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* Learn to do good ; Seek justice , Rebuke the oppressor ; Defend the fatherless , Plead for the widow . * "Come now , and let us reason together ," Says the LORD , "Though your sins are like scarlet , They shall be as white as snow ; Though they are red like crimson , They shall be as wool . * If you are willing and obedient , You shall eat the good of the land ; * But if you refuse and rebel , You shall be devoured by the sword "; For the mouth of the LORD has spoken . * How the faithful city has become a harlot ! It was full of justice ; Righteousness lodged in it , But now murderers . * Your silver has become dross , Your wine mixed with water . * Your princes are rebellious , And companions of thieves ; Everyone loves bribes , And follows after rewards . They do not defend the fatherless , Nor does the cause of the widow come before them . * Therefore the Lord says , The LORD of hosts , the Mighty One of Israel , "Ah , I will rid Myself of My adversaries , And take vengeance on My enemies .

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