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* Son of man , set thy face against mount Seir Se #iyr #, and prophesy against it , * And say unto it , Thus saith the Lord GOD ; Behold , O mount Seir Se #iyr #, I am against thee , and I will stretch out mine hand against thee , and I will make thee most desolate . * I will lay thy cities waste , and thou shalt be desolate , and thou shalt know that I am the LORD . * Because thou hast had a perpetual hatred , and hast shed the blood of the children of Israel by the force of the sword in the time of their calamity , in the time that their iniquity had an end : * Therefore , as I live , saith the Lord GOD , I will prepare thee unto blood , and blood shall pursue thee : sith thou hast not hated blood , even blood shall pursue thee . * Thus will I make mount Seir most desolate , and cut off from it him that passeth out and him that returneth .

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