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* Jehovah also said to me in the days of Josiah the king , Have you seen that which backsliding Israel has done ? She has gone up on every high mountain and under every green tree , and has committed adultery there . * And after she had done all these things I said , Turn back to Me ! But she did not return . And her treacherous sister Judah saw it . * And I saw , when for all the causes for which backsliding Israel committed adultery , I put her away and gave her a certificate of divorce ; yet her treacherous sister Judah did not fear , but she also went and committed adultery . * So it came to pass through the wantonness of her harlotry , that she defiled the land and committed adultery with stones and pieces of wood . * And yet for all this her treacherous sister Judah has not returned to Me with her whole heart , but in pretense , says Jehovah . * And Jehovah said to me , Backsliding Israel has shown herself to be more righteous than treacherous Judah . * Go and proclaim these words toward the north , and say , Return , O backsliding Israel , says Jehovah ; and I will not cause My anger to fall upon you ; for I am merciful , says Jehovah , and I will not keep anger forever . * Only , acknowledge your iniquity , that you have transgressed against Jehovah your God and have scattered your ways to strangers under every green tree , and you have not obeyed My voice , says Jehovah . * Return , O backsliding children , says Jehovah ; for I am married to you . And I will take you , one from a city , and two from a family ; and I will bring you to Zion . * And I will give you shepherds according to My heart , who shall feed you with knowledge and understanding . * And it shall come to pass , when you have multiplied and increased in the land in those days , says Jehovah , that they shall say no more , The ark of the covenant of Jehovah ! Nor shall it come to mind ; nor shall they remember it ; nor shall they seek it ; nor shall it be made anymore . * At that time Jerusalem shall be called , The Throne of Jehovah ; and all the nations shall be gathered to it , to the name of Jehovah , to Jerusalem . Nor shall they walk any more after the stubbornness of their evil hearts . * In those days the house of Judah shall walk with the house of Israel , and they shall come together out of the land of the north to the land that I have given for an inheritance to your fathers . * But I said , How shall I put you among the children , and give you a pleasant land , a beautiful inheritance among the multitudes of nations ! And I said , You shall call Me , My Father , and shall not turn away from Me . * Surely as a wife treacherously departs from her companion , so you have dealt treacherously with me , O house of Israel , says Jehovah . * A voice was heard on the desolate heights ; weeping and supplications of the children of Israel ; for they have perverted their way , and they have forgotten Jehovah their God . * Return , O backsliding children , and I will heal your backslidings . Behold , we come to You ; for You are Jehovah our God . * Truly , deception comes from the high hills , from the multitudes on the mountains . Truly , in Jehovah our God is the salvation of Israel . * For shame has devoured the labor of our fathers from our youth , their flocks and their herds , their sons and their daughters . * We lie down in our shame , and our reproach covers us ; for we have sinned against Jehovah our God , we and our fathers , from our youth even to this day , and have not obeyed the voice of Jehovah our God . * The Word that came to Jeremiah from Jehovah , saying , * Thus speaks Jehovah the God of Israel , saying , Write all the Words that I have spoken to you in a book . * For , lo , the days are coming , says Jehovah , that I will bring back the captives of My people Israel and Judah , says Jehovah . And I will cause them to return to the land that I gave their fathers , and they shall possess it . * And these are the Words that Jehovah spoke concerning Israel and concerning Judah . * For thus says Jehovah , We have heard a voice of trembling , of fear , and not of peace . * Ask now , and see whether a man ever gives birth ? Why do I see every man with his hands on his loins , like a woman in labor , and all faces are turned pale ? * Alas ! For that day is great , so that none is like it ; it is even the time of Jacob ’s trouble ; but he shall be saved out of it . * For it shall come to pass in that day , says Jehovah of Hosts , that I will break his yoke from your neck and will burst your bonds . And strangers shall no longer enslave him , * but they shall serve Jehovah their God , and David their king , whom I will raise up unto them . * Therefore , do not fear , O My servant Jacob , says Jehovah . Do not be dismayed , O Israel . For lo , I will save you from afar , and your seed from the land of their captivity . And Jacob shall return , and shall be at rest , and be quiet , and no one shall make him afraid . * For I am with you , says Jehovah , to save you . Though I make a full end of all the nations where I have scattered you , yet I will not make a complete end of you ; but I will correct you in justice , and will not acquit nor leave you unpunished . * For thus says Jehovah , Your break is incurable , and your wound is making you sick . * There is no one to plead your cause ; for your wounds there are no healing medicines . * All your lovers have forgotten you ; they do not seek you . For I have wounded you with the wound of an enemy , with the chastisement of a cruel one , for the abundance of your iniquity , because your sins are many . * Why do you cry over your break ? Your pain is incurable , because of the abundance of your iniquities ; because your sins have increased , I have done these things to you . * Therefore all those who devour you shall be devoured ; and all your adversaries , every one of them , shall go into captivity . And those who plunder you shall become plunder , and all who prey upon you I will give as prey . * For I will stir up health to you , and will heal you of your wounds , says Jehovah ; because they called you an outcast , saying , This is Zion ; no one seeks after her . * Thus says Jehovah : Behold , I will bring back the captives of Jacob ’s tents , and will have mercy on his dwelling places . And the city shall be built on her own hill , and the palace shall remain in its own place . * And