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* Hear , O heavens , and give ear , O earth ! For Jehovah speaketh : "I have nourished and brought up children , And they have rebelled against me . * The ox knoweth his owner , And the ass his master ’s crib ; But Israel doth not know ; My people do not consider ." * Ah , sinful nation ! a people laden with iniquity ! A race of evil –doers ! degenerate children ! They have forsaken Jehovah ; they have despised the Holy One of Israel ; They have gone backward . * Where can ye be smitten again , Since ye renew your rebellion ? The whole head is sick , and the whole heart faint ; * From the sole of the foot even to the head , there is no soundness in it ; It is all bruises , and stripes , and flesh wounds , Neither pressed , nor bound up , nor softened with ointment . * Your country is desolate ; Your cities are burnt with fire ; Your ground , strangers devour it before your eyes ; It is become desolate , destroyed by an enemy . * And the daughter of Zion is left as a shed in a vineyard , As a hut in a garden of cucumbers , As a besieged city . * Had not Jehovah of hosts left us a small remnant , We had soon become as Sodom ; We had been like to Gomorrah . * Hear ye the word of Jehovah , ye princes of Sodom ! Give ear to the instruction of our God , ye people of Gomorrah ! * What to me is the multitude of your sacrifices ? saith Jehovah ; I am satiated with burnt –offerings of rams , and the fat of fed beasts ; In the blood of bullocks and of lambs and of goats I have no delight . * When ye come to appear before me , Who hath required this of you , to tread my courts ? * Bring no more false oblations ! Incense is an abomination to me , The new moon also , and the sabbath , and the calling of the assembly ; Iniquity and festivals I cannot endure . * Your new moons and your feasts my soul hateth ; They are a burden to me ; I am weary of bearing them . * When ye spread forth your hands , I will hide mine eyes from you ; Yea , when ye multiply prayers , I will not hear : Your hands are full of blood ! * Wash you ; make you clean ; Put away your evil doings from before mine eyes ; * Cease to do evil ; Learn to do well ; Seek justice ; relieve the oppressed ; Defend the fatherless ; plead for the widow ! * Come , now , and let us argue together , saith Jehovah . Though your sins be as scarlet , they shall be as white as snow ; Though they be red as crimson , they shall be like wool . * If ye be willing and obedient , Ye shall consume the good of the land . * But if ye refuse , and be rebellious , The sword shall consume you ; For the mouth of Jehovah hath said it . * How is the faithful city become a harlot , She that was full of equity ! Once justice dwelt in her , but now murderers ! * Thy silver is become dross ; Thy wine is adulterated with water . * Thy princes are faithless , companions of thieves ; Every one of them loveth gifts , and seeketh rewards ; They render not justice to the fatherless , And the cause of the widow cometh not before them . * Wherefore , thus saith the Lord , Jehovah of hosts , the Mighty One of Israel : Ha ! I will ease me of mine adversaries , And avenge me of mine enemies . * And I will again turn my hand toward thee , And wholly purge away thy dross , And take away all thy alloy . * And I will restore thee judges , as at the first , And counsellors , as at the beginning . Then shalt thou be called the city of righteousness , the faithful city . * Through justice shall Zion be delivered , And her reformed sons through righteousness . * But destruction shall fall at once on the rebels and sinners ; Yea , they that forsake Jehovah shall be consumed . * For ye shall be ashamed of the terebinths in which ye delighted ; Ye shall blush for the gardens which ye loved ; * And ye shall be as a terebinth –tree whose leaves are withered , And as a garden in which is no water . * The strong shall become tow , And his work a spark of fire ; Both shall burn together , And none shall quench them .

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