
rwp@Galatians:6:9 @{Let us not be weary in well-doing} (\to kalon poiountes mˆ enkak“men\). Volitive present active subjunctive of \enkake“\ on which see strkjv@Luke:18:1; strkjv@2Thessalonians:3:13; strkjv@2Corinthians:4:1,16| (\en, kakos\, evil). Literally, "Let us not keep on giving in to evil while doing the good." It is curious how prone we are to give in and to give out in doing the good which somehow becomes prosy or insipid to us. {In due season} (\kair“i idi“i\). Locative case, "at its proper season" (harvest time). Cf. strkjv@1Timothy:2:6; strkjv@6:15| (plural). {If we faint not} (\mˆ ekluomenoi\). Present passive participle (conditional) with \mˆ\. Cf. \eklu“\, old verb to loosen out. Literally, "not loosened out," relaxed, exhausted as a result of giving in to evil (\enkak“men\).

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