





noyes Job:11-20

noyes@Job:11:1 @ Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said:

noyes@Job:11:2 @ Shall not the multitude of words receive an answer? Shall the man of words be justified?

noyes@Job:11:3 @ Shall thy boastings make men hold their peace? Shalt thou mock, and none put thee to shame?

noyes@Job:11:4 @ Thou sayest, My speech is pure; I am clean in thine eyes,

noyes@Job:11:5 @ But O that God would speak, And open his lips against thee;

noyes@Job:11:6 @ That he would show thee the secrets of his wisdom,––His wisdom, which is unsearchable! Then shouldst thou know that God forgiveth thee many of thine iniquities.

noyes@Job:11:7 @ Canst thou search out the deep things of God? Canst thou find out the Almighty to perfection?

noyes@Job:11:8 @ ‘Tis high as heaven, what canst thou do? Deeper than hell, what canst thou know?

noyes@Job:11:9 @ The measure thereof is longer than the earth, And broader than the sea.

noyes@Job:11:10 @ If he apprehend, and bind, and bring to trial, Who shall oppose him?

noyes@Job:11:11 @ For he knoweth the unrighteous; He seeth iniquity, when they do not observe it.

noyes@Job:11:12 @ But vain man is without understanding; Yea, man is born a wild ass’s colt.

noyes@Job:11:13 @ If thou direct thy heart, And stretch out thy hands, toward him;

noyes@Job:11:14 @ If thou put away iniquity from thy hand, And let not wickedness dwell in thy habitation,––

noyes@Job:11:15 @ Then shalt thou lift up thy face without spot; Yea, thou shalt be steadfast, and have no fear.

noyes@Job:11:16 @ For thou shalt forget thy misery, Or remember it as waters that have passed away.

noyes@Job:11:17 @ Thy life shall be brighter than the noon–day; Now thou art in darkness, thou shalt then be as morning.

noyes@Job:11:18 @ Thou shalt be secure, because there is hope; Now thou art disappointed, thou shalt then rest in safety.

noyes@Job:11:19 @ Thou shalt lie down, and none shall make thee afraid; And many shall make suit unto thee.

noyes@Job:11:20 @ But the eyes of the wicked shall be wearied out; They shall find no refuge; Their hope is––the breathing forth of life.

noyes@Job:12:1 @ Then Job answered and said:

noyes@Job:12:2 @ No doubt ye are the whole people! And wisdom will die with you!

noyes@Job:12:3 @ But I have understanding as well as you; I am not inferior to you: Yea, who knoweth not such things as these?

noyes@Job:12:4 @ I am become a laughing–stock to my friend,––I who call upon God, that he would answer me! The innocent and upright man is held in derision.

noyes@Job:12:5 @ To calamity belongeth contempt in the mind of one at ease; It is ready for them that slip with the feet.

noyes@Job:12:6 @ The tents of robbers are in prosperity, And they who provoke God are secure, Who carry their God in their hand.

noyes@Job:12:7 @ For ask now the beasts, and they will teach thee; Or the fowls of the air, and they will tell thee;

noyes@Job:12:8 @ Or speak to the earth, and it will instruct thee; And the fishes of the sea will declare unto thee.

noyes@Job:12:9 @ Who among all these doth not know That the hand of Jehovah doeth these things?

noyes@Job:12:10 @ In whose hand is the soul of every living thing, And the breath of all mankind.

noyes@Job:12:11 @ Doth not the ear prove words, As the mouth tasteth meat?

noyes@Job:12:12 @ With the aged is wisdom, And with length of days is understanding.

noyes@Job:12:13 @ With Him are wisdom and strength; With Him counsel and understanding.

noyes@Job:12:14 @ Lo! he pulleth down, and it shall not be rebuilt; He bindeth a man, and he shall not be set loose.

noyes@Job:12:15 @ Lo! he withholdeth the waters, and they are dried up; He sendeth them forth, and they lay waste the earth.

noyes@Job:12:16 @ With him are strength and wisdom; The deceived and the deceiver are his.

noyes@Job:12:17 @ He leadeth counsellors away captive, And judges he maketh fools.

noyes@Job:12:18 @ He looseth the authority of kings, And bindeth their loins with a cord.

noyes@Job:12:19 @ He leadeth priests away captive, And overthroweth the mighty.

noyes@Job:12:20 @ He removeth speech from the trusty, And taketh away judgment from the elders.

noyes@Job:12:21 @ He poureth contempt upon princes, And looseth the girdle of the mighty.

