it ] in her hand , and send her out of his house . * And when she is departed out of his house , &amp ; gone her way , and marrie with an other man , * And if the latter husband hate her , &amp ; write her a letter of diuorcement , &amp ; put it in her hand , and send her out of his house , or if the latter man die which tooke her to wife : * Her former husband , which sent her away , may not take her again to be his wife , after that she is (note :)Seeing that by divorcing her he judged her to be unclean and defiled .(:note ) defiled ; for that [is ] abomination before the LORD : and thou shalt not cause the land to sin , which the LORD thy God giveth thee [for ] an inheritance . * When a man hath taken a new wife , he shall not go out to war , (note :)That they might learn to know one another 's conditions , and so afterward live in godly peace .(:note ) neither shall he be charged with any business : [but ] he shall be free at home one year , and shall cheer up his wife which he hath taken . * No man shall take the nether or the upper (note :)Not anything by which a man gets his living .(:note ) millstone to pledge : for he taketh [a man 's ] life to pledge . * If any man be found stealing any of his brethren of the children of Israel , and maketh marchandise of him , or selleth him , that thiefe shal die : so shalt thou put euil away from among you . * Take heede of the plague of leprosie , that thou obserue diligently , and doe according to all that the Priestes of the Leuites shall teach you : take heede ye doe as I commanded them . * Remember what the Lord thy God did vnto Miriam by the way after that ye were come out of Egypt . * When thou dost lend thy brother any thing , thou shalt not go (note :)As though you would appoint what to have , but shall receive what be may spare .(:note ) into his house to fetch his pledge . * But thou shalt stand without , and the man that borowed it of thee , shall bring the pledge out of the doores vnto thee . * Furthermore if it be a poore body , thou shalt not sleepe with his pledge , * In any case thou shalt deliver him the pledge again when the sun goeth down , that he may sleep in his own raiment , and bless thee : and it shall be righteousness unto thee (note :)Though he would be unthankful , yet God will not forget it .(:note ) before the LORD thy God . * Thou shalt not oppresse an hyred seruant that is needie and poore , neyther of thy brethren , nor of the stranger that is in thy land within thy gates . * Thou shalt giue him his hire for his day , neither shall the sunne goe downe vpon it : for he is poore , and therewith susteineth his life : lest he crye against thee vnto the Lorde , and it be sinne vnto thee . * The fathers shall not be put to death for the children , nor the children put to death for the fathers , but euery man shalbe put to death for his owne sinne . * Thou shalt not pervert the judgment of the (note :)Because the world valued these people least , therefore God has most care over them .(:note ) stranger , [nor ] of the fatherless ; nor take a widow 's raiment to pledge : * But remember that thou wast a seruant in Egypt , and howe the Lorde thy God deliuered thee thence . Therefore I commaund thee to doe this thing . * When thou cuttest downe thine haruest in thy fielde , and hast forgotten a sheafe in the fielde , thou shalt not goe againe to fet it , but it shalbe for the stranger , for the fatherles , &amp ; for the widowe : that the Lorde thy God may blesse thee in all the workes of thine hands . * When thou beatest thine oliue tree , thou shalt not goe ouer the boughes againe , but it shalbe for the stranger , for the fatherlesse , and for the widowe . * When thou gatherest thy vineyard , thou shalt not gather the grapes cleane after thee , but they shalbe for the stranger , for the fatherlesse , and for the widowe . * And thou shalt remember that thou wast (note :)God judged them not mindful of his beasts , unless they were beneficial to others .(:note ) a bondman in the land of Egypt : therefore I command thee to do this thing . * If there be a controversy between men , and they come unto judgment , (note :)Whether there is a plaintiff or not , the magistrates should try our faults , and punish according to the crime .(:note ) that [the judges ] may judge them ; then they shall justify the righteous , and condemn the wicked . * And it shall be , if the wicked man [be ] worthy to be beaten , that the judge shall cause him to lie down , (note :)When the crime does not deserve death .(:note ) and to be beaten before his face , according to his fault , by a certain number . * * Thou shalt not mousell the oxe that treadeth out the corne . * If brethren dwell together , and one of them die , and have no child , the wife of the dead shall not marry without unto a stranger : her (note :)Because the Hebrew word does not signify the natural brother , and the word that signifies a brother , is taken also for a kinsman : it seems that it does not mean that the natural brother should marry his brothers wife , but some other kindred that was in the degree that might marry .