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* Now Abraham was old , well advanced in age ; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in all things . * So Abraham said to the oldest servant of his house , who ruled over all that he had , "Please , put your hand under my thigh , * and I will make you swear by the LORD , the God of heaven and the God of the earth , that you will not take a wife for my son from the daughters of the Canaanites , among whom I dwell ; * but you shall go to my country and to my family , and take a wife for my son Isaac ." * And the servant said to him , "Perhaps the woman will not be willing to follow me to this land . Must I take your son back to the land from which you came ?" * But Abraham said to him , "Beware that you do not take my son back there . * The LORD God of heaven , who took me from my father 's house and from the land of my family , and who spoke to me and swore to me , saying , "To your descendants I give this land ,' He will send His angel before you , and you shall take a wife for my son from there . * And if the woman is not willing to follow you , then you will be released from this oath ; only do not take my son back there ." * So the servant put his hand under the thigh of Abraham his master , and swore to him concerning this matter . * Then the servant took ten of his master 's camels and departed , for all his master 's goods were in his hand . And he arose and went to Mesopotamia , to the city of Nahor . * And he made his camels kneel down outside the city by a well of water at evening time , the time when women go out to draw water . * Then he said , "O LORD God of my master Abraham , please give me success this day , and show kindness to my master Abraham . * Behold , here I stand by the well of water , and the daughters of the men of the city are coming out to draw water . * Now let it be that the young woman to whom I say , "Please let down your pitcher that I may drink ,' and she says , "Drink , and I will also give your camels a drink '--let her be the one You have appointed for Your servant Isaac . And by this I will know that You have shown kindness to my master ." * And it happened , before he had finished speaking , that behold , Rebekah , who was born to Bethuel , son of Milcah , the wife of Nahor , Abraham 's brother , came out with her pitcher on her shoulder . * Now the young woman was very beautiful to behold , a virgin ; no man had known her . And she went down to the well , filled her pitcher , and came up . * And the servant ran to meet her and said , "Please let me drink a little water from your pitcher ." * So she said , "Drink , my lord ." Then she quickly let her pitcher down to her hand , and gave him a drink . * And when she had finished giving him a drink , she said , "I will draw water for your camels also , until they have finished drinking ." * Then she quickly emptied her pitcher into the trough , ran back to the well to draw water , and drew for all his camels . * And the man , wondering at her , remained silent so as to know whether the LORD had made his journey prosperous or not . * So it was , when the camels had finished drinking , that the man took a golden nose ring weighing half a shekel , and two bracelets for her wrists weighing ten shekels of gold , * and said , "Whose daughter are you ? Tell me , please , is there room in your father 's house for us to lodge ?" * So she said to him , "I am the daughter of Bethuel , Milcah 's son , whom she bore to Nahor ." * Moreover she said to him , "We have both straw and feed enough , and room to lodge ." * Then the man bowed down his head and worshiped the LORD . * And he said , "Blessed be the LORD God of my master Abraham , who has not forsaken His mercy and His truth toward my master . As for me , being on the way , the LORD led me to the house of my master 's brethren ." * So the young woman ran and told her mother 's household these things . * Now Rebekah had a brother whose name was Laban , and Laban ran out to the man by the well . * So it came to pass , when he saw the nose ring , and the bracelets on his sister 's wrists , and when he heard the words of his sister Rebekah , saying , "Thus the man spoke to me ," that he went to the man . And there he stood by the camels at the well . * And he said , "Come in , O blessed of the LORD ! Why do you stand outside ? For I have prepared the house , and a place for the camels ." * Then the man came to the house . And he unloaded the camels , and provided straw and feed for the camels , and water to wash his feet and the feet of the men who were with him . * Food was set before him to eat , but he said , "I will not eat until I have told about my errand ." And he said , "Speak on ." * So he said , "I am Abraham 's servant . * The LORD has blessed my master greatly , and he has become great ; and He has given him flocks and herds , silver and gold , male and female servants , and camels and donkeys .

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