out of them shall come forth thanksgiving , and the voice of those who make merry . And I will multiply them , and they shall not diminish ; I will also glorify them , and they shall not be small . * Their children shall also be as they were before , and their congregation shall be established before Me , and I will punish all who oppress them . * And their rulers shall be from among themselves , and their governor shall come from their midst ; and I will cause him to be brought near , and he shall draw near to Me . For who is this who pledged his heart to come near to Me ? says Jehovah . * And you shall be My people , and I will be your God . * Behold , the tempest of Jehovah ’s wrath goes forth , a roaring tempest ; it shall whirl on the head of the wicked . * The fierce anger of Jehovah shall not return until He has done it , and until He has fulfilled the purposes of His heart . In the latter days you shall understand it . * At that time , says Jehovah , I will be the God of all the families of Israel , and they shall be My people . * Thus says Jehovah , The people who were survivors of the sword have found grace in the wilderness ; even Israel , when I go to give him rest . * Jehovah has appeared to me from afar , saying , Yea , I have loved you with an everlasting love ; therefore with lovingkindness I have drawn you . * Again I will build you , and you shall be built , O virgin of Israel . You shall again put on your tambourines , and shall go forth in the dances of those who rejoice . * You shall yet plant vines on the mountains of Samaria ; the planters shall plant , and shall eat them as common food . * For there shall be a day that the watchmen on Mount Ephraim shall cry , Arise and let us go up to Zion unto Jehovah our God ! * For thus says Jehovah , Sing with gladness for Jacob , and shout among the chief of the nations . Cry out , give praise and say , O Jehovah , save Your people , the remnant of Israel ! * Behold , I will bring them from the land of the north and gather them from the recesses of the earth , and with them the blind and the lame , the woman with child and she who is in labor with child , together ; a great company shall return there . * They shall come with weeping , and with supplications I will lead them . I will cause them to walk by the rivers of waters in a straight way ; they shall not stumble in it , for I am a father to Israel , and Ephraim is My firstborn . * Hear the Word of Jehovah , O nations , and declare it on distant shores ; and say , He who scattered Israel will gather him , and keep him as a shepherd keeps his flock . * For Jehovah has redeemed Jacob , and ransomed him from the hand of the one stronger than him . * Therefore they shall come and sing in the height of Zion , and shall flow together to the goodness of Jehovah , for wheat , and for wine , and for oil , and for the young of the flock and the herd . And their souls shall be as a watered garden ; and they shall not languish any more at all . * Then shall the virgin rejoice in the dance , and the young men and old together ; for I will turn their mourning into joy , and will comfort them and make them rejoice from their sorrow . * And I will satiate the soul of the priests with fatness , and My people shall be satisfied with My goodness , says Jehovah . * Thus says Jehovah : A voice was heard in Ramah , wailing and bitter weeping ; Rachel weeping for her children ; she refuses to be comforted for her children , because they are not . * Thus says Jehovah : Refrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears ; for your work shall be rewarded , says Jehovah . And they shall come back from the land of the enemy . * And there is hope for your future , says Jehovah , that your children shall come back to their own territory . * I have surely heard Ephraim bemoaning himself , saying , You have chastised me , and I was chastised , like an untrained bull ; draw me back , and I shall return . For You are Jehovah my God . * Surely after I was turned back , I repented ; and after I was instructed , I struck my thigh . I was ashamed , yes , even humiliated , because I bore the reproach of my youth . * Is Ephraim My dear son ? Is he a delightful child ? For as often as I spoke against him , I call to mind and remember him still . Therefore My heart is stirred for him ; I will have mercy and compassion upon him , says Jehovah . * Set up signposts , make landmarks for yourself . Set your heart toward the highway , the way you went . Turn back , O virgin of Israel , turn back to these cities of yours . * How long will you vacillate , O backsliding daughter ? For Jehovah has created a new thing in the earth ; a woman shall contain a man . * Thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel , They shall speak this word in the land of Judah and in its cities , when I shall bring back their captives , saying , Jehovah bless you , O habitation of justice and mountain of holiness . * And farmers , and those going forth with flocks , shall dwell together in Judah and in all its cities . * For I have satiated the weary soul , and I have satisfied every sorrowful soul . * After this I awoke and looked around ; and my sleep was sweet to me . * Behold , the days are coming , says Jehovah , that I will sow the house of Israel and the house of Judah with the seed of man and with the seed of beasts . * And it shall come to pass that , as I have watched over them to pluck up , and to break down , and to throw down , and to destroy , and to afflict ; so I will watch over them to build and to plant , says Jehovah . * In those days they shall not say any more , The fathers have eaten sour grapes , and the teeth of the children are dull . * But every man shall die for his own iniquity . Every man who eats the sour grapes , his teeth shall be dull . * Behold , the days are coming , says Jehovah , that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel , and with the house of Judah , * not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt ; My covenant which they broke , although I was a husband to them , says Jehovah . * But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel : After those days , says Jehovah , I will put My Law in their inward parts , and write it in their hearts ; and I will be their God , and they shall be My people . * And they shall no more teach each man his neighbor and each man his brother , saying , Know Jehovah ; for they shall all know