
rotherham@Exodus:19:1 @ In the third month, by the coming forth of the sons of Israel out of the land of Egypt, on this day, came they into the desert of Sinai:

rotherham@Exodus:19:2 @ then was it that they brake up out of Rephidim and came into the desert of Sinai, and encamped in the desert, yea Israel encamped there before the mountain.

rotherham@Exodus:19:3 @ And when Moses, had gone up unto God, then called Yahweh unto him out of the mountain saying, Thus, shalt thou say to the house of Jacob, And tell the sons of Israel:

rotherham@Exodus:19:4 @ Ye, have seen what I did unto the Egyptians, And how I bare you upon wings of eagles, And brought you in unto myself:

rotherham@Exodus:19:5 @ Now, therefore, if ye will, indeed hearken, to my voice, And keep my covenant, Then shall ye be mine as a treasure beyond all the peoples, For, mine, is all the earth;

rotherham@Exodus:19:6 @ But, ye, shall be mine, As a kingdom of priests, And a holy nation. These, are the words, which thou shalt speak unto the sons of Israel.

rotherham@Exodus:19:7 @ Then came Moses, and called for the elders of the people, and put before them all these words which Yahweh had commanded him.

rotherham@Exodus:19:8 @ And all the people responded together and said, All that Yahweh hath spoken, will we do. And Moses took back the words of the people, unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:19:9 @ Then said Yahweh unto Moses: Lo! I, am coming unto thee in the veiling of cloud, in order that the people may hear when I speak with thee, moreover also, that, in thee, they may trust to times age-abiding. Then told Moses the words of the people unto Yahweh.

rotherham@Exodus:19:10 @ And Yahweh said unto Moses Go unto the people, and thou shalt hallow them to-day, and to-morrow, and they shall wash their clothes;

rotherham@Exodus:19:11 @ and shall be ready, by the third day, for on the third day, will Yahweh come down in the sight of all the people upon Mount Sinai.

rotherham@Exodus:19:12 @ So then thou shalt set bounds for the people round about saying, Take heed to yourselvesthat ye go not up into the mountain, nor touch the boundary thereof, whosoever toucheth the mountain, shall, surely die.

rotherham@Exodus:19:13 @ No hand shall touch it but he shall be, surely stoned, or be, surely shot, whether beast or man, he shall not live, When the rams horn soundeth, they themselves, shall come up within the mount,

rotherham@Exodus:19:14 @ Then Moses went down out of the mount, unto the people, and hallowed the people, and they washed their clothes.

rotherham@Exodus:19:15 @ And he said unto the people, Be ready, by the third day, do not approach a woman.

rotherham@Exodus:19:16 @ And it came to pass on the third day, when the morning had come, that there were thunderings and lightnings, and a heavy cloud upon the mount, and the sound of a horn, loud exceedingly, and all the people who were in the camp trembled.

rotherham@Exodus:19:17 @ And Moses brought forth the people, to meet God out of the camp, and they stationed themselves in the lower part of the mount,

rotherham@Exodus:19:18 @ And Mount Sinai, smoked, all over, because Yahweh had come down thereon in fire, and the smoke thereof went up as the smoke of a furnace, and all the mountain trembled exceedingly.

rotherham@Exodus:19:19 @ And as oft as the sound of the horn went on and became exceeding loud, Moses, spake and, God, responded to him with a voice.

rotherham@Exodus:19:20 @ Thus came Yahweh down upon Mount Sinai unto the top of the mount, and Yahweh called Moses unto the top of the mount, and Moses went up.

rotherham@Exodus:19:21 @ Then said Yahweh unto Moses, Go dawn adjure the people, lest they press through unto Yahweh to see, and so there fall from among them a multitude.

rotherham@Exodus:19:22 @ Yea, even the priests who do approach unto Yahweh, must hallow themselves, lest Yahweh break in upon them.

rotherham@Exodus:19:23 @ And Moses said unto Yahweh, The people cannot come up into Mount Sinai, for, thou thyself, hast adjured us saying: Set bounds to the mountain and hallow it.

rotherham@Exodus:19:24 @ And Yahweh said unto him Away, down, then shalt thou come up, thou and Aaron with thee, but as for the priests and the people, let it not be that they press through to come up unto Yahweh lest he break in upon them.

rotherham@Exodus:19:25 @ So Moses went down unto the people, and said

rotherham@Exodus:20:1 @ And God spake all these words saying:

rotherham@Exodus:20:2 @ I, am Yahweh thy God, who have brought thee forth out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of servants:

rotherham@Exodus:20:3 @ Thou shalt not have other gods besides me.

rotherham@Exodus:20:4 @ Thou shalt not make to thee an image, or any form, that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:

rotherham@Exodus:20:5 @ thou shalt not bow thyself down to them nor be led to serve them For, I, Yahweh, thy God, am a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquity of fathers upon sons, unto three and, unto four, of them that hate me;

rotherham@Exodus:20:6 @ but shewing lovingkindness unto thousands, of them who love me, and keep my commandments.

rotherham@Exodus:20:7 @ Thou shalt not utter the name of Yahweh thy God for falsehood, for Yahweh will not let him go unpunished who uttereth his name for falsehood.

rotherham@Exodus:20:8 @ Remember the sabbath day, to hallow it:

rotherham@Exodus:20:9 @ Six days, shalt thou labour, and do all thy work;

rotherham@Exodus:20:10 @ but, the seventh day, is a sabbath unto Yahweh thy God, thou shalt do no work, thou nor thy son nor thy daughter nor thy servant, nor thy handmaid, nor thy beast, nor thy sojourner who is within thy gates,

rotherham@Exodus:20:11 @ For, in six days, did Yahweh make the heavens and the earth,

rotherham@Exodus:20:12 @ Honour thy father, and thy mother, that thy days may be prolonged upon the soil, which Yahweh thy God is about to give unto thee.

rotherham@Exodus:20:13 @ Thou shalt not commit murder.

rotherham@Exodus:20:14 @ Thou shalt not commit adultery.

rotherham@Exodus:20:15 @ Thou shalt not steal.

rotherham@Exodus:20:16 @ Thou shalt not testify against thy neighbour, with a witness of falsehood.

rotherham@Exodus:20:17 @ Thou shalt not covet, thy neighbours house, thou shalt not covet, thy neighbours wife nor his servant nor his handmaid nor his ox, nor his ass, nor anything which belongeth unto thy neighbour.

rotherham@Exodus:20:18 @ And, all the people, were witnessing the voices and the torches, and the sound of the horn, and the mountain smoking, so then the people were struck with awe and shrank back, and stood afar off.

rotherham@Exodus:20:19 @ And they said unto Moses, Speak, thou, with us, and we will hear, but let not God speak with us lest we die.

rotherham@Exodus:20:20 @ And Moses said unto the people Do not fear, for to the end he may prove you, hath God come, and to the end the reverence of him may be upon your faces that ye sin not.

rotherham@Exodus:20:21 @ So then the people stood afar off, and, Moses, approached unto the thick gloom, where God was.

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