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* And Joseph was brought down to Egypt ; and Potiphar , an (note :)See ( Gen_37:36 ).(:note ) officer of Pharaoh , captain of the guard , an Egyptian , bought him of the hands of the Ishmeelites , which had brought him down thither . * And the (note :)The favour of God is the fountain of all prosperity .(:note ) LORD was with Joseph , and he was a prosperous man ; and he was in the house of his master the Egyptian . * And his master sawe that the Lorde was with him , and that the Lorde made all that hee did to prosper in his hande . * And Joseph found grace in his sight , and he served him : and he made him (note :)Because God prospered him : and so he made religion serve his profit .(:note ) overseer over his house , and all [that ] he had he put into his hand . * And it came to pass from the time [that ] he had made him overseer in his house , and over all that he had , that the LORD (note :)The wicked are blessed by the company of the godly .(:note ) blessed the Egyptian 's house for Joseph 's sake ; and the blessing of the LORD was upon all that he had in the house , and in the field . * And he left all that he had in Joseph 's hand ; (note :)For he was sure that everything would prosper : therefore he ate and drank and did not worry .(:note ) and he knew not ought he had , save the bread which he did eat . And Joseph was [a ] goodly [person ], and well favoured . * And it came to pass after these things , that his master 's wife cast her eyes upon Joseph ; and she said , (note :)In this word he declares the purpose she was working towards .(:note ) Lie with me . * But he refused and said to his masters wife , Beholde , my master knoweth not what he hath in the house with me , but hath committed all that he hath to mine hande . * [There is ] none greater in this house than I ; neither hath he kept back any thing from me but thee , because thou [art ] his wife : how then can I do this great wickedness , and sin against (note :)The fear of God preserved him against her continual temptations .(:note ) God ? * And albeit she spake to Ioseph day by day , yet he hearkened not vnto her , to lye with her , or to be in her company . * Then on a certaine day Ioseph entred into the house , to doe his businesse : and there was no man of the houshold in the house : * Therefore she caught him by his garmet , saying , Sleepe with me : but he left his garment in her hand and fled , and got him out . * Nowe when she sawe that he had left his garment in her hand , and was fled out , * That she called unto the men of her house , and spake unto them , saying , See , he hath brought in an Hebrew unto us to mock us ; he came in unto me to lie with me , and I (note :)This declares that in which lack of restraint exists and to this is joined extreme impudency and deceit .(:note ) cried with a loud voice : * And when he heard that I lift vp my voice and cryed , he left his garment with me , and fled away , and got him out . * So she layde vp his garment by her , vntill her lord came home . * Then she tolde him according to these words , saying , The Ebrew seruat , which thou hast brought vnto vs , came in to me , to mocke me . * But assoone as I lift vp my voyce &amp ; cried , he left his garment with me , and fled out . * Then when his master heard the wordes of his wife , which she tolde him , saying , After this maner did thy seruant to me , his anger was kindled . * And Joseph 's master took him , and put him into the (note :)His bad treatment in the prison may be gathered from ( Psa_105:18 ).(:note ) prison , a place where the king 's prisoners [were ] bound : and he was there in the prison . * But the Lorde was with Ioseph , and shewed him mercie , and got him fauour in the sight of the master of the prison . * And the keeper of the prison committed to Joseph 's hand all the prisoners that [were ] in the prison ; and (note :)That is , nothing was done without his commandment .(:note ) whatsoever they did there , he was the doer [of it ]. * And the keeper of the prison looked vnto nothing that was vnder his hande , seeing that the Lord was with him : for whatsoeuer he did , the Lorde made it to prosper . * And after these things , the butler of the King of Egypt and his baker offended their lorde the King of Egypt . * And Pharaoh was angrie against his two officers , against the chiefe butler , and against the chiefe baker . * And he put them in ward in the house of the captain of the guard , into the prison , the place where (note :)God works in many wonderful ways to deliver his own .