Me , from the least of them to the greatest of them , says Jehovah . For I will forgive their iniquity , and their sin I will remember no more . * Thus says Jehovah , who gives the sun for a light by day and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night , who stirs up the sea when its waves roar (Jehovah of Hosts is His name ); * if those ordinances depart from My presence , says Jehovah , then the seed of Israel shall also cease from being a nation before Me forever . * Thus says Jehovah , If the heavens above can be measured , and the foundations of the earth below can be searched out , then I will also cast off all the seed of Israel for all that they have done , says Jehovah . * Behold , the days are coming , says Jehovah , that the city shall be built to Jehovah from the Tower of Hananel to the Corner Gate . * And the measuring line shall come out to the hill Gareb , and shall go around to Goath . * And the whole valley of the dead bodies and of the ashes , and all the fields as far as the Kidron Valley , to the corner of the Horse Gate toward the east , shall be holy to Jehovah . It shall not be plucked up nor thrown down any more forever . * The Word that came to Jeremiah from Jehovah in the tenth year of Zedekiah king of Judah , which was the eighteenth year of Nebuchadnezzar . * For then the army of the king of Babylon besieged Jerusalem . And Jeremiah the prophet was shut in the court of the guard , which was in the house of the king of Judah . * For Zedekiah king of Judah had shut him up , saying , Why do you prophesy and say , Thus says Jehovah , Behold , I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon , and he shall take it , * and Zedekiah king of Judah shall not escape out of the hand of the Chaldeans , but shall be given over and delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon , and shall speak with him mouth to mouth , and his eyes shall behold his eyes , * and he shall lead Zedekiah into Babylon , and there he shall be until I visit him , says Jehovah ; though you fight with the Chaldeans , you shall not succeed . * And Jeremiah said , The Word of Jehovah came unto me , saying , * Behold , Hanamel the son of Shallum your uncle shall come to you , saying , Buy for yourself my field in Anathoth ; for the right of redemption is yours , to buy it . * So Hanamel my uncle ’s son came to me in the court of the guard according to the Word of Jehovah and said to me , Please buy my field in Anathoth , which is in the land of Benjamin ; for the right of inheritance is yours , and the right of redemption is yours . Buy it for yourself . Then I knew that this was the Word of Jehovah . * And I bought the field in Anathoth , from Hanamel my uncle ’s son , and weighed him the money , seventeen shekels of silver . * And I wrote it in the document , and sealed it , and called witnesses , and weighed the silver in the scales . * So I took the document of the purchase , that which was sealed according to the law and custom , and the open copy . * And I gave the document of the purchase to Baruch the son of Neriah , the son of Maaseiah , in the eyes of Hanamel my uncle ’s son , and in the eyes of the witnesses who wrote in the purchase document , before all the Jews who sat in the court of the guard . * And I charged Baruch before them , saying , * Thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Take these documents , the purchase document , the one sealed and the open document , and put them in an earthen vessel so that they may survive many days . * For thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Houses and fields and vineyards shall be acquired again in this land . * And after I gave the purchase document to Baruch the son of Neriah , I prayed to Jehovah , saying , * Ah , Lord Jehovah ! You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm . Nothing is too difficult for You . * You show lovingkindness to thousands , and repay the iniquity of the fathers into the bosom of their sons after them . The great , the strong and Mighty God , Jehovah of Hosts , is His name , * great in counsel and mighty in work ; for Your eyes are open to all the ways of the sons of men , to give every one according to his ways and according to the fruit of his doings . * For You have set signs and wonders in the land of Egypt , even to this day , and in Israel and among men ; and have made Yourself a name , as it is this day ; * and have brought forth Your people Israel out of the land of Egypt with signs and with wonders , and with a strong hand and with an outstretched arm , and with great terror . * And You have given them this land , which You swore to their fathers to give them , a land flowing with milk and honey . * And they came in and possessed it , but they have not obeyed Your voice , nor walked in Your Law . They have done nothing of all that You commanded them to do ; therefore You have caused all this evil to come upon them . * Behold , the siege mounds have come to the city to take it ; and the city has been given into the hands of the Chaldeans who fight against it , because of the sword , the famine , and the pestilence . And what You have spoken has happened ; and behold , there You see it . * And You have said to me , O Lord Jehovah , Buy the field for money , and take witnesses ; yet the city has been given into the hands of the Chaldeans . * Then the Word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah , saying , * Behold , I am Jehovah the God of all flesh . Is there anything too hard for Me ? * Therefore thus says Jehovah : Behold , I will give this city into the hand of the Chaldeans , and into the hand of Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon , and he shall take it . * And the Chaldeans who fight against this city shall come and set this city on fire , and burn it , with the houses on whose roofs they have offered incense to Baal and poured out drink offerings to other gods , to provoke Me to anger . * For the children of Israel and the children of Judah have done only evil before Me from their youth . For the children of Israel have only provoked Me to anger with the work of their hands , says Jehovah . * For this city has been to Me a provocation of My anger and of My fury from the day that they built it , even to this day ; that I should remove it from before My face , * because of all the evil of the children of Israel and of the children of Judah , which they have done to provoke Me to