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* Therefore , let us leave behind the stam (note :)elementary (:note ) ikkarim of the dvarim hahora 'ah about Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach , and let us move ahead to hitbagrut maturity , not laying again a foundation of teshuvah from ma 'asim metim dead works and emunah toward Hashem , * of divrei torah on tevilot and tohorah and s 'mikhat yadayim and of the Techiyas HaMesim and of Mishpat Olam . * And this we shall do , im yirtzeh Hashem (note :)if the L-rd wills (:note ). THE DANGER OF TURNING AWAY FROM REBBE , MELECH HAMOSHIACH AND BECOMING A SHMAD DEFECTOR : THE DANGER OF AN APOSTATE MESSIANIC JEW NEVER AGAIN BEING A BAAL TESHUVA

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