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* Then Yahweh responded to Job , out of a storm , and said : * Who is it that darkeneth counsel , by words , without knowledge ? * Gird , I pray theelike a strong manthy loins , that I may ask thee , and inform thou me : * Where wast thou , when I founded the earth ? Tell , if thou knowest understanding ! * Who set the measurements thereof , if thou knowest ? Or who stretched out over it a line ? * Whereon were the pedestals thereof sunk ? Or who laid the corner stone thereof ; * When the morning stars sang together , and all the sons of God shouted for joy ? * Or shut in , with double doors , the sea , when , bursting out of the womb , it came forth ; * When I put a cloud as the garment thereof , and a thick cloud as the swaddling-band thereof ; * And brake off for it my boundary , and fixed a bar and double doors ; * And said Hitherto , shalt thou come , and no further , and , here , shalt thou set a limit to the majesty of thy waves ? * Since thy days hast thou commanded the morning ? or caused the dawn to know its place ; * That it might lay hold of the wings of the earth , and the lawless be shaken out of it ? * It transformeth itself like the clay of a seal , so that things stand forth like one arrayed ; * That their light may be withdrawn from the lawless , and , the lofty arm , be shivered . * Hast thou entered as far as the springs of the sea ? Or , through the secret recesses of the resounding deep , hast thou wandered ? * Have the gates of death been disclosed to thee ? And , the gates of the death-shade , couldst thou descry ? * Hast thou well considered , even the breadths of the earth ? Tellif thou knowest it all ! * Where then is the way , the light shall abide ? And , the darkness , where then is its place ? * That thou mayest conduct it unto the bound thereof , and that thou mayest perceive the paths to its house . * Thou knowest , for , then , hadst thou been born ! And , in number , thy days are many ! * Hast thou entered into the treasuries of the snow ? And , the treasuries of the hail , couldst thou see ? * Which I have reserved for a time of distress , for the day of conflict and of war ? * Where then is the way the lightning is parted ? The east wind spreadeth itself abroad over the earth . * Who hath clovenfor the torrenta channel ? Or a way for the lightning of thunders ; * To give rain over the no-mans land , the desert , where no son of earth is ; * To satisfy the wild and the wilderness , to cause to spring forth the meadow of young grass ? * Hath the rain a father ? Or who hath begotten the drops of dew ? * Out of whose womb , came forth the ice ? And , the hoar-frost of the heavens , who hath given it birth ? * Like a stone , are the waters congealed , and , the face of the roaring deep , becometh firm ! * Canst thou bind the fetters of the Pleiades ? Or , the bands of Orion , canst thou unloose ? * Canst thou bring forth the signs of the Zodiac each in its season ? Or , the Bear and her Young , canst thou lead ? * Knowest thou , the statutes of the heavens ? Or didst thou appoint his dominion over the earth ? * Canst thou lift up , to the thick cloud , thy voice , and the overflow of waters cover thee ? * Canst thou send forth the lightnings , so that they go , and say to thee , Behold us ? * Who hath putinto cloud-formswisdom ? Or who hath givento the meteorunderstanding ? * Who can count the thin clouds , in wisdom ? And , the bottles of the heavens , who can empty out ; * When the dust is cast into a clod , and the lumps are bound together ? * Wilt thou huntfor the Lionessprey ? Or , the craving of the Strong Lion , wilt thou satisfy ; * When they settle down in dens , abide in covert , for lying in wait ? * Who prepareth for the Raven his nourishment , when his young onesunto GODcry out , * Knowest thou the season when the Wild Goats of the crags beget ? The bringing forth of the hinds , canst thou observe ? * Canst thou count the months they fulfil ? Or knowest thou the time when they give birth ? * They kneel down , their young , they bring forth ; their pains , they throw off ; * Their young become strong , they grow up in the open field , they go out , and return not unto them . * Who hath sent forth the Wild Ass free ? And , the bands of the swift-runner , who hath loosed ? * Whose house I have made the waste plain , and his dwellings , the land of salt : * He laugheth at the throng of the city , The shoutings of the driver , he heareth not ; * He espieth the mountains , his pasture-ground , and , after every green thing , maketh search . * Will the Wild-Ox be pleased to be thy servant ? or lodge for the night by thy crib ? * Canst thou bind the wild-ox , so thatwith the ridgeshall run his cord ? Or will he harrow the furrows after thee ? * Wilt thou trust in him , because of the greatness of his strength ? Wilt thou leave unto him thy toil ? * Wilt thou put faith in him , that he will bring back thy seed ? and that , corn for thy threshing-floor , he will gather ? * The wing of the Ostrich that waveth itself joyfully , Is it the pinion of lovingkindness or the plumage ? * For she leavethto the earthher eggs , and , on the dust , she letteth them be warmed ; * And hath forgotten , that , a foot , may crush them , or , the wild beast , tread on them ! * Dealing hardly with her young , as none-of hers , In vain , her labour , without dread . * For GOD hath suffered her to forget wisdom , and given her no share in understanding . * What time , on high , she vibrateth her wings , she laugheth at the horse and his rider . * Couldst thou giveto the Horsestrength ? Couldst thou clothe his neck with the quivering mane ? * Couldst thou cause him to leap like a locust ? The majesty of his snort , is a terror ! * He diggeth into the plain , and rejoiceth in vigour , he goeth forth to meet armour ; * He laugheth at dread , and is not dismayed , neither