
Seeker Overlay ON

* I , then , the prisoner of the Lord , beseech you to walk worthy of the calling , by which you are called , * with all humility and meekness ; with long-suffering , bearing with one another in love ; * earnestly endeavoring to preserve the unity of the Spirit by the bond of peace . * There is one body , and one Spirit ; as also you have been called with one hope of your calling ; * one Lord , one faith , one immersion ; * one God and Father of all , who is over all , and with all , and in you all . * But to every one of us is given favor , according to the measure of the gift of Christ ; * (Wherefore he says , Having ascended on high , he captivated captivity , and gave gifts to men . * Now , this-Having ascended , what is it , unless , indeed , he had also descended into the lower parts of the earth ! * He who descended , is the same who also ascended far above all the heavens , that he might fill all things .) * And he gave some , indeed , Apostles ; and some , prophets ; and some , evangelists ; and some , pastors and teachers ; * for the adapting of these saints to the work of the ministry , for the edification of the body of Christ : * till we all come to the unity of the faith , and of the knowledge of the Son of God ; to a perfect man ; to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ : * that we may be no longer children , tossed and carried about with every wind of doctrine by the sight of men , and by cunning craftiness for an artifice of seduction : * but speaking the truth in love , we may all grow into him , who is the Head , even Christ ; * from whom , the whole body , fitly joined together , and compacted by the service of every joint , according to the energy , in the proportion of each particular part , effects the increase of the body , for the edification of itself in love .

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