noyes@Job:12:22 @ He revealeth deep things out of darkness, And bringeth the shadow of death to light.

noyes@Job:12:23 @ He exalteth nations, and destroyeth them; He enlargeth nations, and leadeth them captive.

noyes@Job:12:24 @ He taketh away the understanding of the great men of the land, And causeth them to wander in a wilderness, where is no path;

noyes@Job:12:25 @ They grope in the dark without light; He maketh them stagger like a drunken man.

noyes@Job:13:1 @ Lo! all this mine eye hath seen; Mine ear hath heard and understood it.

noyes@Job:13:2 @ What ye know, I know also; I am not inferior to you.

noyes@Job:13:3 @ But O that I might speak with the Almighty! O that I might reason with God!

noyes@Job:13:4 @ For ye are forgers of lies; Physicians of no value, all of you!

noyes@Job:13:5 @ O that ye would altogether hold your peace! This, truly, would be wisdom in you.

noyes@Job:13:6 @ Hear, I pray you, my arguments; Attend to the pleadings of my lips!

noyes@Job:13:7 @ Will ye speak falsehood for God? Will ye utter deceit for him?

noyes@Job:13:8 @ Will ye be partial to his person? Will ye contend earnestly for God?

noyes@Job:13:9 @ Will it be well for you, if he search you thoroughly? Can ye deceive him, as one may deceive a man?

noyes@Job:13:10 @ Surely he will rebuke you, If ye secretly have respect to persons.

noyes@Job:13:11 @ Doth not his majesty make you afraid, And his dread fall upon you?

noyes@Job:13:12 @ Your maxims are words of dust; Your fortresses are fortresses of clay.

noyes@Job:13:13 @ Hold your peace, and let me speak: And then come upon me what will!

noyes@Job:13:14 @ Why do I take my flesh in my teeth, And put my life in my hand?

noyes@Job:13:15 @ Lo! he slayeth me, and I have no hope! Yet will I justify my ways before him.

noyes@Job:13:16 @ This also shall be my deliverance; For no unrighteous man will come before him.

noyes@Job:13:17 @ Hear attentively my words, And give ear to my declaration!

noyes@Job:13:18 @ Behold, I have now set in order my cause; I know that I am innocent.

noyes@Job:13:19 @ Who is he that can contend with me? For then would I hold my peace, and die!

noyes@Job:13:20 @ Only do not unto me two things, Then will I not hide myself from thy presence;

noyes@Job:13:21 @ Let not thy hand be heavy upon me, And let not thy terrors make me afraid:

noyes@Job:13:22 @ Then call upon me, and I will answer; Or I will speak, and answer thou me.

noyes@Job:13:23 @ How many are my iniquities and sins? Make me to know my faults and transgressions.

noyes@Job:13:24 @ Wherefore dost thou hide thy face, And account me as thine enemy?

noyes@Job:13:25 @ Wilt thou put in fear the driven leaf? Wilt thou pursue the dry stubble?

noyes@Job:13:26 @ For thou writest bitter things against me, And makest me inherit the sins of my youth.

noyes@Job:13:27 @ Yea, thou puttest my feet in the stocks, And waterest all my paths; Thou hemmest in the soles of my feet.

noyes@Job:13:28 @ And I, like an abandoned thing, shall waste away; Like a garment which is moth–eaten.

noyes@Job:14:1 @ Man, that is born of woman, Is of few days, and full of trouble.

noyes@Job:14:2 @ He cometh forth as a flower, and is cut down; He fleeth also as a shadow, and continueth not.

noyes@Job:14:3 @ And dost thou fix thine eyes upon such a one? And dost thou bring me into judgment with thee?

noyes@Job:14:4 @ Who can produce a clean thing from an unclean? Not one.

noyes@Job:14:5 @ Seeing that his days are determined, And the number of his months, with thee, And that thou hast appointed him bounds which he cannot pass,

noyes@Job:14:6 @ O turn thine eyes from him, and let him rest, That he may enjoy, as a hireling, his day!

noyes@Job:14:7 @ For there is hope for a tree, If it be cut down, that it will sprout again, And that its tender branches will not fail;

noyes@Job:14:8 @ Though its root may have grown old in the earth, And though its trunk be dead upon the ground,

noyes@Job:14:9 @ Through the scent of water it will bud, And put forth boughs, like a young plant.

noyes@Job:14:10 @ But man dieth, and he is gone! Man expireth, and where is he?