turneth he back , from the face of the sword ; * Against him , whiz the quiver , the flashing head of spear and javelin ; * With stamping and rage , he drinketh up the ground , he will not stand still when the horn soundeth ; * As oft as the horn soundeth , he saith , Aha ! And , from afar , he scenteth the battle , the thunder of commanders and the war-cry . * Is it , by thine understanding , that the Bird of Passage betaketh him to his pinions ? spreadeth out his wings to the south ? * Or , at thy bidding , that the Eagle mounteth , and that he setteth on high his nest ? * The crag , he inhabiteth , and so lodgeth himself , on the tooth of the crag , and high fort ; * From thence , he searcheth out food , far away , his eyes do pierce ; * And , his young brood , suck up blood , and , where the slain are , there , is he . * And Yahweh responded to Job , and said : * Shall a reprover contend , with the Almighty ? He that disputeth with GOD , let him answer it ! * Then Job responded to Yahweh , and said : * Lo ! I am of no account , what shall I reply to thee ? My hand , have I laid on my mouth : * Once , have I spoken , but I will not proceed , yea twice , but I will not add . * So then Yahweh responded to Job , out of a storm , and said : * Gird , I pray theeas a strong manthy loins , I will ask thee , and inform thou me . * Wilt thou even frustrate my justice ? Wilt thou condemn me , that thou mayest appear right ? * But if , an arm like GOD , thou hast , and , with a voice like his , thou canst thunder , * Deck thyself , I pray thee , with majesty and grandeur , Yea , with dignity and splendour , thou shalt clothe thyself ; * Pour out thy transports of anger , and look on every one who is high , and lay him low ; * Look on every one who is high , and humble him , yea tread down the lawless , on the spot : * Hide them in the dust all together , Their faces , bind thou in darkness ; * And , even I myself , will praise thee , in that thine own right hand can bring thee salvation . * Behold , I pray thee , the Hippopotamus , which I made with thee , Grasslike the ox , he eateth ; * Behold , I pray thee , his strength in his loins , and his force , in the muscles of his belly ; * He bendeth down his tail like a cedar , the sinews of his thighs , are twisted together ; * His bones , are barrels of bronze , his frame , is like hammered bars of iron : * He , is the beginning of the ways of GOD , Let his maker , present him his sword : * Surely the mountains bring , produce , to him , where , all the wild beasts of the field , do play ; * Under the lotus-trees , he lieth down , in a covert of reed and swamp ; * The lotus-trees cover him with their shade , the willows of the torrent-bed compass him about ; * Lo ! the river becometh insolenthe is not alarmed ! He is confident , though a Jordan burst forth to his mouth : * Before his eyes , shall he be caught ? With a hook , can one pierce his nose ? * Canst thou draw out the Crocodile with a fish-hook ? Or , with a cord , canst thou fasten down his tongue ? * Wilt thou put a rush-cord on his nose ? or , with a thorn , wilt thou pierce his jaw ? * Will he multiply unto thee supplications , or will he speak unto thee softly ? * Will he solemnise a covenant with thee ? Wilt thou take him for a life-long servant ? * Wilt thou sport with him , as with a little bird ? Or wilt thou bind him , for thy maidens ? * Shall the companions bargain over him ? or will they part him among the traders ? * Wilt thou fill , with darts , his skin ? or , with fish-spears , his head ? * Lay thou upon him thy hand , remember the battleno more ! * Lo ! any hope of him , hath been found deceptive , Even at the sight of him , shall not one be overwhelmed ? * None so bold , that he will rouse him ! Who then is he that , before me , can stand ? * Who hath forestalled me , that I may repay him ? Under all the heavens , mine it is ! * I will not pass by in silence his parts , or the matter of strength , or the grace of his armour . * Who hath removed his outer garment , through his double row of teeth , who would enter ? * The doors of his face , who hath opened ? The circles of his teeth , are a terror ! * A pride , are his arched sides , closed up , with a firm seal ; * One to another , they join , and , air , cannot enter between them ; * Each to its fellow , they cleave , they grasp each other , and cannot be parted ; * His sneezings , flash forth light , and , his eyes , are like the eyelashes of the dawn ; * Out of his mouth , torches dart forth , sparks of fire , escape ; * Out of his nostrils , proceedeth smoke , like a blown pot and rushes ; * His breath , setteth coals ablaze , and , a flame , out of his mouth , proceedeth ; * In his neck , lodgeth strength , and , before him , danceth dismay ; * The dewlaps of his flesh , cleave together , hardened upon him , they cannot be moved ; * His heart , is hardened like a stone , yea hardened , like the nether millstone ; * At his rising up , mighty men are afraid , by reason of terror , they are beside themselves : * As for him that assaileth him , the sword availeth not , spear , dart , or coat of mail : * He counteth iron as broken straw , and bronze as rotten wood : * The arrow , will not make him flee , Into chaff , are sling-stones changed by him : * As a straw , is a club accounted , and he laugheth at the whir of the javelin ; * His underparts , are points of potsherd , a pointed threshing roller spreadeth out upon the slime : * He causeth to boil , as a cauldron , the raging deep , the sea , he maketh like a brewing vessel : * After him , he lighteth up a path , one might think the resounding deep to be hoary ! * There is notupon the dusthis like , that hath been made to be without fear ; * Every thing lofty , he beholdeth , he , is king over all ravenous beasts . * Then Job responded to Yahweh , and said :

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