anger ; they , their kings , their rulers , their priests , and their prophets , and the men of Judah , and the inhabitants of Jerusalem . * And they have turned the back to Me , and not the face ; though I taught them , rising up early and teaching them , yet they have not listened to receive instruction . * But they set their abominations in the house which is called by My name , to defile it . * And they built the high places of Baal , in the valley of the son of Hinnom , to cause their sons and their daughters to pass through the fire to Molech ; which I did not command them , nor did it even enter My mind that they should do this abomination , to cause Judah to sin . * And now therefore , thus says Jehovah the God of Israel , concerning this city of which you say , It is given into the hand of the king of Babylon by the sword , and by the famine , and by the pestilence : * Behold , I will gather them out of all the lands where I have driven them in My anger , and in My fury , and in great wrath . And I will bring them back to this place , and I will cause them to dwell safely . * And they shall be My people , and I will be their God . * And I will give them one heart and one way , that they may fear Me forever , for their good and for the good of their children after them . * And I will make an everlasting covenant with them , that I will not turn away from them , to do them good . But I will put My fear in their hearts , that they shall not depart from Me . * Yea , I will rejoice over them to do them good , and I will truly plant them in this land , with all My heart and all My soul . * For thus says Jehovah : Just as I have brought all this great evil upon this people , so I will bring upon them all the good that I have promised them . * And fields shall be bought in this land of which you say , It is desolate , without man or beast ; it has been given into the hand of the Chaldeans . * Men shall buy fields for money , and write it in a document , and seal it , and take witnesses in the land of Benjamin , and in the places around Jerusalem , and in the cities of Judah , and in the cities of the mountains , and in the cities of the valley , and in the cities of the south . For I will cause their captives to return , says Jehovah . * And the Word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah the second time , while he was still shut up in the court of the guard , saying , * Thus says Jehovah the Maker , Jehovah who formed it in order to establish it ; Jehovah is His name : * Call unto Me , and I will answer you , and show you great and unfathomable things which you do not know . * For thus says Jehovah the God of Israel , concerning the houses of this city , and concerning the houses of the kings of Judah , which are broken down to fortify against the siege mounds and the sword : * They come to fight with the Chaldeans , only to fill them with the dead bodies of the men whom I have slain in My anger and in My fury , for all whose evil I have hidden My face from this city . * Behold , I will bring it health and healing , and I will heal them and will show them the abundance of peace and truth . * And I will cause the captives of Judah and the captives of Israel to return , and will build them , as at the first . * And I will cleanse them from all their iniquity by which they have sinned against Me ; and I will pardon all their iniquities by which they have sinned , and by which they have transgressed against Me . * And it shall be to Me a name of joy , a praise and an honor before all the nations of the earth , who shall hear all the good that I do to them . And they shall fear and tremble for all the goodness and for all the welfare that I am bringing to it . * Thus says Jehovah : Again there shall be heard in this place , which you say is desolate without man and without beast , even in the cities of Judah , and in the streets of Jerusalem that are desolate without man , and without inhabitant , and without beast ; * the voice of joy and the voice of gladness , the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride , the voice of those who shall say , Praise Jehovah of Hosts , for Jehovah is good , for His mercy is eternal ; and the voice of those who shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of Jehovah . For I will cause the captives of the land to return , as at the first , says Jehovah . * Thus says Jehovah of Hosts : Again in this place which is desolate without man and without beast , and in all its cities , there shall be a dwelling place of shepherds causing their flocks to lie down . * In the cities of the mountains , in the cities of the valley , and in the cities of the south , and in the land of Benjamin , and in the places around Jerusalem , and in the cities of Judah , shall the flocks pass again under the hands of him who counts them , says Jehovah . * Behold , the days are coming , says Jehovah , that I will establish the good thing which I have promised to the house of Israel and to the house of Judah . * In those days , and at that time , I will cause the Branch of Righteousness to grow up to David ; and He shall execute justice and righteousness in the land . * In those days Judah shall be saved , and Jerusalem shall dwell safely . And this is the name by which she shall be called : JEHOVAH OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS . * For thus says Jehovah , David shall never lack a man to sit on the throne of the house of Israel , * nor shall the priests , the Levites , lack a man before Me to offer burnt offerings , and to kindle grain offerings , and to sacrifice continually . * And the Word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah , saying , * Thus says Jehovah : If you can break My covenant of the day and My covenant of the night , so that there should not be day and night in their season , * then also may My covenant with David My servant be broken , that he should not have a son to reign on his throne , and with the Levites the priests , My ministers . * As the host of the heavens cannot be numbered , nor the sand of the sea measured , so I will multiply the seed of David My servant and the Levites who serve Me . * Moreover the Word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah , saying , * Do you not consider what this people have spoken , saying , The two families which Jehovah has chosen , He has even cast them off ? Thus they have despised My people , that they should