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* Therefore hast thou abandoned thy people the house of Jacob , Because they have become full of the And use hidden arts like the Philistines , And with the children of foreigners , strike hands ; * So that filled is their land with silver and gold , And there is no end to their treasures , And filled is theft land with horses , And there is no end to their chariots ; * And filled is their land with idols , To the work of their own hands , do they bow themselves down , To that which they made with their own fingers . * So the mean man boweth down And the great man stoopeth low , Therefore do not thou forgive them ! * Enter into the rock , Or hide thee in the dust , Because of the terribleness of Yahweh , And for his majestic splendour . * The lofty looks of mean men , shall be humbled , And , the haughtiness of great men , shall be bowed down , And Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day . * For , a day of Yahweh of hosts , Upon every one who is high and lofty , And upon every one who is lifted up , And he shall be brought low ; * And upon all cedars of Lebanon , that are high and lifted up , And upon all the oaks of Bashan ; * And upon all the lofty mountains , And upon all the uplifted hills ; * And upon every high tower , And upon every fortress wall ; * And upon all the ships of Tarshish , And upon all desirable banners . * And the haughtiness of mean men , shall be humbled , And the loftiness of great men , shall be laid low , And Yahweh alone shall be exalted in that day . * And , the idols , shall wholly pass away ; * And they shall enter into the holes of the rocks , and into the caves of clay , Because of the terribleness of Yahweh , And for his majestic splendour , When he ariseth to shake terribly the earth . * In that day shall the son of earth cast his idols of silver , and his idols of gold , which had been made for him to worship , into the hole of the mice , and to the bats ; * That he may enter into the clefts of the rocks , and into the fissures of the crags , Because of the terribleness of Yahweh , And for his majestic splendour , When he ariseth to shake terribly the earth . * Cease ye from the son of earth , In whose nostrils is but a breath , For wherein to be reckoned upon , is he ?

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