(:note ) husband 's brother shall go in unto her , and take her to him to wife , and perform the duty of an husband 's brother unto her . * And the first borne which she beareth , shall succeede in the name of his brother which is dead , that his name be not put out of Israel . * And if the man will not take his kinsewoman , then let his kinsewoman goe vp to the gate vnto the Elders , and say , My kinsman refuseth to rayse vp vnto his brother a name in Israel : hee will not doe the office of a kinsman vnto me . * Then the Elders of his citie shall call him , and commune with him : if he stand and say , I wil not take her , * Then shall his kinswoman come vnto him in the presence of the Elders , and loose his shooe from his foote , and spit in his face , and answere , and say , So shall it be done vnto that man , that will not buylde vp his brothers house . * And his name shall be called in Israel , The house of him whose shooe is put off . * * Then thou shalt cut off her hande : thine eye shall not spare her . * Thou shalt not haue in thy bagge two maner of weightes , a great and a small , * Neither shalt thou haue in thine house diuers measures , a great and a small : * But thou shalt haue a right &amp ; iust weight : a perfite and a iust measure shalt thou haue , that thy dayes may be lengthened in the land , which the Lord thy God giueth thee . * For all that doe such things , and all that doe vnrighteously , are abomination vnto the Lord thy God . * Remeber what Amalek did vnto thee by the way , when ye were come out of Egypt : * How he met thee by ye way , &amp ; smote ye hindmost of you , all that were feeble behind thee , when thou wast fainted &amp ; weary , &amp ; he feared not God . * Therefore it shall be , when the LORD thy God hath given thee rest from all thine enemies round about , in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee [for ] an inheritance to possess it , [that ] thou shalt blot out the (note :)This was partly accomplished by Saul , about 450 years later .(:note ) remembrance of Amalek from under heaven ; thou shalt not forget [it ]. * Also when thou shalt come into the lande which the Lord thy God giueth thee for inheritance , and shalt possesse it , &amp ; dwell therein , * * And thou shalt come vnto the Priest , that shall be in those dayes , and say vnto him , I acknowledge this day vnto the Lord thy God , that I am come vnto the countrey which the Lorde sware vnto our fathers for to giue vs . * Then the Priest shall take the basket out of thine hand , &amp ; set it downe before the altar of the Lord thy God . * And thou shalt speak and say before the LORD thy God , A (note :)Meaning , Jacob , who served 20 years in Syria .(:note ) Syrian ready to perish [was ] my father , and he went down into Egypt , and sojourned there with a few , and became there a nation , great , mighty , Only by God 's mercy , and not by their father 's deserving . and populous : * And the Egyptians vexed vs , and troubled vs , and laded vs with cruell bondage . * And when we (note :)Alleging the promises made to our fathers , Abraham , Isaac and Jacob .(:note ) cried unto the LORD God of our fathers , the LORD heard our voice , and looked on our affliction , and our labour , and our oppression : * And the Lord brought vs out of Egypt in a mightie hande , and a stretched out arme , with great terriblenesse , both in signes and wonders . * And he hath brought vs into this place , &amp ; hath giuen vs this land , euen a lande that floweth with milke and hony . * And now , behold , I have (note :)In token of a thankful heart , and mindful of this benefit .(:note ) brought the firstfruits of the land , which thou , O LORD , hast given me . And thou shalt set it before the LORD thy God , and worship before the LORD thy God : * And thou shalt rejoice in every good [thing ] which the LORD thy God hath given unto thee , and unto thine (note :)Signifying that God does not give us goods for ourselves only , but to be used also by those who are committed to our charge .(:note ) house , thou , and the Levite , and the stranger that [is ] among you . * When thou hast made an end of tithing all the tythes of thine increase , the thirde yeere , which is the yeere of tithing , and hast giuen it vnto the Leuite , to the stranger , to the fatherlesse , &amp ; to the widowe , that they may eate within thy gates , and be satisfied , * Then thou shalt (note :)Without hypocrisy .