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asv @Job:38:1 @Then Jehovah answered Job out of the whirlwind , and said , asv @Job:38:2 @Who is this that darkeneth counsel By words without knowledge ? asv @Job:38:3 @Gird up now thy loins like a man ; For I will demand of thee , and declare thou unto me . asv @Job:38:4 @Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth ? Declare , if thou hast understanding . asv @Job:38:5 @Who determined the measures thereof , if thou knowest ? Or who stretched the line upon it ? asv @Job:38:6 @Whereupon were the foundations thereof fastened ? Or who laid the corner-stone thereof , asv @Job:38:7 @When the morning stars sang together , And all the sons of God shouted for joy ? asv @Job:38:8 @Or who shut up the sea with doors , When it brake forth , as if it had issued out of the womb ; asv @Job:38:9 @When I made clouds the garment thereof , And thick darkness a swaddling-band for it , asv @Job:38:10 @And marked out for it my bound , And set bars and doors , asv @Job:38:11 @And said , Hitherto shalt thou come , but no further ; And here shall thy proud waves be stayed ? asv @Job:38:12 @Hast thou commanded the morning since thy days began , And caused the dayspring to know its place ; asv @Job:38:13 @That it might take hold of the ends of the earth , And the wicked be shaken out of it ? asv @Job:38:14 @It is changed as clay under the seal ; And all things stand forth as a garment : asv @Job:38:15 @And from the wicked their light is withholden , And the high arm is broken . asv @Job:38:16 @Hast thou entered into the springs of the sea ? Or hast thou walked in the recesses of the deep ? asv @Job:38:17 @Have the gates of death been revealed unto thee ? Or hast thou seen the gates of the shadow of death ? asv @Job:38:18 @Hast thou comprehended the earth in its breadth ? Declare , if thou knowest it all . asv @Job:38:19 @Where is the way to the dwelling of light ? And as for darkness , where is the place thereof , asv @Job:38:20 @That thou shouldest take it to the bound thereof , And that thou shouldest discern the paths to the house thereof ? asv @Job:38:21 @Doubtless , thou knowest , for thou wast then born , And the number of thy days is great ! asv @Job:38:22 @Hast thou entered the treasuries of the snow , Or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail , asv @Job:38:23 @Which I have reserved against the time of trouble , Against the day of battle and war ? asv @Job:38:24 @By what way is the light parted , Or the east wind scattered upon the earth ? asv @Job:38:25 @Who hath cleft a channel for the waterflood , Or the way for the lightning of the thunder ; asv @Job:38:26 @To cause it to rain on a land where no man is ; On the wilderness , wherein there is no man ; asv @Job:38:27 @To satisfy the waste and desolate ground , And to cause the tender grass to spring forth ? asv @Job:38:28 @Hath the rain a father ? Or who hath begotten the drops of dew ? asv @Job:38:29 @Out of whose womb came the ice ? And the hoary frost of heaven , who hath gendered it ? asv @Job:38:30 @The waters hide themselves and become like stone , And the face of the deep is frozen . asv @Job:38:31 @Canst thou bind the cluster of the Pleiades , Or loose the bands of Orion ? asv @Job:38:32 @Canst thou lead forth the Mazzaroth in their season ? Or canst thou guide the Bear with her train ? asv @Job:38:33 @Knowest thou the ordinances of the heavens ? Canst thou establish the dominion thereof in the earth ? asv @Job:38:34 @Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds , That abundance of waters may cover thee ? asv @Job:38:35 @Canst thou send forth lightnings , that they may go , And say unto thee , Here we are ? asv @Job:38:36 @Who hath put wisdom in the inward parts ? Or who hath given understanding to the mind ? asv @Job:38:37 @Who can number the clouds by wisdom ? Or who can pour out the bottles of heaven , asv @Job:38:38 @When the dust runneth into a mass , And the clods cleave fast together ? asv @Job:38:39 @Canst thou hunt the prey for the lioness , Or satisfy the appetite of the young lions , asv @Job:38:40 @When they couch in their dens , And abide in the covert to lie in wait ? asv @Job:38:41 @Who provideth for the raven his prey , When his young ones cry unto God , And wander for lack of food ? asv @Job:39:1 @Knowest thou the time when the wild goats of the rock bring forth ? Or canst thou mark when the