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* Now I say (5719 ), That the heir , as long as he is (5748 ) a child , differeth (5719 ) nothing from a servant , though he be (5752 ) lord of all ; * But is (5748 ) under tutors and governors until the time appointed of the father . * Even so we , when we were (5713 ) children , were (5713 ) in bondage (5772 ) under the elements of the world : * But when the fulness of the time was come (5627 ), God sent forth (5656 ) his Son , made (5637 ) of a woman , made (5637 ) under the law , * To redeem (5661 ) them that were under the law , that we might receive (5632 ) the adoption of sons . * And because ye are (5748 ) sons , God hath sent forth (5656 ) the Spirit of his Son into your hearts , crying (5723 ), Abba , Father .

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