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* For it became (5707 ) him , for whom are all things , and by whom are all things , in bringing (5631 ) many sons unto glory , to make the captain of their salvation perfect (5658 ) through sufferings . * For both he that sanctifieth (5723 ) and they who are sanctified (5746 ) are all of one : for which cause he is not ashamed (5736 ) to call (5721 ) them brethren , * Saying (5723 ), I will declare (5692 ) thy name unto my brethren , in the midst of the church will I sing praise (5692 ) unto thee . * And again , I will (5704 ) put my trust (5756 ) in him . And again , Behold (5628 ) I and the children which God hath given (5656 ) me . * Forasmuch then as the children are partakers (5758 ) of flesh and blood , he also himself likewise took part (5627 ) of the same ; that through death he might destroy (5661 ) him that had (5723 ) the power of death , that is (5748 ), the devil ; * And deliver (5661 ) them who through fear of death were (5713 ) all their lifetime (5721 ) subject to bondage .

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