hinds do calve ? asv @Job:39:2 @Canst thou number the months that they fulfil ? Or knowest thou the time when they bring forth ? asv @Job:39:3 @They bow themselves , they bring forth their young , They cast out their pains . asv @Job:39:4 @Their young ones become strong , they grow up in the open field ; They go forth , and return not again . asv @Job:39:5 @Who hath sent out the wild ass free ? Or who hath loosed the bonds of the swift ass , asv @Job:39:6 @Whose home I have made the wilderness , And the salt land his dwelling-place ? asv @Job:39:7 @He scorneth the tumult of the city , Neither heareth he the shoutings of the driver . asv @Job:39:8 @The range of the mountains is his pasture , And he searcheth after every green thing . asv @Job:39:9 @Will the wild-ox be content to serve thee ? Or will he abide by thy crib ? asv @Job:39:10 @Canst thou bind the wild-ox with his band in the furrow ? Or will he harrow the valleys after thee ? asv @Job:39:11 @Wilt thou trust him , because his strength is great ? Or wilt thou leave to him thy labor ? asv @Job:39:12 @Wilt thou confide in him , that he will bring home thy seed , And gather the grain of thy threshing-floor ? asv @Job:39:13 @The wings of the ostrich wave proudly ; But are they the pinions and plumage of love ? asv @Job:39:14 @For she leaveth her eggs on the earth , And warmeth them in the dust , asv @Job:39:15 @And forgetteth that the foot may crush them , Or that the wild beast may trample them . asv @Job:39:16 @She dealeth hardly with her young ones , as if they were not hers : Though her labor be in vain , she is without fear ; asv @Job:39:17 @Because God hath deprived her of wisdom , Neither hath he imparted to her understanding . asv @Job:39:18 @What time she lifteth up herself on high , She scorneth the horse and his rider . asv @Job:39:19 @Hast thou given the horse his might ? Hast thou clothed his neck with the quivering mane ? asv @Job:39:20 @Hast thou made him to leap as a locust ? The glory of his snorting is terrible . asv @Job:39:21 @He paweth in the valley , and rejoiceth in his strength : He goeth out to meet the armed men . asv @Job:39:22 @He mocketh at fear , and is not dismayed ; Neither turneth he back from the sword . asv @Job:39:23 @The quiver rattleth against him , The flashing spear and the javelin . asv @Job:39:24 @He swalloweth the ground with fierceness and rage ; Neither believeth he that it is the voice of the trumpet . asv @Job:39:25 @As oft as the trumpet soundeth he saith , Aha ! And he smelleth the battle afar off , The thunder of the captains , and the shouting . asv @Job:39:26 @Is it by thy wisdom that the hawk soareth , (And ) stretcheth her wings toward the south ? asv @Job:39:27 @Is it at thy command that the eagle mounteth up , And maketh her nest on high ? asv @Job:39:28 @On the cliff she dwelleth , and maketh her home , Upon the point of the cliff , and the stronghold . asv @Job:39:29 @From thence she spieth out the prey ; Her eyes behold it afar off . asv @Job:39:30 @Her young ones also suck up blood : And where the slain are , there is she . asv @Job:40:1 @Moreover Jehovah answered Job , and said , asv @Job:40:2 @Shall he that cavilleth contend with the Almighty ? He that argueth with God , let him answer it . asv @Job:40:3 @Then Job answered Jehovah , and said , asv @Job:40:4 @Behold , I am of small account ; What shall I answer thee ? I lay my hand upon my mouth . asv @Job:40:5 @Once have I spoken , and I will not answer ; Yea , twice , but I will proceed no further . asv @Job:40:6 @Then Jehovah answered Job out of the whirlwind , and said , asv @Job:40:7 @Gird up thy loins now like a man : I will demand of thee , and declare thou unto me . asv @Job:40:8 @Wilt thou even annul my judgment ? Wilt thou condemn me , that thou mayest be justified ? asv @Job:40:9 @Or hast thou an arm like God ? And canst thou thunder with a voice like him ? asv @Job:40:10 @Deck thyself now with excellency and dignity ; And array thyself with honor and majesty . asv @Job:40:11 @Pour forth the overflowings of thine anger ; And look upon every one that is proud , and abase him . asv @Job:40:12 @Look on every one that is proud , and bring him low ; And tread down the wicked where they stand . asv @Job:40:13 @Hide them in the dust together ; Bind their faces in the hidden place . asv @Job:40:14 @Then will I also confess of thee That thine own right hand can save thee . asv @Job:40:15 @Behold now , behemoth , which I made as well as thee ; He eateth grass as an ox . asv @Job:40:16 @Lo now , his strength is in his loins , And his force is in the muscles of his belly . asv @Job:40:17 @He moveth his tail like a cedar : The sinews of his thighs are knit together . asv @Job:40:18 @His bones are as tubes of brass ; His limbs are like bars of iron . asv @Job:40:19 @He is the chief of the ways of God : He only that made him giveth him his sword . asv @Job:40:20 @Surely the mountains bring him forth food , Where all the beasts of the field do play . asv @Job:40:21 @He lieth under the lotus-trees , In the covert of the reed , and the fen . asv @Job:40:22 @The lotus-trees cover him with their shade ; The willows of the brook compass him about . asv @Job:40:23 @Behold , if a river overflow , he trembleth not ; He is confident , though a Jordan swell even to his mouth . asv @Job:40:24 @Shall any take him when he is on the watch , Or pierce through his nose with a snare ? asv @Job:41:1 @Canst thou draw out leviathan with a fishhook ? Or press down his tongue with a cord ? asv @Job:41:2 @Canst thou put a rope into his nose ? Or pierce his jaw through with a hook ? asv @Job:41:3 @Will he make many supplications unto thee ? Or will he speak soft words unto thee ? asv @Job:41:4 @Will he make a covenant with thee , That thou shouldest take him for a servant for ever ? asv @Job:41:5 @Wilt thou play with him as with a bird ? Or wilt thou bind him for thy maidens ? asv @Job:41:6 @Will the bands of fishermen make traffic of him ? Will they part him among the merchants ? asv @Job:41:7 @Canst thou fill his skin with barbed irons , Or his head with fish-spears ? asv @Job:41:8 @Lay thy hand upon him ; Remember the battle , and do so no more . asv @Job:41:9 @Behold , the hope of him is in vain : Will not one be cast down even at the sight of him ? asv @Job:41:10 @None is so fierce that he dare stir him up ; Who then is he that can stand before me ? asv @Job:41:11 @Who hath first given unto me , that I should repay him ? Whatsoever is under the whole heaven is mine . asv @Job:41:12 @I will not keep silence concerning his limbs , Nor his mighty strength , nor his goodly frame . asv @Job:41:13 @Who can strip off his outer garment ? Who shall come within his jaws ? asv @Job:41:14 @Who can open the doors of his face ? Round about his teeth is terror . asv @Job:41:15 @His strong scales are his pride , Shut up together as with a close seal . asv @Job:41:16 @One is so near to another , That no air can come between them . asv @Job:41:17 @They are joined one to another ; They stick together , so that they cannot be sundered . asv @Job:41:18 @His sneezings flash forth light , And his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning . asv @Job:41:19 @Out of his mouth go burning torches , And sparks of fire leap forth . asv @Job:41:20 @Out of his nostrils a smoke goeth , As of a boiling pot and burning rushes . asv @Job:41:21 @His breath kindleth coals , And a flame goeth forth from his mouth . asv @Job:41:22 @In his neck abideth strength , And terror danceth before him . asv @Job:41:23 @The flakes of his flesh are joined together : They are firm upon him ; they cannot be moved . asv @Job:41:24 @His heart is as firm as a stone ; Yea , firm as the nether millstone . asv @Job:41:25 @When he raiseth himself up , the mighty are afraid : By reason of consternation they are beside themselves . asv @Job:41:26 @If one lay at him with the sword , it cannot avail ; Nor the spear , the dart , nor the pointed shaft . asv @Job:41:27 @He counteth iron as straw , And brass as rotten wood . asv @Job:41:28 @The arrow cannot make him flee : Sling-stones are turned with him into stubble . asv @Job:41:29 @Clubs are counted as stubble : He laugheth at the rushing of the javelin . asv @Job:41:30 @His underparts are like sharp potsherds : He spreadeth as it were a threshing-wain upon the mire . asv @Job:41:31 @He maketh the deep to boil like a pot : He maketh the sea like a pot of ointment . asv @Job:41:32 @He maketh a path to shine after him ; One would think the deep to be hoary . asv @Job:41:33 @Upon earth there is not his like , That is made without fear . asv @Job:41:34 @He beholdeth everything that is high : He is king over all the sons of pride . asv @Job:42:1 @Then Job answered Jehovah , and said ,

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