(:note ) Joseph [was ] bound . * And the chiefe steward gaue Ioseph charge ouer them , and he serued them : and they continued a season in warde . * And they dreamed a dream both of them , each man his dream in one night , (note :)That is , every dream had his interpretation , as the thing afterward declared .(:note ) each man according to the interpretation of his dream , the butler and the baker of the king of Egypt , which [were ] bound in the prison . * And when Ioseph came in vnto them in the morning , and looked vpon them , beholde , they were sad . * And he asked Pharaohs officers , that were with him in his masters warde , saying , Wherefore looke ye so sadly to day ? * And they said unto him , We have dreamed a dream , and [there is ] no interpreter of it . And Joseph said unto them , (note :)Cannot God raise up such as shall interpret such things .(:note ) [Do ] not interpretations [belong ] to God ? tell me [them ], I pray you . * So the chiefe butler tolde his dreame to Ioseph , and said vnto him , In my dreame , behold , a vine was before me , * And in the vine were three branches , and as it budded , her flowre came foorth : and the clusters of grapes waxed ripe . * And I had Pharaohs cup in mine hande , and I tooke the grapes , &amp ; wrung the into Pharaohs cup , and I gaue the cup into Pharaohs hand . * And Joseph said unto him , This (note :)He was reassured by the spirit of God , that his interpretation was true .(:note ) [is ] the interpretation of it : The three branches [are ] three days : * Within three dayes shall Pharaoh lift vp thine head , &amp ; restore thee vnto thine office , and thou shalt giue Pharaohs cup into his hand after the olde maner , when thou wast his butler . * But think on me when it shall be well with thee , and shew kindness , I pray thee , unto me , and (note :)He does not refuse the method of deliverance which he thought God had appointed .(:note ) make mention of me unto Pharaoh , and bring me out of this house : * For I was stollen away by theft out of the land of the Ebrewes , and here also haue I done nothing , wherefore they should put mee in the dungeon . * When the chief baker saw that the interpretation was good , he said unto Joseph , I also [was ] in my dream , and , behold , [I had ] three (note :)That is made of white twigs , or as some read , baskets full of holes .(:note ) white baskets on my head : * And in the vppermost basket there was of all maner baken meates for Pharaoh : and the birdes did eate them out of the basket vpon mine head . * And Joseph answered and said , (note :)He shows that the ministers of God should not conceal that , which God reveals to them .(:note ) This [is ] the interpretation thereof : The three baskets [are ] three days : * Within three dayes shall Pharaoh take thine head from thee , &amp ; shal hang thee on a tree , and the birdes shall eate thy flesh from off thee . * And it came to pass the third day , [which was ] Pharaoh 's (note :)Which was an occasion to appoint his officers , and to examine those who were in prison .(:note ) birthday , that he made a feast unto all his servants : and he lifted up the head of the chief butler and of the chief baker among his servants . * And he restored the chiefe butler vnto his butlershippe , who gaue the cup into Pharaohs hande , * But he hanged the chiefe baker , as Ioseph had interpreted vnto them . * Yet the chiefe butler did not remember Ioseph , but forgate him . * And it came to pass at the end of two full years , that Pharaoh (note :)This dream was not so much for Pharaoh , as is was a means to deliver Joseph and to provide for God 's Church .(:note ) dreamed : and , behold , he stood by the river . * And loe , there came out of the riuer seuen goodly kine and fatfleshed , and they fedde in a medowe : * And loe , seuen other kine came vp after the out of the riuer , euill fauoured &amp ; leane fleshed , and stoode by the other kine vpon the brinke of the riuer . * And the euilfauoured and leane fleshed kine did eate vp the seuen welfauoured and fatte kine : so Pharaoh awoke . * And he slept and dreamed the (note :)All these means God used to deliver his servant , and to bring him into favour and authority .