no more be a nation before them . * Thus says Jehovah : If My covenant is not with day and night , and if I have not appointed the ordinances of the heavens and the earth , * then I will cast away the seed of Jacob , and David My servant , so that I will not take any of his seed to be rulers over the seed of Abraham , Isaac , and Jacob . For I will bring back their captives , and have mercy on them . * The Word which came unto Jeremiah from Jehovah when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon , and all his army , and all the kingdoms of the earth under his dominion , and all the peoples , fought against Jerusalem and against all its cities ; saying , * Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel : Go and speak to Zedekiah king of Judah and tell him , Thus says Jehovah , Behold , I will give this city into the hand of the king of Babylon , and he shall burn it with fire . * And you shall not escape out of his hand , but shall surely be captured and delivered into his hand . And your eyes shall behold the eyes of the king of Babylon , and he shall speak with you mouth to mouth , and you shall go to Babylon . * Yet hear the Word of Jehovah , O Zedekiah king of Judah , thus says Jehovah concerning you : You shall not die by the sword . * You shall die in peace ; and as the burnings of incense for your fathers , the former kings which were before you , so they shall burn incense for you . And they shall lament for you , saying , Ah , lord ! For I have spoken the Word , says Jehovah . * Then Jeremiah the prophet spoke all these words to Zedekiah king of Judah in Jerusalem , * when the king of Babylon ’s army fought against Jerusalem and against all the remaining cities of Judah ; against Lachish , and against Azekah ; for these fortified cities remained of the cities of Judah . * The Word that came unto Jeremiah from Jehovah , after King Zedekiah had made a covenant with all the people at Jerusalem , to proclaim liberty to them ; * that each man should let his male slave , and each man his female slave , if they were a Hebrew man or a Hebrew woman , to go free ; that no one should keep a Jewish brother enslaved . * And all the rulers obeyed , and all the people who had entered into the covenant allowed them to go free , each man his male slave , and each man his female slave , so that no one should be enslaved among them any more ; and they obeyed and let them go . * But afterward they changed their minds and caused the slaves and slave women whom they had let go free , to return ! And they subjected them as slaves and slave women . * Therefore the Word of Jehovah came to Jeremiah from Jehovah , saying , * Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel : I made a covenant with your fathers in the day that I brought them forth out of the land of Egypt , out of the house of slavery , saying , * At the end of seven years let each man free his brother , a Hebrew , who has been sold to him . And when he has served you six years , you shall let him go free from you . But your fathers did not heed me , nor extend their ears . * And you had turned today , and had done what was right in My eyes proclaiming liberty , each man to his neighbor . And you had made a covenant before Me in the house which is called by My name . * But you turned and violated My name , and each man caused his slave , and each man his slave woman , whom you had set free to do as they pleased , to return . And you brought them back into bondage to be slaves and slave women to you . * Therefore thus says Jehovah : You have not heeded Me to proclaim liberty each man to his brother , and each man to his neighbor ! Behold , I proclaim liberty for you , says Jehovah , to the sword , to the pestilence , and to the famine . And I will cause you to be an object of horror to all the kingdoms of the earth . * And I will give the men who have transgressed My covenant , who have not done the words of the covenant which they made before Me when they cut the calf in two and passed between its parts ; * the rulers of Judah , and the rulers of Jerusalem , the officials , and the priests , and all the people of the land who passed between the parts of the calf ; * I will even give them into the hand of their enemies , and into the hand of those who seek their life . And their dead bodies shall be for food to the birds of the heavens and to the beasts of the earth . * And I will give Zedekiah king of Judah , and his rulers , into the hand of their enemies , and into the hand of those who seek their life , and into the hand of the king of Babylon ’s army , who have withdrawn from you . * Behold , I will command , says Jehovah , and cause them to return to this city . And they shall fight against it and capture it , and burn it with fire . And I will make the cities of Judah a desolation without inhabitant . * The Word which came unto Jeremiah from Jehovah in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah , king of Judah , saying , * Go to the house of the Rechabites and speak to them , and bring them into the house of Jehovah , into one of the rooms , and give them wine to drink . * Then I took Jaazaniah the son of Jeremiah , the son of Habaziniah , and his brothers , and all his sons , and the whole house of the Rechabites . * And I brought them into the house of Jehovah , into the room of the sons of Hanan the son of Igdaliah , a man of God , which was near the room of the rulers , above the room of Maaseiah the son of Shallum , the keeper of the door . * And I set pots full of wine , and cups , before the sons of the house of the Rechabites . And I said to them , Drink wine ! * But they said , We will drink no wine , for Jonadab the son of Rechab our father commanded us , saying , You shall drink no wine , you nor your sons forever . * Nor shall you build houses , nor sow seed , nor plant a vineyard , nor have any of these ; but all your days you shall live in tents , so that you may live many days in the land where you sojourn . * So we have obeyed the voice of Jonadab the son of Rechab our father in all that he has commanded us , to drink no wine all our days , we , our wives , our sons , nor our daughters ; * nor to build houses for us to live in . Nor do we have vineyard , nor field , nor seed . * But we have lived in tents , and have obeyed and done according to all that Jonadab our father commanded us . * But it came to pass when Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon came up into the land , that we said , Come and let us go to Jerusalem for fear of the army of the Chaldeans , and for fear of the army of Syria . So we are living at Jerusalem . * Then came the Word of Jehovah unto Jeremiah , saying , * Thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Go and tell the men of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem , Will you not receive instruction to heed My Words ? says Jehovah . * The words of Jonadab the son of Rechab , which he commanded his sons not to drink wine , are done . For to this day they do not drink , but obey their father ’s commandment . But I have spoken to you , rising early and speaking , but you have not heeded Me . * I have also sent to you all My servants the prophets , rising up early and sending them , saying , Turn back now each man from his evil way , and do good , and do not go after other gods to serve them , and you shall dwell in the land which I have given to you and to your fathers . But you have not extended your ear , nor heeded Me . * Because the sons of Jonadab the son of Rechab have done the commandment of their father , which He commanded them ; but this people has not heeded Me ; * therefore thus says Jehovah the God of Hosts , the God of Israel : Behold , I will bring upon Judah and upon all the inhabitants of Jerusalem all the evil that I have spoken against them . Because I have spoken to them , but they have not given heed ; and I have called to them , but they have not answered . * And Jeremiah said to the house of the Rechabites , Thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Because you have obeyed the command of Jonadab your father , and have kept all his precepts , and have done according to all that he has commanded you ; * therefore thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Jonadab the son of Rechab shall not lack a man to stand before Me forever . * And it came to pass in the fourth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah , that this Word came unto Jeremiah from Jehovah , saying , * Take for yourself a scroll of a book , and write in it all the Words that I have spoken to you against Israel , and against Judah , and against all the nations , from the day I spoke to you , from the days of Josiah , even to this day . * It may be that the house of Judah will hear all the evil which I plan to do to them , that they may turn , each man , from his evil way , so that I may forgive their iniquity and their sin . * Then Jeremiah called Baruch the son of Neriah . And Baruch wrote from the mouth of Jeremiah all the Words of Jehovah , which He had spoken to him , on a scroll of a book . * And Jeremiah commanded Baruch , saying , I am confined . I cannot go into the house of Jehovah . * Therefore you go , and read from the scroll which you have written at my mouth , the Words of Jehovah in the ears of the people in Jehovah ’s house on the day of the fast . And also you shall read them in the ears of all Judah who come out of their cities . * It may be that they will present their supplication before Jehovah , and will turn back , each one from his evil way . For great is the anger and the fury that Jehovah has pronounced against this people . * And Baruch the son of Neriah did according to all that Jeremiah the prophet commanded him , reading from the book , the Words of Jehovah in the house of Jehovah . * And it came to pass in the fifth year of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah , in the ninth month , that they proclaimed a fast before Jehovah to all the people in Jerusalem , and to all the people who came from the cities of Judah to Jerusalem . * And Baruch read from the book the words of Jeremiah in the house of Jehovah , in the room of Gemariah the son of Shaphan the scribe , in the higher court , at the entrance to the New Gate of the house of Jehovah , in the ears of all the people . * When Michaiah , the son of Gemariah , the son of Shaphan , heard all the Words of Jehovah from the book , * he then went down to the king ’s house , into the scribe ’s room . And , lo , all the rulers sat there , even Elishama the scribe , and Delaiah the son of Shemaiah , and Elnathan the son of Achbor , and Gemariah the son of Shaphan , and Zedekiah the son of Hananiah , and all the rulers . * Then Michaiah declared to them all the words that he had heard when Baruch read the book in the ears of the people . * Therefore all the rulers sent Jehudi the son of Nethaniah , the son of Shelemiah , the son of Cushi , to Baruch , saying , Take the scroll in your hand from which you have read in the ears of the people , and come . So Baruch the son of Neriah took the scroll in his hand and came to them . * And they said to him , Sit down now , and read it in our ears . So Baruch read it in their ears . * And it happened when they had heard all the words , that they turned to one another in fear and said to Baruch , We will surely tell the king of all these words . * And they asked Baruch , saying , Tell us now , How did you write all these words at his mouth ? * Then Baruch answered them , He spoke all these words to me with his mouth , and I wrote them with ink in the book . * And the rulers said to Baruch , Go hide yourselves , you and Jeremiah ; and let no man know where you are . * And they went in to the king , into the court . But they laid up the scroll in the room of Elishama the scribe , and told all the words in the ears of the king . * So the king sent Jehudi to bring the scroll . And he took it out of the room of Elishama the scribe . And Jehudi read it in the ears of the king , and in the ears of all the rulers who stood beside the king . * And the king was sitting in the winter house in the ninth month , the fire burning in the hearth before him . * And it happened , when Jehudi had read three or four leaves , that he cut it with the scribe ’s knife and threw it into the fire in the hearth , until all the scroll was burned up in the hearth . * Yet the king and all his servants who heard these words were not afraid , nor did they tear their garments . * But Elnathan and Delaiah and Gemariah had entreated the king that he should not burn the scroll , but he would not consent to them . * And the king commanded Jerahmeel the son of Hammelech , and Seraiah the son of Azriel , and Shelemiah the son of Abdeel , to seize Baruch the scribe and Jeremiah the prophet . But Jehovah hid them . * Then the