noyes@Job:14:11 @ The waters fail from the lake; And the stream wasteth and drieth up;

noyes@Job:14:12 @ So man lieth down, and riseth not; Till the heavens be no more, he shall not awake, Nor be roused from his sleep.

noyes@Job:14:13 @ O that thou wouldst hide me in the under–world! That thou wouldst conceal me till thy wrath be past! That thou wouldst appoint me a time, and then remember me!

noyes@Job:14:14 @ If a man die, can he live again? All the days of my war–service would I wait, Till my change should come.

noyes@Job:14:15 @ Thou wilt call, and I will answer thee; Thou wilt have compassion upon the work of thy hands!

noyes@Job:14:16 @ But now thou numberest my steps; Thou watchest over my sins.

noyes@Job:14:17 @ My transgression is sealed up in a bag; Yea, thou addest unto my iniquity.

noyes@Job:14:18 @ As the mountain falling cometh to nought, And the rock is removed from its place;

noyes@Job:14:19 @ As the waters wear away the stones, And the floods wash away the dust of the earth, So thou destroyest the hope of man.

noyes@Job:14:20 @ Thou prevailest against him continually, and he perisheth; Thou changest his countenance, and sendest him away.

noyes@Job:14:21 @ His sons come to honor, but he knoweth it not; Or they are brought low, but he perceiveth it not.

noyes@Job:14:22 @ But his flesh shall have pain for itself alone; For itself alone shall his soul mourn.

noyes@Job:15:1 @ Then answered Eliphaz the Temanite, and said:

noyes@Job:15:2 @ Should a wise man answer with arguments of wind, Or fill his bosom with the east wind?

noyes@Job:15:3 @ Should he argue with speech that helpeth him not, And with words which do not profit him?

noyes@Job:15:4 @ Behold, thou makest the fear of God a vain thing, And discouragest prayer before him.

noyes@Job:15:5 @ Yea, thy own mouth proclaimeth thy iniquity, Though thou choosest the tongue of the crafty.

noyes@Job:15:6 @ Thy own mouth condemneth thee, and not I; Thy own lips testify against thee.

noyes@Job:15:7 @ Art thou the first man that was born? Wast thou formed before the hills?

noyes@Job:15:8 @ Hast thou listened in the council of God, And drawn all wisdom to thyself?

noyes@Job:15:9 @ What dost thou know, that we know not also? What dost thou understand, that is a secret to us?

noyes@Job:15:10 @ With us are the aged and hoary–headed; Much older than thy father.

noyes@Job:15:11 @ Dost thou despise the consolations of God, And words so full of kindness to thee?

noyes@Job:15:12 @ Why hath thy passion taken possession of thee? And why this winking of thine eyes?

noyes@Job:15:13 @ For against God hast thou turned thy spirit, And uttered such words from thy mouth.

noyes@Job:15:14 @ What is man, that he should be pure, And he that is born of woman, that he should be innocent?

noyes@Job:15:15 @ Behold, He putteth no trust in his ministering spirits, And the heavens are not pure in his sight;

noyes@Job:15:16 @ Much less, abominable and polluted man, Who drinketh iniquity as water.

noyes@Job:15:17 @ Hear me, and I will show thee, And that which I have seen will I declare;

noyes@Job:15:18 @ Which the wise men have told, And not kept concealed, as received from their fathers;

noyes@Job:15:19 @ To whom alone the land was given, And among whom not a stranger wandered.

noyes@Job:15:20 @ "All his days the wicked man is in pain; Yea, all the years, that are laid up for the oppressor.

noyes@Job:15:21 @ A fearful sound is in his ears; In peace the destroyer cometh upon him.

noyes@Job:15:22 @ He hath no hope that he shall escape from darkness; He is set apart for the sword.

noyes@Job:15:23 @ He wandereth about, seeking bread; He knoweth that a day of darkness is at hand.

noyes@Job:15:24 @ Distress and anguish fill him with dread; They prevail against him like a king ready for the battle.

noyes@Job:15:25 @ Because he stretched forth his hand against God, And bade defiance to the Almighty,

noyes@Job:15:26 @ And ran against him with outstretched neck, With the thick bosses of his bucklers;

noyes@Job:15:27 @ Because he covered his face with fatness, And gathered fat upon his loins,

noyes@Job:15:28 @ And dwelt in desolated cities, In houses which no man inhabiteth, That are ready to become heaps.

noyes@Job:15:29 @ He shall not be rich; his substance shall not endure, And his possessions shall not be extended upon the earth.

