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asv @John:10:22 @And it was the feast of the dedication at Jerusalem : asv @John:10:23 @it was winter ; and Jesus was walking in the temple in Solomon 's porch . asv @John:10:24 @The Jews therefore came round about him , and said unto him , How long dost thou hold us in suspense ? If thou art the Christ , tell us plainly . asv @John:10:25 @Jesus answered them , I told you , and ye believe not : the works that I do in my Father 's name , these bear witness of me . asv @John:10:26 @But ye believe not , because ye are not of my sheep . asv @John:10:27 @My sheep hear my voice , and I know them , and they follow me : asv @John:10:28 @and I give unto them eternal life ; and they shall never perish , and no one shall snatch them out of my hand . asv @John:10:29 @My Father , who hath given them unto me , is greater than all ; and no one is able to snatch them out of the Father 's hand . asv @John:10:30 @I and the Father are one . asv @John:10:31 @The Jews took up stones again to stone him . asv @John:10:32 @Jesus answered them , Many good works have I showed you from the Father ; for which of those works do ye stone me ? asv @John:10:33 @The Jews answered him , For a good work we stone thee not , but for blasphemy ; and because that thou , being a man , makest thyself God . asv @John:10:34 @Jesus answered them , Is it not written in your law , I said , ye are gods ? asv @John:10:35 @If he called them gods , unto whom the word of God came (and the scripture cannot be broken ), asv @John:10:36 @say ye of him , whom the Father sanctified and sent into the world , Thou blasphemest ; because I said , I am the Son of God ? asv @John:10:37 @If I do not the works of my Father , believe me not . asv @John:10:38 @But if I do them , though ye believe not me , believe the works : that ye may know and understand that the Father is in me , and I in the Father . asv @John:10:39 @They sought again to take him : and he went forth out of their hand . asv @John:10:40 @And he went away again beyond the Jordan into the place where John was at the first baptizing ; and there be abode . asv @John:10:41 @And many came unto him ; and they said , John indeed did no sign : but all things whatsoever John spake of this man were true . asv @John:10:42 @And many believed on him there .

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