Word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah , after the king had burned the scroll and the words which Baruch had written at the mouth of Jeremiah , saying , * Take for yourself another scroll , and write in it all the former Words that were in the first scroll , which Jehoiakim the king of Judah has burned . * And you shall say to Jehoiakim king of Judah , Thus says Jehovah : You have burned this scroll , saying , Why have you written in it , saying that the king of Babylon shall certainly come and destroy this land , and shall cause man and beast to be annihilated from there ? * Therefore thus says Jehovah concerning Jehoiakim king of Judah : He shall have no one to sit on the throne of David . And his dead body shall be cast out into the heat of the day , and the frost of the night . * And I will punish him and his seed and his servants for their iniquity . And I will bring upon them , and upon the people of Jerusalem , and upon the men of Judah , all the evil that I have spoken against them ; but they have not given heed . * Then Jeremiah took another scroll and gave it to Baruch the scribe , the son of Neriah , who wrote in it at the mouth of Jeremiah all the Words of the book which Jehoiakim king of Judah had burned in the fire . And many words like them were added to them . * And King Zedekiah the son of Josiah reigned instead of Coniah the son of Jehoiakim , whom Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon had made king in the land of Judah . * But neither he , nor his servants , nor the people of the land , gave heed to the Words of Jehovah which He spoke by the hand of the prophet Jeremiah . * And Zedekiah the king sent Jehucal the son of Shelemiah and Zephaniah the son of Maaseiah the priest to the prophet Jeremiah , saying , Pray now to Jehovah our God for us . * And Jeremiah came in and went out among the people , for they had not yet put him into prison . * And Pharaoh ’s army had come out from Egypt . And when the Chaldeans who were besieging Jerusalem heard news of them , they departed from Jerusalem . * Then the Word of Jehovah came unto the prophet Jeremiah , saying , * Thus says Jehovah the God of Israel : You shall say this to the king of Judah , who sent you to Me to inquire of Me : Behold , Pharaoh ’s army , which has come forth to help you , shall return to Egypt into their own land . * And the Chaldeans shall come back and fight against this city , and capture it , and burn it with fire . * Thus says Jehovah : Do not deceive yourselves , saying , The Chaldeans shall surely depart from us . For they shall not depart . * For though you had smitten the whole army of the Chaldeans who fight against you , and there remained only wounded men among them , they would rise up , each man in his tent , and burn this city with fire . * And it happened when the army of Chaldeans went up from Jerusalem because of Pharaoh ’s army , * that Jeremiah went out of Jerusalem to go into the land of Benjamin , to claim his property there in the midst of the people . * And when he was in the gate of Benjamin , a commander of the guard named Irijah was there , the son of Shelemiah , the son of Hananiah . And he seized Jeremiah the prophet , saying , You are defecting to the Chaldeans . * Then Jeremiah said , False ! I am not defecting to the Chaldeans . But he did not listen to him ; so Irijah arrested Jeremiah and brought him to the rulers . * And the rulers were angry with Jeremiah , and struck him , and put him in prison , the house of Jonathan the scribe . For they had made that the prison . * When Jeremiah had entered into the dungeon and the cell , and Jeremiah had remained there many days , * then Zedekiah the king sent and took him out . And the king asked him secretly in his house , and said , Is there any Word from Jehovah ? And Jeremiah said , There is . For , He said , you shall be delivered into the hand of the king of Babylon . * Moreover Jeremiah said to King Zedekiah , What have I offended against you , or against your servants , or against this people , that you have put me in prison ? * Where now are your prophets who prophesied to you , saying , The king of Babylon shall not come against you nor against this land ? * Therefore please hear now , O my lord the king ; I beg you , let my supplication fall before you , so that you not cause me to return to the house of Jonathan the scribe , lest I die there . * And Zedekiah the king commanded that they should put Jeremiah into the court of the guard , and that they should give him a piece of bread out of the bakers ’ street daily , until all the bread in the city was gone . Thus , Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard . * And Shephatiah the son of Mattan , and Gedaliah the son of Pashur , and Jucal the son of Shelemiah , and Pashur the son of Malchijah , heard the words that Jeremiah had spoken to all the people , saying , * Thus says Jehovah , He who remains in this city shall die by the sword , by famine , and by pestilence . But he who goes out to the Chaldeans shall live ; for he shall have his life as a prize , and shall live . * Thus says Jehovah : This city shall be given and bestowed into the hand of the army of the king of Babylon , and he shall seize it . * Therefore the rulers said to the king , Please let this man be put to death . For in this way he weakens the hands of the men of war who remain in this city , and the hands of all the people , by speaking such words to them . For this man does not seek the welfare of this people , but their harm . * Then Zedekiah the king said , Behold , he is in your hand . For the king cannot do a thing against you . * And they took Jeremiah and threw him into the pit of Malchijah the son of Hammelech , which was in the court of the guard . And they let Jeremiah down with ropes . And there was no water in the pit , only mud . So Jeremiah sank into the mud . * And when Ebed-melech the Ethiopian , one of the officials in the king ’s house , heard that they had put Jeremiah in the pit (the king was then sitting in the gate of Benjamin ), * Ebed-melech went out of the king ’s house and spoke to the king , saying , * My lord the king , these men have done evil in all that they have done to Jeremiah the prophet , whom they have thrown into the pit . And he is likely to die of hunger in the place where he is , for there is no more bread in the city . * Then the king commanded Ebed-melech the Ethiopian , saying , Take by your hand thirty men