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* In the tenth year , in the tenth month , in the twelfth day of the month , the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt , and prophesy against him , and against all Egypt : * Speak , and say , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , I am against thee , Pharaoh king of Egypt , the great dragon that lieth in the midst of his rivers , which hath said , My river is mine own , and I have made it for myself . * But I will put hooks in thy jaws , and I will cause the fish of thy rivers to stick unto thy scales , and I will bring thee up out of the midst of thy rivers , and all the fish of thy rivers shall stick unto thy scales . * And I will leave thee thrown into the wilderness , thee and all the fish of thy rivers : thou shalt fall upon the open fields ; thou shalt not be brought together , nor gathered : I have given thee for meat to the beasts of the field and to the fowls of the heaven . * And all the inhabitants of Egypt shall know that I am the LORD , because they have been a staff of reed to the house of Israel . * When they took hold of thee by thy hand , thou didst break , and rend all their shoulder : and when they leaned upon thee , thou brakest , and madest all their loins to be at a stand . * Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , I will bring a sword upon thee , and cut off man and beast out of thee . * And the land of Egypt shall be desolate and waste ; and they shall know that I am the LORD : because he hath said , The river is mine , and I have made it . * Behold , therefore I am against thee , and against thy rivers , and I will make the land of Egypt utterly waste and desolate , from the tower of Syene even unto the border of Ethiopia . * No foot of man shall pass through it , nor foot of beast shall pass through it , neither shall it be inhabited forty years . * And I will make the land of Egypt desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate , and her cities among the cities that are laid waste shall be desolate forty years : and I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and will disperse them through the countries . * Yet thus saith the Lord GOD ; At the end of forty years will I gather the Egyptians from the people whither they were scattered : * And I will bring again the captivity of Egypt , and will cause them to return into the land of Pathros , into the land of their habitation ; and they shall be there a base kingdom . * It shall be the basest of the kingdoms ; neither shall it exalt itself any more above the nations : for I will diminish them , that they shall no more rule over the nations . * And it shall be no more the confidence of the house of Israel , which bringeth their iniquity to remembrance , when they shall look after them : but they shall know that I am the Lord GOD . * And it came to pass in the seven and twentieth year , in the first month , in the first day of the month , the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon caused his army to serve a great service against Tyrus : every head was made bald , and every shoulder was peeled : yet had he no wages , nor his army , for Tyrus , for the service that he had served against it : * Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , I will give the land of Egypt unto Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon ; and he shall take her multitude , and take her spoil , and take her prey ; and it shall be the wages for his army . * I have given him the land of Egypt for his labour wherewith he served against it , because they wrought for me , saith the Lord GOD . * In that day will I cause the horn of the house of Israel to bud forth , and I will give thee the opening of the mouth in the midst of them ; and they shall know that I am the LORD . * The word of the LORD came again unto me , saying , * Son of man , prophesy and say , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Howl ye , Woe worth the day ! * For the day is near , even the day of the LORD is near , a cloudy day ; it shall be the time of the heathen . * And the sword shall come upon Egypt , and great pain shall be in Ethiopia , when the slain shall fall in Egypt , and they shall take away her multitude , and her foundations shall be broken down . * Ethiopia , and Libya , and Lydia , and all the mingled people , and Chub , and the men of the land that is in league , shall fall with them by the sword . * Thus saith the LORD ; They also that uphold Egypt shall fall ; and the pride of her power shall come down : from the tower of Syene shall they fall in it by the sword , saith the Lord GOD . * And they shall be desolate in the midst of the countries that are desolate , and her cities shall be in the midst of the cities that are wasted . * And they shall know that I am the LORD , when I have set a fire in Egypt , and when all her helpers shall be destroyed . * In that day shall messengers go forth from me in ships to make the careless Ethiopians afraid , and great pain shall come upon them , as in the day of Egypt : for , lo , it cometh . * Thus saith the Lord GOD ; I will also make the multitude of Egypt to cease by the hand of Nebuchadrezzar king of Babylon . * He and his people with him , the terrible of the nations , shall be brought to destroy the land : and they shall draw their swords against Egypt , and fill the land with the slain . * And I will make the rivers dry , and sell the land into the hand of the wicked : and I will make the land waste , and all that is therein , by the hand of strangers : I the LORD have spoken it . * Thus saith the Lord GOD ; I will also destroy the idols , and I will cause their images to cease out of Noph ; and there shall be no