noyes@Job:15:30 @ He shall not escape from darkness, And the flame shall dry up his branches; Yea, by the breath of His mouth shall he be taken away.

noyes@Job:15:31 @ "Let not man trust in vanity! he will be deceived; For vanity shall be his recompense.

noyes@Job:15:32 @ He shall come to his end before his time, And his branch shall not be green.

noyes@Job:15:33 @ He shall shake off his unripe fruit like the vine, And shed his blossoms like the olive–tree.

noyes@Job:15:34 @ The house of the unrighteous shall be famished, And fire shall consume the tents of bribery.

noyes@Job:15:35 @ They conceive mischief, and bring forth misery, And their breast deviseth deceit."

noyes@Job:16:1 @ But Job answered and said:

noyes@Job:16:2 @ Of such things as these I have heard enough! Miserable comforters are ye all!

noyes@Job:16:3 @ Will there ever be an end to words of wind? What stirreth thee up, that thou answerest?

noyes@Job:16:4 @ I also might speak like you, If ye were now in my place; I might string together words against you, And shake my head at you.

noyes@Job:16:5 @ I would strengthen you with my mouth, And the consolation of my lips should sustain you.

noyes@Job:16:6 @ If I speak, my grief is not assuaged; And if I forbear, it doth not leave me.

noyes@Job:16:7 @ For now He hath quite exhausted me; Thou hast desolated all my house!

noyes@Job:16:8 @ Thou hast seized hold of me, and this is a witness against me; My leanness riseth up and testifieth against me to my face.

noyes@Job:16:9 @ His anger teareth my flesh, and pursueth me; He gnasheth upon me with his teeth; My adversary sharpeneth his eyes upon me.

noyes@Job:16:10 @ They gape for me with their mouths; In scorn they smite me on the cheek; With one consent they assemble against me.

noyes@Job:16:11 @ God hath given me a prey to the unrighteous, And delivered me into the hands of the wicked.

noyes@Job:16:12 @ I was at ease, but he hath crushed me; He hath seized me by the neck, and dashed me in pieces; He hath set me up for his mark.

noyes@Job:16:13 @ His archers encompass me around; He pierceth my reins, and doth not spare; He poureth out my gall upon the ground.

noyes@Job:16:14 @ He breaketh me with breach upon breach; He rusheth upon me like a warrior.

noyes@Job:16:15 @ I have sewed sackcloth upon my skin, And thrust my horn into the dust.

noyes@Job:16:16 @ My face is red with weeping, And upon my eyelids is deathlike darkness.

noyes@Job:16:17 @ Yet is there no injustice in my bands. And my prayer hath been pure.

noyes@Job:16:18 @ O earth! cover not thou my blood, And let there be no hiding–place for my cry!

noyes@Job:16:19 @ Yet even now, behold, my witness is in heaven, And he who knoweth me is on high.

noyes@Job:16:20 @ My friends have me in derision, But my eye poureth out tears unto God.

noyes@Job:16:21 @ O that one might contend for a man with God, As a man contendeth with his neighbor!

noyes@Job:16:22 @ For when a few years shall have passed, I shall go the way whence I shall not return.

noyes@Job:17:1 @ My breath is exhausted; My days are at an end; The grave is ready for me.

noyes@Job:17:2 @ Are not revilers before me? And doth not my eye dwell upon their provocations?

noyes@Job:17:3 @ Give a pledge, I pray thee; be thou a surety for me with thee; Who is he that will strike hands with me?

noyes@Job:17:4 @ Behold, thou hast blinded their understanding; Therefore thou wilt not suffer them to prevail.

noyes@Job:17:5 @ He who delivereth up his friends as a prey,––The eyes of his children shall fail.

noyes@Job:17:6 @ He made me the by–word of the people; Yea, I have become their abhorrence.

noyes@Job:17:7 @ My eye therefore is dim with sorrow, And all my limbs are as a shadow.

noyes@Job:17:8 @ Upright men will be astonished at this, And the innocent will rouse themselves against the wicked.

noyes@Job:17:9 @ The righteous will also hold on his way, And he that hath clean hands will gather strength.

noyes@Job:17:10 @ But as for you all, return, I pray! I find not yet among you one wise man.

noyes@Job:17:11 @ My days are at an end; My plans are broken off; Even the treasures of my heart.

noyes@Job:17:12 @ Night hath become day to me; The light bordereth on darkness.