(:note ) say before the LORD thy God , I have brought away the hallowed things out of [mine ] house , and also have given them unto the Levite , and unto the stranger , to the fatherless , and to the widow , according to all thy commandments which thou hast commanded me : I have not Of malice and contempt . transgressed thy commandments , neither have I forgotten [them ]: * I have not eaten thereof in my mourning , neither have I taken away [ought ] thereof for [any ] unclean [use ], nor given [ought ] thereof for the dead : [but ] I have hearkened to the voice of the LORD my God , [and ] have done (note :)As far as my sinful nature would allow : or else as David and Paul say , there is not one just , ( Psa_14:3 ; Rom_3:10 ).(:note ) according to all that thou hast commanded me . * Looke downe from thine holy habitation , euen from heauen , and blesse thy people Israel , &amp ; the lande which thou hast giuen vs (as thou swarest vnto our fathers ) the land that floweth with milke and hony . * This day the LORD thy God hath commanded thee to do these statutes and judgments : thou shalt therefore keep and do them with (note :)With a good and simple conscience .(:note ) all thine heart , and with all thy soul . * Thou hast set vp the Lorde this day to be thy God , and to walke in his wayes , and to keepe his ordinances , and his commandements , and his lawes , and to hearken vnto his voyce . * * And to make thee high aboue al nations (which he hath made ) in praise , &amp ; in name , and in glory , &amp ; that thou shouldest be an holy people vnto the Lord thy God , as he hath said . * And Moses with the elders of Israel (note :)As God 's minister and charged with the same .(:note ) commanded the people , saying , Keep all the commandments which I command you this day . * And when ye shal passe ouer Iorden vnto the lande which the Lorde thy God giueth thee , thou shalt set thee vp great stones , and playster them with plaister , * * Therefore when ye shal passe ouer Iorden , ye shal set vp these stones , which I command you this daye in mount Ebal , and thou shalt plaister them with plaister . * And there shalt thou build an altar unto the LORD thy God , an altar of stones : thou shalt not lift up [any ] (note :)The altar should not be curiously wrought , because it would continue but for a time : for God would have only one altar in Judah .(:note ) iron [tool ] upon them . * Thou shalt make the altar of the Lord thy God of whole stones , and offer burnt offerings thereon vnto the Lord thy God . * And thou shalt offer peace offrings , &amp ; shalt eate there and reioyce before the Lord thy God : * And thou shalt write upon the stones all the words of this law (note :)That everyone may well read it , and understand it .(:note ) very plainly . * And Moses &amp ; the Priestes of the Leuites spake vnto all Israel , saying , Take heede &amp ; heare , O Israel : this day thou art become the people of the Lord thy God . * Thou (note :)This condition has bound you to it , that if you will be his people , you must keep his laws .(:note ) shalt therefore obey the voice of the LORD thy God , and do his commandments and his statutes , which I command thee this day . * And Moses charged the people the same day , saying , * These shall stand upon mount Gerizim to bless the people , when ye are come over Jordan ; Simeon , and Levi , and Judah , and Issachar , and (note :)Meaning , Ephraim and Manasseh .(:note ) Joseph , and Benjamin : * And these shall stand upon mount Ebal to (note :)Signifying , that if they would not obey God out of love , they would be made to obey out of fear .(:note ) curse ; Reuben , Gad , and Asher , and Zebulun , Dan , and Naphtali . * And the Leuites shal answere and say vnto all the men of Israel with a loude voyce , * Cursed [be ] the man that maketh [any ] graven or molten (note :)Under this he contains all the corruptions of God 's service , and the transgression of the first table .(:note ) image , an abomination unto the LORD , the work of the hands of the craftsman , and putteth [it ] in [a ] secret [place ]. And all the people shall answer and say , Amen . * Cursed [be ] he that (note :)Or , condemns ; and this applies to the second table .(:note ) setteth light by his father or his mother . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed [be ] he that removeth his neighbour 's (note :)He condemns all injuries and extortions .(:note ) landmark . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed [be ] he that maketh the (note :)Meaning , that does not help and counsel his neighbour .(:note ) blind to wander out of the way . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed be he that hindreth the right of the stranger , the fatherles , and the widow : And all the people shal say : So be it . * Cursed [be ] he that lieth with his father 's wife ; because he uncovereth his father 's (note :)In committing wickedness against him , ( Lev_20:11 ; Deu_22:30 ; Eze_22:10 )(:note ) skirt . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed be he that lieth with any beast : And all the people shal say : So be it . * Cursed be he that lyeth with his sister , the daughter of his father , or the daughter of his mother : And all the people shal say : So be it . * Cursed [be ] he that lieth with his (note :)Meaning , his wife 's mother .