more a prince of the land of Egypt : and I will put a fear in the land of Egypt . * And I will make Pathros desolate , and will set fire in Zoan , and will execute judgments in No . * And I will pour my fury upon Sin , the strength of Egypt ; and I will cut off the multitude of No . * And I will set fire in Egypt : Sin shall have great pain , and No shall be rent asunder , and Noph shall have distresses daily . * The young men of Aven and of Pibeseth shall fall by the sword : and these cities shall go into captivity . * At Tehaphnehes also the day shall be darkened , when I shall break there the yokes of Egypt : and the pomp of her strength shall cease in her : as for her , a cloud shall cover her , and her daughters shall go into captivity . * Thus will I execute judgments in Egypt : and they shall know that I am the LORD . * And it came to pass in the eleventh year , in the first month , in the seventh day of the month , that the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , I have broken the arm of Pharaoh king of Egypt ; and , lo , it shall not be bound up to be healed , to put a roller to bind it , to make it strong to hold the sword . * Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , I am against Pharaoh king of Egypt , and will break his arms , the strong , and that which was broken ; and I will cause the sword to fall out of his hand . * And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and will disperse them through the countries . * And I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon , and put my sword in his hand : but I will break Pharaoh 's arms , and he shall groan before him with the groanings of a deadly wounded man . * But I will strengthen the arms of the king of Babylon , and the arms of Pharaoh shall fall down ; and they shall know that I am the LORD , when I shall put my sword into the hand of the king of Babylon , and he shall stretch it out upon the land of Egypt . * And I will scatter the Egyptians among the nations , and disperse them among the countries ; and they shall know that I am the LORD . * And it came to pass in the eleventh year , in the third month , in the first day of the month , that the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , speak unto Pharaoh king of Egypt , and to his multitude ; Whom art thou like in thy greatness ? * Behold , the Assyrian was a cedar in Lebanon with fair branches , and with a shadowing shroud , and of an high stature ; and his top was among the thick boughs . * The waters made him great , the deep set him up on high with her rivers running round about his plants , and sent out her little rivers unto all the trees of the field . * Therefore his height was exalted above all the trees of the field , and his boughs were multiplied , and his branches became long because of the multitude of waters , when he shot forth . * All the fowls of heaven made their nests in his boughs , and under his branches did all the beasts of the field bring forth their young , and under his shadow dwelt all great nations . * Thus was he fair in his greatness , in the length of his branches : for his root was by great waters . * The cedars in the garden of God could not hide him : the fir trees were not like his boughs , and the chesnut trees were not like his branches ; nor any tree in the garden of God was like unto him in his beauty . * I have made him fair by the multitude of his branches : so that all the trees of Eden , that were in the garden of God , envied him . * Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD ; Because thou hast lifted up thyself in height , and he hath shot up his top among the thick boughs , and his heart is lifted up in his height ; * I have therefore delivered him into the hand of the mighty one of the heathen ; he shall surely deal with him : I have driven him out for his wickedness . * And strangers , the terrible of the nations , have cut him off , and have left him : upon the mountains and in all the valleys his branches are fallen , and his boughs are broken by all the rivers of the land ; and all the people of the earth are gone down from his shadow , and have left him . * Upon his ruin shall all the fowls of the heaven remain , and all the beasts of the field shall be upon his branches : * To the end that none of all the trees by the waters exalt themselves for their height , neither shoot up their top among the thick boughs , neither their trees stand up in their height , all that drink water : for they are all delivered unto death , to the nether parts of the earth , in the midst of the children of men , with them that go down to the pit . * Thus saith the Lord GOD ; In the day when he went down to the grave I caused a mourning : I covered the deep for him , and I restrained the floods thereof , and the great waters were stayed : and I caused Lebanon to mourn for him , and all the trees of the field fainted for him . * I made the nations to shake at the sound of his fall , when I cast him down to hell with them that descend into the pit : and all the trees of Eden , the choice and best of Lebanon , all that drink water , shall be comforted in the nether parts of the earth . * They also went down into hell with him unto them that be slain with the sword ; and they that were his arm , that dwelt under his shadow in the midst of the heathen . * To whom art thou thus like in glory and in greatness among the trees of Eden ? yet shalt thou be brought down with the trees of Eden unto the nether parts of the earth : thou shalt lie in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword . This is Pharaoh and all his multitude , saith the Lord GOD . * And it came to pass in the twelfth year , in the twelfth month , in the first day of the