noyes@Job:17:13 @ Yea, I look to the grave as my home; I have made my bed in darkness.

noyes@Job:17:14 @ I say to the pit, Thou art my father! And to the worm, My mother! and, My sister!

noyes@Job:17:15 @ Where then is my hope? Yea, my hope, who shall see it?

noyes@Job:17:16 @ It must go down to the bars of the under–world, As soon as there is rest for me in the dust.

noyes@Job:18:1 @ Bildad the Shuhite answered and said:

noyes@Job:18:2 @ How long ere ye make an end of words? Understand, and then we will speak!

noyes@Job:18:3 @ Why are we accounted as brutes, And reputed vile in your sight?

noyes@Job:18:4 @ Thou that tearest thyself in thine anger! Must the earth be deserted for thee, And the rock removed from its place?

noyes@Job:18:5 @ Behold, the light of the wicked shall be put out, And the flame of his fire shall not shine.

noyes@Job:18:6 @ Light shall become darkness in his tent, And his lamp over him shall go out.

noyes@Job:18:7 @ His strong steps shall be straitened, And his own plans shall cast him down.

noyes@Job:18:8 @ He is brought into the net by his own feet, And he walketh upon snares.

noyes@Job:18:9 @ The trap layeth hold of him by the heel, And the snare holdeth him fast.

noyes@Job:18:10 @ A net is secretly laid for him on the ground, And a trap for him in the pathway.

noyes@Job:18:11 @ Terrors affright him on every side, And harass him at his heels.

noyes@Job:18:12 @ His strength is wasted by hunger, And destruction is ready at his side.

noyes@Job:18:13 @ His limbs are consumed, Yea, his limbs are devoured by the first–born of death.

noyes@Job:18:14 @ He is torn from his tent, which was his confidence, And is borne away to the king of terrors.

noyes@Job:18:15 @ They who are none of his shall dwell in his tent; Brimstone shall be scattered upon his habitation.

noyes@Job:18:16 @ His roots below shall be dried up, And his branches above shall be withered.

noyes@Job:18:17 @ His memory perisheth from the earth, And no name hath he in the land.

noyes@Job:18:18 @ He shall be thrust from light into darkness, And driven out of the world.

noyes@Job:18:19 @ He hath no son, nor kinsman among his people, Nor any survivor in his dwelling–place.

noyes@Job:18:20 @ They that come after him shall be amazed at his fate, As they that were before them were struck with horror.

noyes@Job:18:21 @ Yea, such is the dwelling of the unrighteous man; Such is the place of him who knoweth not God!

noyes@Job:19:1 @ But Job answered and said:

noyes@Job:19:2 @ How long will ye vex my soul, And break me in pieces with words?

noyes@Job:19:3 @ These ten times have ye reviled me; Without shame do ye stun me!

noyes@Job:19:4 @ And be it, indeed, that I have erred, My error abideth with myself.

noyes@Job:19:5 @ Since, indeed, ye magnify yourselves against me, And plead against me my reproach,

noyes@Job:19:6 @ Know then that it is God who hath brought me low; He hath encompassed me with his net.

noyes@Job:19:7 @ Behold, I complain of wrong, but receive no answer; I cry aloud, but obtain no justice.

noyes@Job:19:8 @ He hath fenced up my way, so that I cannot pass, And hath set darkness in my paths.

noyes@Job:19:9 @ He hath stripped me of my glory, And taken the crown from my head.

noyes@Job:19:10 @ He hath destroyed me on every side, and I am gone! He hath torn up my hope like a tree.

noyes@Job:19:11 @ He kindleth his anger against me, And counteth me as his enemy.

noyes@Job:19:12 @ His troops advance together against me; They throw up for themselves a way to me, And encamp around my dwelling.

noyes@Job:19:13 @ My brethren he hath put far from me, And my acquaintance are wholly estranged from me.

noyes@Job:19:14 @ My kinsfolk have forsaken me, And my bosom friends have forgotten me.

noyes@Job:19:15 @ The foreigners of my house, yea, my own maid–servants, regard me as a stranger; I am an alien in their eyes.

noyes@Job:19:16 @ I call my servant, and he maketh no answer; With my own mouth do I entreat him.

noyes@Job:19:17 @ My breath is become strange to my wife, And my prayers also to my own mother’s sons.

noyes@Job:19:18 @ Even young children despise me; When I rise up, they speak against me.

noyes@Job:19:19 @ All my bosom friends abhor me, And they whom I loved are turned against me.