(:note ) mother in law . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed [be ] he that smiteth his neighbour (note :)For God that sees in secret , will avenge it .(:note ) secretly . And all the people shall say , Amen . * Cursed be he that taketh a reward to put to death innocent blood : And all the people shal say : So be it . * Cursed be he that confirmeth not all the wordes of this Law , to do them : And all the people shal say : So be it . * And it shall come to pass , if thou shalt hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God , to observe [and ] to do all his commandments which I command thee this day , that the LORD thy God will (note :)He will make you the most excellent of all people .(:note ) set thee on high above all nations of the earth : * And all these blessings shall come on thee , and (note :)When you think you are forsaken .(:note ) overtake thee , if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God . * Blessed [shalt ] thou [be ] in the (note :)You will live richly .(:note ) city , and blessed [shalt ] thou [be ] in the field . * Blessed [shall be ] the fruit (note :)Your children and succession .(:note ) of thy body , and the fruit of thy ground , and the fruit of thy cattle , the increase of thy kine , and the flocks of thy sheep . * Blessed shalbe thy basket and thy dough . * Blessed [shalt ] thou [be ] when thou (note :)All your enterprises will have good success .(:note ) comest in , and blessed [shalt ] thou [be ] when thou goest out . * The LORD shall cause thine enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face : they shall come out against thee one way , and flee before thee (note :)Meaning many ways .(:note ) seven ways . * The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses , and in all that thou settest thine (note :)God will bless us , if we do our duty and are not idle .(:note ) hand unto ; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee . * The Lorde shal make thee an holy people vnto himself , as he hath sworne vnto thee , if thou shalt keepe the commandements of the Lord thy God , and walke in his wayes . * And all people of the earth shall see that thou art (note :)In that he is your God , and you are his people .(:note ) called by the name of the LORD ; and they shall be afraid of thee . * And the Lord shal make thee plenteous in goods , in the fruite of thy body , and in the fruite of thy cattell , and in the fruite of thy grounde , in the land which the Lorde sware vnto thy fathers , to giue thee . * The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure , the (note :)For nothing in the earth is profitable but when God sends his blessings from heaven .(:note ) heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season , and to bless all the work of thine hand : and thou shalt lend unto many nations , and thou shalt not borrow . * And the Lord shal make thee the head , &amp ; not the tayle , &amp ; thou shalt be aboue onely , and shalt not bee beneath , if thou obey the commandements of the Lord thy God , which I command thee this day , to keepe and to do them . * But thou shalt not decline from any of the wordes , which I command you this day , either to the right hand or to the left , to goe after other gods to serue them . * But if thou wilt not obey the voyce of the Lord thy God , to keepe &amp ; to do all his commandementes and his ordinances , which I command thee this day , then al these curses shal come vpon thee , and ouertake thee . * Cursed shalt thou bee in the towne , and cursed also in the fielde . * Cursed shal thy basket be , &amp ; thy dough . * Cursed shall be the fruite of thy body , and the fruite of thy land , the increase of thy kine , &amp ; the flockes of thy sheepe . * Cursed shalt thou be when thou commest in , and cursed also when thou goest out . * The Lorde shall sende vpon thee cursing , trouble , &amp ; shame , in all that which thou settest thine hand to do , vntil thou be destroyed , and perish quickely , because of the wickednesse of thy workes whereby thou hast forsaken me . * The Lord shall make the pestilence cleaue vnto thee , vntill he hath consumed thee from the land , whither thou goest to possesse it . * The Lorde shall smite thee with a consumption , and with the feuer , and with a burning ague , and with feruent heate , &amp ; with the sworde , and with blasting , and with the mildew , &amp ; they shal pursue thee vntill thou perish . * And thy heaven that [is ] over thy head shall be (note :)It will give you no more moisture than if it were of brass .(:note ) brass , and the earth that is under thee [shall be ] iron . * The Lorde shal giue thee for the rayne of thy land , dust &amp ; ashes : euen from heauen shal it come downe vpon thee , vntil thou be destroyed . * The LORD shall cause thee to be smitten before thine enemies : thou shalt go out one way against them , and flee seven ways before them : and shalt be (note :)Some read , you shall be a terror and fear , when they hear how God has plagued you .