
rwp@Hebrews:4:14 @{A great high priest} (\archierea megan\). The author now takes up the main argument of the Epistle, already alluded to in strkjv@1:3; strkjv@2:17f.; strkjv@3:1|, the priestly work of Jesus as superior to that of the Levitical line (4:14-12:3|). Jesus is superior to the prophets (1:1-3|), to angels (1:4-2:18|), to Moses (3:1-4:13|), he has already shown. Here he only terms Jesus "great" as high priest (a frequent adjective with high priest in Philo) but the superiority comes out as he proceeds. {Who hath passed through the heavens} (\dielˆluthota tous ouranous\). Perfect active participle of \dierchomai\, state of completion. Jesus has passed through the upper heavens up to the throne of God (1:3|) where he performs his function as our high priest. This idea will be developed later (6:19f.; strkjv@7:26-28; strkjv@9:11f.,24f.|). {Jesus the Son of God} (\Iˆsoun ton huion tou theou\). The human name linked with his deity, clinching the argument already made (1:1-4:13|). {Let us hold fast our confession} (\krat“men tˆs homologias\). Present active volitive subjunctive of \krate“\, old verb (from \kratos\, power), with genitive to cling to tenaciously as here and strkjv@6:18| and also with the accusative (2Thessalonians:2:15; strkjv@Colossians:2:19|). "Let us keep on holding fast." This keynote runs all through the Epistle, the exhortation to the Jewish Christians to hold on to the confession (3:1|) of Christ already made. Before making the five points of Christ's superior priestly work (better priest than Aaron, strkjv@5:1-7:25|; under a better covenant, strkjv@8:1-13|; in a better sanctuary, strkjv@9:1-12|; offering a better sacrifice, strkjv@9:13-10:18|; based on better promises, strkjv@10:19-12:3|), the author gives a double exhortation (4:14-16|) like that in strkjv@2:1-4| to hold fast to the high priest (14f.|) and to make use of him (16|).

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