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* This I say (5719 ) then , Walk (5720 ) in the Spirit , and ye shall not fulfil (5661 ) the lust of the flesh . * For the flesh lusteth (5719 ) against the Spirit , and the Spirit against the flesh : and these are contrary (5736 ) the one to the other : so that ye cannot do (5725 ) the things that ye would (5725 ). * But if ye be led (5743 ) of the Spirit , ye are (5748 ) not under the law . * Now the works of the flesh are (5748 ) manifest , which are (5748 ) these ; Adultery , fornication , uncleanness , lasciviousness , * Idolatry , witchcraft , hatred , variance , emulations , wrath , strife , seditions , heresies , * Envyings , murders , drunkenness , revellings , and such like : of the which I tell you before (5719 ), as I have also told you in time past (5627 ), that they which do (5723 ) such things shall not inherit (5692 ) the kingdom of God .

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