(:note ) removed into all the kingdoms of the earth . * And thy (note :)You will be cursed both in your life and in your death : for the burial is a testimony of the resurrection a sign you will lack because of your wickedness .(:note ) carcase shall be meat unto all fowls of the air , and unto the beasts of the earth , and no man shall fray [them ] away . * The Lord wil smite thee with the botch of Egypt , &amp ; with the emeroids , &amp ; with the skab , and with the itche , that thou canst not be healed . * And ye Lorde shal smite thee with madnes , and with blindnes , and with astonying of heart . * And thou shalt grope at noonday , as the (note :)In things most evident and clear you will lack discretion and judgment .(:note ) blind gropeth in darkness , and thou shalt not prosper in thy ways : and thou shalt be only oppressed and spoiled evermore , and no man shall save [thee ]. * Thou shalt betroth a wife , &amp ; another man shal lye with her : thou shalt builde an house , and shalt not dwell therein : thou shalt plant a vineyard , and shalt not eate the fruite . * Thine oxe shalbe slayne before thine eyes , and thou shalt not eate thereof : thine asse shall be violently taken away before thy face , and shal not be restored to thee : thy sheepe shalbe giuen vnto thine enemies , and no man shal rescue them for thee . * Thy sons and thy daughters [shall be ] given unto another people , and thine eyes (note :)When they will return from their captivity .(:note ) shall look , and fail [with longing ] for them all the day long : and [there shall be ] no might in thine hand . * The fruite of thy land and all thy labours shall a people , which thou knowest not , eate , and thou shalt neuer but suffer wrong , and violence always : * So that thou shalt be madde for the sight which thine eyes shal see . * The Lord shal smite thee in the knees , and in the thighes , with a sore botche , that thou canst not be healed : euen from the sole of thy foote vnto the top of thine head . * The LORD shall bring thee , and thy (note :)As he did Manasseh , Joiakim , Zedekiah and others .(:note ) king which thou shalt set over thee , unto a nation which neither thou nor thy fathers have known ; and there shalt thou serve other gods , wood and stone . * And thou shalt be a wonder , a prouerbe and a common talke among all people , whither the Lord shall carie thee . * Thou shalt carie out much seede into the fielde , and shalt gather but litle in : for the grashoppers shall destroy it . * Thou shalt plant a vineyard , and dresse it , but shalt neither drinke of the wine , nor gather the grapes : for the wormes shall eate it . * Thou shalt haue Oliue trees in all thy coastes , but shalt not anoynt thy selfe with the oyle : for thine oliues shall fall . * Thou shalt beget sonnes , and daughters , but shalt not haue them : for they shall goe into captiuitie . * All thy trees and fruit of thy land (note :)Under one kind he contains all the vermin , which destroy the fruit of the land : and this is an evident token of God 's curse .(:note ) shall the locust consume . * The straunger that is among you , shall clime aboue thee vp on hie , and thou shalt come downe beneath alow . * He shall lend thee , and thou shalt not lend him : he shalbe the head , &amp ; thou shalt be ye tayle . * Moreouer , all these curses shall come vpon thee , and shall pursue thee and ouertake thee , till thou be destroyed , because thou obeyedst not the voyce of the Lorde thy God , to keepe his commaundements , and his ordinances , which he commanded thee : * And they shalbe vpon thee for signes &amp ; wonders , and vpon thy seede for euer , * Because thou seruedst not the Lorde thy God with ioyfulnesse and with a good heart for the abundance of all things . * Therefore thou shalt serue thine enemies which the Lord shal send vpon thee , in hunger &amp ; in thirst , and in nakednesse , and in neede of all things ? And he shall put a yoke of yron vpon thy necke vntill he haue destroyed thee . * The Lord shall bring a nation vpon thee from farre , euen from the ende of the world , flying swift as an Egle : a nation whose tongue thou shalt not vnderstand : * A nation of a fierce countenance , which will not regarde the person of the olde , nor haue compassion of the yong . * The same shall eate the fruit of thy cattell , and the fruite of thy land vntill thou be destroyed , and he shall leaue thee neyther wheate , wine , nor oyle , neither the increase of thy kyne , nor the flockes of thy sheepe , vntill he haue brought thee to nought . * And he shall besiege thee in all thy cities , vntill thine hie and strong walles fall downe , wherein thou trustedst in all the lande : and hee