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* I am (5748 ) the good shepherd : the good shepherd giveth (5719 ) his life for the sheep . * But he that is (5752 ) an hireling , and not the shepherd , whose own the sheep are (5748 ) not , seeth (5719 ) the wolf coming (5740 ), and leaveth (5719 ) the sheep , and fleeth (5719 ): and the wolf catcheth (5719 ) them , and scattereth (5719 ) the sheep . * The hireling fleeth (5719 ), because he is (5748 ) an hireling , and careth (5719 ) not for the sheep . * I am (5748 ) the good shepherd , and know (5719 ) my sheep , and am known (5743 ) of mine . * As the Father knoweth (5719 ) me , even so know (5719 ) I the Father : and I lay down (5719 ) my life for the sheep . * And other sheep I have (5719 ), which are (5748 ) not of this fold : them also I must (5748 ) bring (5629 ), and they shall hear (5692 ) my voice ; and there shall be (5695 ) one fold , and one shepherd . * Therefore doth my Father love (5719 ) me , because I lay down (5719 ) my life , that I might take (5632 ) it again . * No man taketh (5719 ) it from me , but I lay it down (5719 ) of myself . I have (5719 ) power to lay it down (5629 ), and I have (5719 ) power to take (5629 ) it again . This commandment have I received (5627 ) of my Father . * There was (5633 ) a division therefore again among the Jews for these sayings . * And many of them said (5707 ), He hath (5719 ) a devil , and is mad (5736 ); why hear ye (5719 ) him ? * Others said (5707 ), These are (5748 ) not the words of him that hath a devil (5740 ). Can (5736 ) a devil open (5721 ) the eyes of the blind ? * And it was (5633 ) at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication , and it was (5713 ) winter . * And Jesus walked (5707 ) in the temple in Solomons porch . * Then came the Jews round about (5656 ) him , and said (5707 ) unto him , How long dost thou make (5719 ) us to doubt ? If thou be (5748 ) the Christ , tell (5628 ) us plainly . * Jesus answered (5662 ) them , I told (5627 ) you , and ye believed (5719 ) not : the works that I do (5719 ) in my Fathers name , they bear witness (5719 ) of me . * But ye believe (5719 ) not , because ye are (5748 ) not of my sheep , as I said (5627 ) unto you . * My sheep hear (5719 ) my voice , and I know (5719 ) them , and they follow (5719 ) me : * And I give (5719 ) unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish (5643 ), neither shall any man pluck (5692 ) them out of my hand .

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