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* But ye have not so learned (5627 ) Christ ; * If so be that ye have heard (5656 ) him , and have been taught (5681 ) by him , as the truth is (5748 ) in Jesus : * That ye put off (5641 ) concerning the former conversation the old man , which is corrupt (5746 ) according to the deceitful lusts ; * And be renewed (5745 ) in the spirit of your mind ; * And that ye put on (5670 ) the new man , which after God is created (5685 ) in righteousness and true holiness . * Wherefore putting away (5642 ) lying , speak (5720 ) every man truth with his neighbour : for we are (5748 ) members one of another . * Be ye angry (5744 ), and sin (5720 ) not : let not the sun go down (5720 ) upon your wrath : * Neither give (5720 ) place to the devil . * Let him that stole (5723 ) steal (5720 ) no more : but rather let him labour (5720 ), working (5740 ) with his hands the thing which is good , that he may have (5725 ) to give (5721 ) to him that needeth (5723 ). * Let no corrupt communication proceed (5737 ) out of your mouth , but that which is good to the use of edifying , that it may minister (5632 ) grace unto the hearers (5723 ). * And grieve (5720 ) not the holy Spirit of God , whereby ye are sealed (5681 ) unto the day of redemption . * Let all bitterness , and wrath , and anger , and clamour , and evil speaking , be put away (5682 ) from you , with all malice : * And be (5737 ) ye kind one to another , tenderhearted , forgiving (5740 ) one another , even as God for Christs sake hath forgiven (5662 ) you .

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