shall besiege thee in all thy cities throughout all thy lande , which the Lorde thy God hath giuen thee . * And thou shalt eate the fruite of thy bodie : euen the flesh of thy sonnes and thy daughters , which the Lorde thy God hath giuen thee , during the siege &amp ; straitnesse wherein thine enemie shall inclose thee : * So that the man (that is tender and exceeding deintie among you ) shalbe grieued at his brother , and at his wife , that lieth in his bosome , and at the remnant of his children , which hee hath yet left , * For feare of giuing vnto any of them of the flesh of his children , whom he shall eate , because he hath nothing left him in that siege , and straitnesse , wherewith thine enemie shall besiege thee in all thy cities . * The tender and delicate (note :)As came to pass in the days of Joram king of Israel , ( 2Ki_6:28 ) and when the Romans besieged Jerusalem .(:note ) woman among you , which would not adventure to set the sole of her foot upon the ground for delicateness and tenderness , her eye shall be evil toward the husband of her bosom , and toward her son , and toward her daughter , * And toward her (note :)Hunger will so bite her , that she will be ready to eat her child before it is delivered .(:note ) young one that cometh out from between her feet , and toward her children which she shall bear : for she shall eat them for want of all [things ] secretly in the siege and straitness , wherewith thine enemy shall distress thee in thy gates . * If thou wilt not observe to do (note :)For he that offends in one , is guilty of all , ( Jam_2:10 )(:note ) all the words of this law that are written in this book , that thou mayest fear this glorious and fearful name , THE LORD THY GOD ; * The the Lord wil make thy plagues wonderfull , and the plagues of thy seede , euen great plagues and of long continuance , and sore diseases , and of long durance . * Moreouer , he will bring vpon thee all the diseases of Egypt , whereof thou wast afraide , and they shall cleaue vnto thee . * Also every sickness , and every plague , which [is ] not (note :)Declaring , that God has infinite means to plague the wicked , besides those that are ordinary or written .(:note ) written in the book of this law , them will the LORD bring upon thee , until thou be destroyed . * And ye shall be left few in nomber , where ye were as the starres of heauen in multitude , because thou wouldest not obey the voyce of the Lord thy God . * And as the Lord hath reioyced ouer you , to doe you good , and to multiply you , so he will reioyce ouer you , to destroy you , and bring you to nought , and ye shalbe rooted out of the land , whither thou goest to possesse it . * And the LORD shall (note :)Signifying that it is a singular gift from God to be in a place where we may worship God purely and declare our faith and religion .(:note ) scatter thee among all people , from the one end of the earth even unto the other ; and there thou shalt serve other gods , which neither thou nor thy fathers have known , [even ] wood and stone . * Also among these nations thou shalt finde no rest , neither shall the sole of thy foote haue rest : for the Lord shal giue thee there a trembling heart , and looking to returne till thine eyes fall out , and a sorowfull minde . * And thy life shall hang before thee , and thou shalt feare both night and day , and shalt haue none assurance of thy life . * In the morning thou shalt say , Woulde God it were euening , and at the euening thou shalt say , Would God it were morning , for ye feare of thine heart , which thou shalt feare , and for the sight of thine eyes , which thou shalt see . * And the LORD shall bring thee into Egypt again with (note :)Because they were unmindful of that miracle , when the sea made room for them to pass through .(:note ) ships , by the way whereof I spake unto thee , Thou shalt see it no more again : and there ye shall be sold unto your enemies for bondmen and bondwomen , and no man shall buy [you ]. * These [are ] the (note :)That is , the articles , or conditions .(:note ) words of the covenant , which the LORD commanded Moses to make with the children of Israel in the land of Moab , beside the covenant which he made with them in At the first giving of the law , which was forty years earlier . Horeb . * And Moses called all Israel , and said vnto them , Ye haue seene all that the Lorde did before your eyes in the lande of Egypt vnto Pharaoh and vnto all his seruantes , and vnto all his lande , * The (note :)The proofs of my power .(:note ) great temptations which thine eyes have seen , the signs , and those great miracles : * Yet the LORD hath not (note :)He shows that it is not in man 's power to understand the mysteries of God if it is not given to him from above .