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* And , when the people saw that Moses delayed to come down out of the mount , the people gathered themselves together unto Aaron , and said unto him Up , make for us gods , who shall go before us , for , as for this Mosesthe man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt , we know not what hath befallen him . * And Aaron said unto them , Break off the rings of gold , which are in the ears of your wives , of your sons and of your daughters , and bring them unto me . * And all the people of themselves brake off the rings of gold which were in their ears , and brought them unto Aaron . * And he received at their hand , and fashioned it with a graving tool , and made it a molten calf , and they said These , are thy gods , O Israel , who brought thee up , out of the land of Egypt . * And when Aaron saw it , he built an altar before it . And Aaron made proclamation , and said , A festival to Yahweh , to-morrow ! * So they rose up early , on the morrow , and offered ascending-sacrifices , and brought near peace-offerings , and the people sat down , to eat and to drink , and then rose upto make sport ! * Then spake Yahweh unto Moses Go get thee down , for thy people whom thou hast brought up out of the land of Egypt have corrupted themselves . * They have turned aside quickly out of the way which I commanded them , they have made for themselvesa molten calf , and have bowed themselves down thereto mad have sacrificed thereto , and have said . These , are thy gods , O Israel , who have brought thee up out of the land of Egypt . * So then Yahweh said unto Moses , I have looked on this people , and lo ! a stiff-necked people , it is . * Now , therefore , let me alone , that mine anger may kindle upon them and that I may consume them , and may make of thee * And Moses besought the face of Yahweh his God , and said Wherefore , O Yahweh , should thine anger kindle upon thy people , whom thou hast brought forth out of the land of Egypt with great might and with a firm hand ? * Wherefore should the Egyptians speak saying For mischief , hath he taken them forth to slay them among the mountains , and to make an end of them from off the face of the ground ? Turn thou from the kindling of thine anger , and be grieved over the calamity to thy people , * Have remembrance of Abraham , of Isaac and of Israel thy servants to whom thou didst swear by thyself , and didst speak unto them saying , I will multiply your seed , as the stars of the heavens , and , all this land of which I have spoken , will I give to your seed , and they shall inherit it to times age-abiding . * So then Yahweh was grieved , over the calamitywhich he had spoken of inflicting on his people . * And Moses turned and went down out of the mount , with the two tables of testimony in his hand , tables written upon on both sides of them , on this and on that , were they written . * Now as for , the tables , the work of God , they were , and , as for the writing , the writing of God , it was , graven upon the tables . * And Joshua heard the noise of the people as they shouted , so he said unto Moses The noise of war , in the camp ! * But he said Not the noise of the cry of heroism , nor yet the noise of the cry of defeat , the noise of alternate song , do I hear . * And it came to pass when he drew near unto the camp , and saw the calf , and the dancings , that the anger of Moses kindled , and he cast out of his hands the tables , and brake them in pieces at the foot of the mountain . * Then took he the calf which they had made and burned it in the fire , and ground it till it became powder , and strewed it on the face of the waters , and made the sons of Israel drink . * And Moses said unto Aaron , What had this people done to thee , that thou shouldst have brought upon them a great sin ? * And Aaron said , Let not the anger of my lord kindle , thou thyself , knowest the people , that ready for mischief , they are . * So they said to me Make for us gods , who shall go before us , for , as for this , Mosesthe man who brought us up out of the land of Egypt , we know not what hath befallen him . * And I said to them Whosoever hath gold let them break it off , So they gave it to me , and I cast it into the fire , and there came outthis calf . * And Moses saw the people , that unbridled , they were , for Aaron had given them the rein , for a whispering , among their enemies . * So Moses took his stand in the gate of the camp , and said Who is for Yahweh ? To me ! Then gathered unto him all the sons of Levi , * And he said to them Thus , saith Yahweh , God of Israel , Put ye every man his sword upon his thigh , pass through and return from gate to gate in the camp , and slay ye every man his brother and every man his friend and every man his neighbour . * So the sons of Levi did , according to the word of Moses , and there fell from among the people on that day , about three thousand men . * And Moses said Install yourselves to-day , unto Yahweh , yea every man for his son and for his brother , so will he bestow upon you to-day , a blessing . * And it came to pass , on the morrow , that Moses said unto the people , Ye , have sinned a great sin , Now , therefore , I must go up unto Yahweh , Peradventure , I may make a propitiatory-covering for your sin . * So Moses returned unto Yahweh , and said , Oh now , this people hath sinned a great sin , and they have made for themselvesgods of gold . * Now , therefore , if thou wilt forgive their sin , but if not , blot me I pray thee out of thy book , which thou hast written , * And Yahweh said unto Moses , Him who hath sinned against me , must I blot out of my book .

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