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* My Achim b 'Moshiach , surely you do not with your acts of maso panim (note :)favoritism (:note ) hold to the [orthodox Jewish ] emunah of the glorious Adoneinu Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua ? [Devarim strkjv @1:17 ; Vayikra strkjv @19:15 ; Mishle strkjv @24:23 ] * For if there enter into your Bet HaKnesset (note :)House of Assembly , shul , synagogue , shtibel (:note ) a man with gold rings on his fingers in expensive bekeshe and shtreimel , and there enters also an underpriviledged nebbach , a kaptzan poor person in shmattes rags , * and you pay special attention to the takif [influential man ] wearing the bekeshe and shtreimel and say , "You sit here in seat of kibbud (note :)respect , honor (:note ), and to the kaptzan you say , "You stand there ." Or "You sit at my feet ," * did you not among yourselves differentiate with prejudice and became shofetim (note :)judges (:note ) with machshavot re 'sha evil thoughts ? * Hinei ! My beloved Achim b 'Moshiach , did not Der Oybershter make the Aniyim of the Olam Hazeh in fact Bechirim of Hashem to be rich in emunah and yoreshim of the Malchut , which Adoshem gave as a havtachah (note :)promise (:note ) to those with Ahavas Hashem ? [Iyov strkjv @34:19 ] * But you dishonored the ish evyon (note :)poor man , pauper (:note ). Do not the ashirim rich ones oppress you and they drag you into the Batei Din Bet Din courts ? * Do they not commit Chillul Hashem blasphemies against the Rebbe , Melech HaMoshiach 's Shem Tov that has been named upon you ? * If indeed you are shomer regarding the Dat HaMalkhut (note :)Royal Decree (:note ), as it is written in the Kitvei Hakodesh , "V 'AHAVTAH L 'REI 'ACHA KAMOCHA " "And thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself ." [VAYIKRA strkjv @19:18 ] you do well . * But if you show maso panim (note :)favoritism (:note ), you are chote 'im sinners committing averos transgressions against the Torah . [Devarim strkjv @1:17 ] * For whoever is shomer over kol haTorah but stumbles in one mitzvah , such is condemned as ashem (note :)guilty (:note ) of averoh transgression of kol mitzvot . * For the One having said , LO TINAF (note :)"You shall not commit adultery "(:note ) said also LO TIRTZACH "You shall not murder ". Now if you do not commit adultery but you do murder , you have become an Over al mitzvot HaTorah transgressor of the Torah . [Shemot strkjv @20:13 ,14 ; Devarim strkjv @5:17 ,18 ] * So let your dvarim be and your ma 'asim as by the Torah HaCherut you are about to come under the Bet Din Mishpat . * For the Din (note :)Judgment (:note ) will be without rachamim mercy to the one not having shown rachamim . Rachamim wins the nitzachon victory over haDin . EMUNAH AND MA 'ASIM TOVIM ACTIVE IN AHAVAH

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