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* The singers : the children of Asaph , an hundred twenty and eight . * The children of the porters : the children of Shallum , the children of Ater , the children of Talmon , the children of Akkub , the children of Hatita , the children of Shobai , in all an hundred thirty and nine . * The Nethinims : the children of Ziha , the children of Hasupha , the children of Tabbaoth , * The children of Keros , the children of Siaha , the children of Padon , * The children of Lebanah , the children of Hagabah , the children of Akkub , * The children of Hagab , the children of Shalmai , the children of Hanan , * The children of Giddel , the children of Gahar , the children of Reaiah , * The children of Rezin , the children of Nekoda , the children of Gazzam , * The children of Uzza , the children of Paseah , the children of Besai , * The children of Asnah , the children of Mehunim , the children of Nephusim , * The children of Bakbuk , the children of Hakupha , the children of Harhur , * The children of Bazluth , the children of Mehida , the children of Harsha , * The children of Barkos , the children of Sisera , the children of Thamah , * The children of Neziah , the children of Hatipha . * The children of Solomon 's servants : the children of Sotai , the children of Sophereth , the children of Peruda , * The children of Jaalah , the children of Darkon , the children of Giddel , * The children of Shephatiah , the children of Hattil , the children of Pochereth of Zebaim , the children of Ami . * All the Nethinims , and the children of Solomon 's servants , were three hundred ninety and two . * And these were they which went up from Telmelah , Telharsa , Cherub , Addan , and Immer : but they could not shew their father 's house , and their seed , whether they were of Israel : * The children of Delaiah , the children of Tobiah , the children of Nekoda , six hundred fifty and two . * And of the children of the priests : the children of Habaiah , the children of Koz , the children of Barzillai ; which took a wife of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite , and was called after their name : * These sought their register among those that were reckoned by genealogy , but they were not found : therefore were they , as polluted , put from the priesthood . * And the Tirshatha said unto them , that they should not eat of the most holy things , till there stood up a priest with Urim and with Thummim . * The whole congregation together was forty and two thousand three hundred and threescore , * Beside their servants and their maids , of whom there were seven thousand three hundred thirty and seven : and there were among them two hundred singing men and singing women . * Their horses were seven hundred thirty and six ; their mules , two hundred forty and five ; * Their camels , four hundred thirty and five ; their asses , six thousand seven hundred and twenty . * And some of the chief of the fathers , when they came to the house of the LORD which is at Jerusalem , offered freely for the house of God to set it up in his place : * They gave after their ability unto the treasure of the work threescore and one thousand drams of gold , and five thousand pound of silver , and one hundred priests ' garments . * So the priests , and the Levites , and some of the people , and the singers , and the porters , and the Nethinims , dwelt in their cities , and all Israel in their cities .

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