month , that the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , take up a lamentation for Pharaoh king of Egypt , and say unto him , Thou art like a young lion of the nations , and thou art as a whale in the seas : and thou camest forth with thy rivers , and troubledst the waters with thy feet , and fouledst their rivers . * Thus saith the Lord GOD ; I will therefore spread out my net over thee with a company of many people ; and they shall bring thee up in my net . * Then will I leave thee upon the land , I will cast thee forth upon the open field , and will cause all the fowls of the heaven to remain upon thee , and I will fill the beasts of the whole earth with thee . * And I will lay thy flesh upon the mountains , and fill the valleys with thy height . * I will also water with thy blood the land wherein thou swimmest , even to the mountains ; and the rivers shall be full of thee . * And when I shall put thee out , I will cover the heaven , and make the stars thereof dark ; I will cover the sun with a cloud , and the moon shall not give her light . * All the bright lights of heaven will I make dark over thee , and set darkness upon thy land , saith the Lord GOD . * I will also vex the hearts of many people , when I shall bring thy destruction among the nations , into the countries which thou hast not known . * Yea , I will make many people amazed at thee , and their kings shall be horribly afraid for thee , when I shall brandish my sword before them ; and they shall tremble at every moment , every man for his own life , in the day of thy fall . * For thus saith the Lord GOD ; The sword of the king of Babylon shall come upon thee . * By the swords of the mighty will I cause thy multitude to fall , the terrible of the nations , all of them : and they shall spoil the pomp of Egypt , and all the multitude thereof shall be destroyed . * I will destroy also all the beasts thereof from beside the great waters ; neither shall the foot of man trouble them any more , nor the hoofs of beasts trouble them . * Then will I make their waters deep , and cause their rivers to run like oil , saith the Lord GOD . * When I shall make the land of Egypt desolate , and the country shall be destitute of that whereof it was full , when I shall smite all them that dwell therein , then shall they know that I am the LORD . * This is the lamentation wherewith they shall lament her : the daughters of the nations shall lament her : they shall lament for her , even for Egypt , and for all her multitude , saith the Lord GOD . * It came to pass also in the twelfth year , in the fifteenth day of the month , that the word of the LORD came unto me , saying , * Son of man , wail for the multitude of Egypt , and cast them down , even her , and the daughters of the famous nations , unto the nether parts of the earth , with them that go down into the pit . * Whom dost thou pass in beauty ? go down , and be thou laid with the uncircumcised . * They shall fall in the midst of them that are slain by the sword : she is delivered to the sword : draw her and all her multitudes . * The strong among the mighty shall speak to him out of the midst of hell with them that help him : they are gone down , they lie uncircumcised , slain by the sword . * Asshur is there and all her company : his graves are about him : all of them slain , fallen by the sword : * Whose graves are set in the sides of the pit , and her company is round about her grave : all of them slain , fallen by the sword , which caused terror in the land of the living . * There is Elam and all her multitude round about her grave , all of them slain , fallen by the sword , which are gone down uncircumcised into the nether parts of the earth , which caused their terror in the land of the living ; yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit . * They have set her a bed in the midst of the slain with all her multitude : her graves are round about him : all of them uncircumcised , slain by the sword : though their terror was caused in the land of the living , yet have they borne their shame with them that go down to the pit : he is put in the midst of them that be slain . * There is Meshech , Tubal , and all her multitude : her graves are round about him : all of them uncircumcised , slain by the sword , though they caused their terror in the land of the living . * And they shall not lie with the mighty that are fallen of the uncircumcised , which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war : and they have laid their swords under their heads , but their iniquities shall be upon their bones , though they were the terror of the mighty in the land of the living . * Yea , thou shalt be broken in the midst of the uncircumcised , and shalt lie with them that are slain with the sword . * There is Edom , her kings , and all her princes , which with their might are laid by them that were slain by the sword : they shall lie with the uncircumcised , and with them that go down to the pit . * There be the princes of the north , all of them , and all the Zidonians , which are gone down with the slain ; with their terror they are ashamed of their might ; and they lie uncircumcised with them that be slain by the sword , and bear their shame with them that go down to the pit . * Pharaoh shall see them , and shall be comforted over all his multitude , even Pharaoh and all his army slain by the sword , saith the Lord GOD . * For I have caused my terror in the land of the living : and he shall be laid in the midst of the uncircumcised with them that are slain with the sword , even Pharaoh and all his multitude , saith the Lord GOD . * Again the word of the LORD came unto me , saying ,

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