(:note ) given you an heart to perceive , and eyes to see , and ears to hear , unto this day . * And I haue led you fourty yere in the wildernesse : your clothes are not waxed olde vpon you , neyther is thy shooe waxed olde vpon thy foote . * Ye have not eaten (note :)Made by man 's art , but manna , which is called the bread of angels .(:note ) bread , neither have ye drunk wine or strong drink : that ye might know that I [am ] the LORD your God . * After , ye came vnto this place , and Sihon King of Heshbon , and Og King of Bashan came out against vs vnto battell , and we slewe them , * And tooke their lande , and gaue it for an inheritance vnto the Reubenites , and to the Gadites , and to the halfe tribe of Manasseh . * Keepe therefore the wordes of this couenant and doe them , that ye may prosper in all that ye shall doe . * Ye stand this day all of you before the LORD your (note :)Who knows your hearts , and therefore you may not think to conceal from him .(:note ) God ; your captains of your tribes , your elders , and your officers , [with ] all the men of Israel , * Your children , your wiues , and thy stranger that is in thy campe from the hewer of thy wood , vnto the drawer of thy water , * That thou shouldest (note :)Alluding to them , that when they made a sure covenant , divided a beast in two , and past between the parts divided , ( Gen_15:10 ).(:note ) enter into covenant with the LORD thy God , and into his oath , which the LORD thy God maketh with thee this day : * For to establish thee this day a people vnto him selfe , and that he may be vnto thee a God , as he hath said vnto thee , and as he hath sworne vnto thy fathers , Abraham , Izhak , and Iaakob . * Neither make I this couenant , &amp ; this othe with you onely , * But with [him ] that standeth here with us this day before the LORD our God , and also with [him ] (note :)Meaning , their posterity .(:note ) that [is ] not here with us this day : * For ye knowe , how we haue dwelt in the land of Egypt , and how we passed thorowe the middes of the nations , which ye passed by . * And ye haue seene their abominations and their idoles (wood , and stone , siluer and golde ) which were among them , * Lest there should be among you man , or woman , or family , or tribe , whose heart turneth away this day from the LORD our God , to go [and ] serve the gods of these nations ; lest there should be among you (note :)Such sin , as the bitter fruit of it might choke and destroy you .(:note ) a root that beareth gall and wormwood ; * And it come to pass , when he heareth the words of this curse , that he bless himself in his heart , saying , I shall have peace , though I walk in the imagination of mine heart , to add (note :)For as he that is thirsty desires to drink much so he that follows his appetites seeks by all means and yet cannot be satisfied .(:note ) drunkenness to thirst : * The Lord will not be mercifull vnto him , but then the wrath of the Lorde and his ielousie shall smoke against that man , and euery curse that is written in this booke , shall light vpon him , and the Lorde shall put out his name from vnder heauen , * And the Lord shall separate him vnto euil out of all the tribes of Israel , according vnto all the curses of the couenant , that is written in the booke of this Lawe . * So that the (note :)God 's plagues on those who rebel against him will be so strong , that all ages will be astonished .(:note ) generation to come of your children that shall rise up after you , and the stranger that shall come from a far land , shall say , when they see the plagues of that land , and the sicknesses which the LORD hath laid upon it ; * (For all that land shall burne with brimstone and salt : it shall not be sowen , nor bring forth , nor any grasse shall growe therein , like as in the ouerthrowing of Sodom , and Gomorah , Admah , and Zeboim , which the Lord ouerthrewe in his wrath and in his anger ) * Then shall all nations say , Wherefore hath the Lorde done thus vnto this lande ? how fierce is this great wrath ? * And they shall answere , Because they haue forsaken the couenant of the Lorde God of their fathers , which he had made with them , when he brought them out of the land of Egypt , * And went and serued other gods and worshipped them : euen gods which they knewe not , and which had giuen them nothing , * Therefore the wrath of the Lorde waxed hot against this land , to bring vpon it euery curse that is written in this booke . * And ye Lord hath rooted them out of their land in anger , and in wrath , and in great indignation , and hath cast them into another land , as appeareth this day . * The (note :)Moses by this proves their curiosity , who seek those things that are only known to God : and their negligence who do not regard that which God has revealed to them , as the law .(:note ) secret [things belong ] unto the LORD our God : but those [things which are ] revealed [belong ] unto us and to our children for ever , that [we ] may do all the words of this law .

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