noyes@Job:19:20 @ My bones cleave to my flesh and my skin, And I have scarcely escaped with the skin of my teeth.

noyes@Job:19:21 @ Have pity upon me, O ye my friends! have pity upon me; For the hand of God hath smitten me!

noyes@Job:19:22 @ Why do ye persecute me like God, And are not satisfied with my flesh?

noyes@Job:19:23 @ O that my words were now written! O that they were marked down in a scroll!

noyes@Job:19:24 @ That with an iron pen, and with lead, They were engraven upon the rock for ever!

noyes@Job:19:25 @ Yet I know that my Vindicator liveth, And will hereafter stand up on the earth;

noyes@Job:19:26 @ And though with my skin this body be wasted away, Yet without my flesh shall I see God.

noyes@Job:19:27 @ Yea, I shall see him my friend; My eyes shall behold him, and not another: For this, my soul panteth within me.

noyes@Job:19:28 @ Since ye say, "How may we persecute him, And find grounds of accusation against him?"

noyes@Job:19:29 @ Be ye afraid of the sword! For malice is a crime for the sword; That ye may know that judgment cometh.

noyes@Job:20:1 @ Then answered Zophar the Naamathite, and said:

noyes@Job:20:2 @ For this do my thoughts lead me to reply, And for this is my ardor within me.

noyes@Job:20:3 @ I have heard my shameful rebuke; And the spirit, from my understanding, answereth for me.

noyes@Job:20:4 @ Knowest thou not, that from the days of old, From the time when man was placed upon the earth,

noyes@Job:20:5 @ The triumphing of the wicked hath been short, And the joy of the impious but for a moment?

noyes@Job:20:6 @ Though his greatness mount up to the heavens, And his head reach to the clouds,

noyes@Job:20:7 @ Yet shall he perish for ever, and be mingled with dust; They who saw him shall say, Where is he?

noyes@Job:20:8 @ He shall flee away like a dream, and shall not be found; Yea, he shall disappear like a vision of the nigh.

noyes@Job:20:9 @ The eye also which saw him shall see him no more, And his dwelling–place shall never more behold him.

noyes@Job:20:10 @ His sons shall seek the favor of the poor, And their hands shall give back his wealth.

noyes@Job:20:11 @ His bones are full of his youth, But they shall lie down with him in the dust.

noyes@Job:20:12 @ Though wickedness be sweet in his mouth, Though he hide it under his tongue,

noyes@Job:20:13 @ Though he cherish it, and will not part with it, And keep it fast in his mouth,

noyes@Job:20:14 @ Yet his meat shall be changed within him, And become to him the poison of asps.

noyes@Job:20:15 @ He hath glutted himself with riches, And he shall throw them up again; Yea, God shall cast them out of his body.

noyes@Job:20:16 @ He shall suck the poison of asps; The tongue of the viper shall destroy him.

noyes@Job:20:17 @ He shall never see the flowing streams, And the rivers of honey and milk.

noyes@Job:20:18 @ The fruits of his toil he shall give back, and shall not enjoy them: It is substance to be restored, and he shall not rejoice therein.

noyes@Job:20:19 @ Because he hath oppressed and abandoned the poor, And seized upon the house which he did not build;

noyes@Job:20:20 @ Because he knew no rest in his bosom, He shall not save that in which he delighteth.

noyes@Job:20:21 @ Because nothing escaped his greediness, His prosperity shall not endure.

noyes@Job:20:22 @ In the fulness of his abundance he shall be brought low; Every hand of the wretched shall come upon him.

noyes@Job:20:23 @ He shall, indeed, have wherewith to fill himself: God shall send upon him the fury of his anger, And rain it down upon him for his food.

noyes@Job:20:24 @ If he fleeth from the iron weapon, The bow of brass shall pierce him through.

noyes@Job:20:25 @ He draweth the arrow, and it cometh forth from his body; Yea, the glittering steel cometh out of his gall. Terrors are upon him;

noyes@Job:20:26 @ Calamity of every kind is treasured up for him. A fire not blown shall consume him; It shall consume whatever is left in his tent.

noyes@Job:20:27 @ The heavens shall reveal his iniquity, And the earth shall rise up against him.

noyes@Job:20:28 @ The substance of his house shall disappear; It shall flow away in the day of His wrath.

noyes@Job:20:29 @ Such is the portion of the wicked man from God, And the inheritance appointed for him by the Almighty.

noyes@Job:21:1 @ But Job answered and said:

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