from here , and lift Jeremiah the prophet up out of the pit before he dies . * So Ebed-melech took the men by his hand and went into the house of the king under the treasury , and took worn out clothes and worn out rags from there , and let them down by ropes into the pit to Jeremiah . * And Ebed-melech the Ethiopian said to Jeremiah , Now put the worn out clothes and rags under your armpits , under the ropes . And Jeremiah did so . * So they drew up Jeremiah with ropes and took him up out of the pit . And Jeremiah remained in the court of the guard . * And Zedekiah the king sent and had Jeremiah the prophet brought to him at the third gate of the house of Jehovah . And the king said to Jeremiah , I will ask you something . Do not hide anything from me . * Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah , If I declare it to you , will you not execute me to death ? And if I give you advice , you will not give heed to me . * So Zedekiah the king swore secretly to Jeremiah , saying , As Jehovah lives , who made our souls , I will not put you to death , nor will I give you into the hand of these men who seek your life . * Then Jeremiah said to Zedekiah , Thus says Jehovah the God of Hosts , the God of Israel : If you will come out and go forth to the rulers of the king of Babylon , then your soul shall live , and this city shall not be burned with fire . And you and your house shall live . * But if you will not go forth to the rulers of the king of Babylon , then this city shall be given into the hands of the Chaldeans , and they shall burn it with fire , and you shall not escape out of their hand . * And Zedekiah the king said to Jeremiah , I am afraid of the Jews who have defected to the Chaldeans , lest they deliver me into their hand , and they abuse me . * But Jeremiah said , They shall not deliver you . I beg of you , obey the voice of Jehovah which I am speaking to you ; so it shall be well with you , and your soul shall live . * But if you refuse to surrender , this is the Word that Jehovah has shown me : * Behold , all the women who are left in the house of the king of Judah shall be brought out to the rulers of the king of Babylon , and they shall say , Your friends have enticed you , and have prevailed against you . Your feet have sunk in the mire , and they have turned away . * So they shall bring out all your wives and your children to the Chaldeans . And you shall not escape out of their hand , but shall be taken by the hand of the king of Babylon . And this city shall be burned with fire . * Then Zedekiah said to Jeremiah , Let no man know of these words , and you shall not die . * But if the rulers hear that I have talked with you , and they come to you and say to you , Declare to us now what you have said to the king , and what the king said to you ; do not hide it from us , and we will not put you to death ; * then you shall say to them , I presented my supplication before the king , that he would not cause me to return to Jonathan ’s house , to die there . * Then all the rulers came to Jeremiah and asked him . And he told them according to all these words that the king had commanded . So they quit speaking with him ; for the conversation had not been heard . * So Jeremiah stayed in the court of the guard until the day that Jerusalem was captured . And he was there when Jerusalem was captured . * In the ninth year of Zedekiah king of Judah , in the tenth month , Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon and all his army came against Jerusalem , and besieged it . * In the eleventh year of Zedekiah , in the fourth month , the ninth of the month , the city was broken into . * And all the rulers of the king of Babylon came in and sat in the middle gate : Nergal-sharezer , Samgar-nebo , Sarsechim , Rabsaris , Nergal-sharezer , Rabmag , and all the rest of the rulers of the king of Babylon . * And it came to pass that when Zedekiah the king of Judah and all the men of war saw them , then they fled , and went out from the city by night , by the way of the king ’s garden , by the gate between the two walls . And he went out the way of the plain . * But the Chaldean army pursued them and overtook Zedekiah in the plains of Jericho . And they took him , and brought him to Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon , to Riblah in the land of Hamath , where he pronounced judgment upon him . * Then the king of Babylon killed the sons of Zedekiah before his eyes in Riblah . The king of Babylon also killed all the nobles of Judah . * Moreover he put out Zedekiah ’s eyes and bound him with chains , to bring him to Babylon . * And the Chaldeans burned the king ’s house and the houses of the people , with fire , and broke down the walls of Jerusalem . * Then Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard carried away captive to Babylon the rest of the people who remained in the city , and those who fell out and defected to him , with the rest of the people that remained . * But Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard left some of the poor people , who had nothing , in the land of Judah , and gave them vineyards and fields at the same time . * And Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon gave charge concerning Jeremiah to Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard , saying , * Take him and look after him , and do him no evil ; but do with him even as he says to you . * So Nebuzaradan the captain of the guard , sent , and Nebushasban , Rabsaris , and Nergal-sharezer , Rabmag , and all the princes of the king of Babylon , * even they sent and took Jeremiah out of the court of the guard , and assigned him to Gedaliah the son of Ahikam the son of Shaphan , to take him home . So he lived among the people . * Now the Word of Jehovah came unto Jeremiah , while he was shut up in the court of the guard , saying , * Go and speak to Ebed-melech the Ethiopian , saying , Thus says Jehovah of Hosts , the God of Israel : Behold , I will bring My Words upon this city for evil and not for good . And they shall be done in that day before you . * But I will deliver you in that day , says Jehovah . And you shall not be given into the hand of the men of whom you are afraid . * For I will give you an escape , to deliver you , and you shall not fall by the sword , but your life shall be as a prize to you , because you have put your trust in Me , says Jehovah .

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