(:note ) second time : and , behold , seven ears of corn came up upon one stalk , rank and good . * And loe , seuen thinne eares , and blasted with the east winde , sprang vp after them : * And the thinne eares deuoured the seuen ranke and full eares . then Pharaoh awaked , and loe , it was a dreame . * And it came to pass in the morning that his spirit was (note :)This fear was enough to teach him that this vision was sent by God .(:note ) troubled ; and he sent and called for all the magicians of Egypt , and all the wise men thereof : and Pharaoh told them his dream ; but [there was ] none that could interpret them unto Pharaoh . * Then spake the chief butler unto Pharaoh , saying , I (note :)He confesses his fault against the king before he speaks of Joseph .(:note ) do remember my faults this day : * Pharaoh being angrie with his seruantes , put me in ward in the chiefe stewards house , both me and the chiefe baker . * Then we dreamed a dreame in one night , both I , and he : we dreamed eche man according to the interpretation of his dreame . * And there was with vs a yong man , an Ebrew , seruant vnto the chiefe steward , whome when we told , he declared our dreames to vs , to euery one he declared according to his dreame . * And as he declared vnto vs , so it came to passe : for he restored me to mine office , &amp ; hanged him . * Then Pharaoh sent and called (note :)The wicked seek the prophets of God in their time of need , while in their prosperity they abhor them .(:note ) Joseph , and they brought him hastily out of the dungeon : and he shaved [himself ], and changed his raiment , and came in unto Pharaoh . * Then Pharaoh sayde to Ioseph , I haue dreamed a dreame , and no man can interprete it , and I haue hearde say of thee , that when thou hearest a dreame , thou canst interprete it . * And Joseph answered Pharaoh , saying , (note :)As though he would say if I interpret your dream it comes from God , and not from me .(:note ) [It is ] not in me : God shall give Pharaoh an answer of peace . * And Pharaoh sayde vnto Ioseph , In my dreame , beholde , I stoode by the banke of the riuer : * And lo , there came vp out of the riuer seuen fat fleshed , and welfauoured kine , and they fedde in the medowe . * Also loe , seuen other kine came vp after them , poore and very euilfauoured , and leanefleshed : I neuer sawe the like in all the lande of Egypt , for euilfauoured . * And the leane and euilfauoured kine did eate vp the first seuen fat kine . * And when they had eaten them vp , it could not be knowen that they had eaten them , but they were still as euilfauoured , as they were at the beginning : so did I awake . * Moreouer I sawe in my dreame , and beholde , seuen eares sprang out of one stalke , full and faire . * And lo , seuen eares , withered , thinne , and blasted with the East winde , sprang vp after them . * And the thinne eares deuoured the seuen good eares . Nowe I haue tolde the soothsayers , and none can declare it vnto me . * And Joseph said unto Pharaoh , (note :)Both his dreams have the same message .(:note ) The dream of Pharaoh [is ] one : God hath shewed Pharaoh what he [is ] about to do . * The seuen good kine are seuen yeres , and the seuen good eares are seuen yeeres : this is one dreame . * Likewise the seuen thinne and euilfauoured kine , that came out after them , are seuen yeeres : and the seuen emptie eares blasted with the East winde , are seuen yeeres of famine . * This is the thing which I haue saide vnto Pharaoh , that God hath shewed vnto Pharaoh , what he is about to doe . * Beholde , there come seuen yeeres of great plentie in all the land of Egypt . * Againe , there shall arise after them seuen yeeres of famine , so that all the plentie shall be forgotten in the land of Egypt , and the famine shall consume the land : * Neither shall the plentie bee knowen in the land , by reason of this famine that shall come after : for it shalbe exceeding great . * And therefore the dreame was doubled vnto Pharaoh the second time , because the thing is established by God , &amp ; God hasteth to performe it . * Now therefore let Pharaoh (note :)The office of a true prophet is not only to show the evils to come , but also the remedies for the same .