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* And when the morning arose , then the angels hastened Lot , saying , Arise , take thy wife , and thy two daughters , which are here ; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city . * And while he lingered , the men laid hold upon his hand , and upon the hand of his wife , and upon the hand of his two daughters ; the LORD being merciful unto him : and they brought him forth , and set him without the city . * And it came to pass , when they had brought them forth abroad , that he said , Escape for thy life ; look not behind thee , neither stay thou in all the plain ; escape to the mountain , lest thou be consumed . * And Lot said unto them , Oh , not so , my Lord : * Behold now , thy servant hath found grace in thy sight , and thou hast magnified thy mercy , which thou hast shewed unto me in saving my life ; and I cannot escape to the mountain , lest some evil take me , and I die : * Behold now , this city is near to flee unto , and it is a little one mits #ar #: Oh , let me escape thither , (is it not a little one mits #ar #? ) and my soul shall live . * And he said unto him , See , I have accepted thee concerning this thing also , that I will not overthrow this city , for the which thou hast spoken . * Haste thee , escape thither ; for I cannot do any thing till thou be come thither . Therefore the name of the city was called Zoar Tso #ar #.

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