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* Proclaim this among the nations : Prepare war , stir up the mighty men . Let all the men of war draw near , let them come up . * Beat your plowshares into swords , and your pruning hooks into spears ; let the weak say , "I am a warrior ." * Hasten and come , all you nations round about , gather yourselves there . Bring down thy warriors , O LORD . * Let the nations bestir themselves , and come up to the valley of Jehosh 'aphat ; for there I will sit to judge all the nations round about . * Put in the sickle , for the harvest is ripe . Go in , tread , for the wine press is full . The vats overflow , for their wickedness is great . * Multitudes , multitudes , in the valley of decision ! For the day of the LORD is near in the valley of decision . * The sun and the moon are darkened , and the stars withdraw their shining . * And the LORD roars from Zion , and utters his voice from Jerusalem , and the heavens and the earth shake . But the LORD is a refuge to his people , a stronghold to the people of Israel . * "So you shall know that I am the LORD your God , who dwell in Zion , my holy mountain . And Jerusalem shall be holy and strangers shall never again pass through it .

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