(:note ) look out a man discreet and wise , and set him over the land of Egypt . * Let Pharaoh make and appoynt officers ouer the lande , and take vp the fift part of the land of Egypt in the seuen plenteous yeeres . * Also let them gather all the foode of these good yeeres that come , and lay vp corne vnder the hand of Pharaoh for foode , in the cities , and let them keepe it . * So the foode shall be for the prouision of the lande , against the seuen yeeres of famine , which shalbe in the lande of Egypt , that the land perish not by famine . * And the saying pleased Pharaoh and all his seruants . * And Pharaoh said unto his servants , Can we find [such a one ] as this [is ], a man in whom the (note :)No one should be honoured who does not have gifts from God fitting for the same .(:note ) Spirit of God [is ]? * The Pharaoh said to Ioseph , For as much as God hath shewed thee all this , there is no man of vnderstanding , or of wisedome like vnto thee . * Thou shalt be over my house , and according unto thy (note :)Some read , «the people will kill your mouth », that is obey you in all things .(:note ) word shall all my people be ruled : only in the throne will I be greater than thou . * Moreouer Pharaoh said to Ioseph , Behold , I haue set thee ouer all the land of Egypt . * And Pharaoh tooke off his ring from his hand , and put it vpon Iosephs hand , and arayed him in garments of fine linnen , and put a golden cheyne about his necke . * And he made him to ride in the second chariot which he had ; and they cried before him , (note :)Or «Abrech »: a sign of honour ; a word some translate , tender father or father of the king , or kneel down .(:note ) Bow the knee : and he made him [ruler ] over all the land of Egypt . * Againe Pharaoh saide vnto Ioseph , I am Pharaoh , and without thee shall no man lift vp his hand or his foote in all the land of Egypt . * And Pharaoh called Iosephs name Zaphnath-paaneah : and he gaue him to wife Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On . then went Ioseph abrode in the land of Egypt . * And Joseph [was ] (note :)His age is mentioned both to show that his authority came from God , and also that he endured imprisonment and exile for twelve years or more .(:note ) thirty years old when he stood before Pharaoh king of Egypt . And Joseph went out from the presence of Pharaoh , and went throughout all the land of Egypt . * And in the seuen plenteous yeres the earth brought foorth store . * And hee gathered vp all the foode of the seuen plenteous yeeres , which were in the lande of Egypt , and layde vp foode in the cities : the foode of the fielde , that was round about euery citie , layde he vp in the same . * So Ioseph gathered wheate , like vnto the sand of the sea in multitude out of measure , vntill he left numbring : for it was without number . * Now vnto Ioseph were borne two sonnes (before the yeeres of famine came ) which Asenath the daughter of Poti-pherah prince of On bare vnto him . * And Joseph called the name of the firstborn Manasseh : For God , [said he ], hath made me forget all my toil , and all my (note :)Nonetheless , his father 's house was the true Church of God : yet the company of the wicked and prosperity caused him to forget it .(:note ) father 's house . * Also hee called the name of the second , Ephraim : For God , sayde he hath made me fruitfull in the land of mine affliction . * So the seuen yeeres of the plentie that was in the land of Egypt were ended . * Then began the seuen yeeres of famine to come , according as Ioseph had saide : and the famine was in all landes , but in all the land of Egypt was bread . * At the length all the lande of Egypt was affamished , and the people cryed to Pharaoh for bread ; Pharaoh said vnto all the Egyptians , Goe to Ioseph : what he sayth to you , doe ye . * When the famine was vpon all the land , Ioseph opened all places , wherein the store was , and solde vnto the Egyptians : for the famine waxed sore in the land of Egypt . * And all countries came to Egypt to bye corne of Ioseph , because the famine was sore in all landes . * Now when (note :)This story shows plainly that all things are governed by God 's providence for the profit of his Church .(:note ) Jacob saw that there was corn in Egypt , Jacob said unto his sons , Why do ye As men destitute of counsel . look one upon another ?

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