
rwp@John:10:4 @{When he hath put forth all his own} (\hotan ta idia panta ekbalˆi\). Indefinite temporal clause with \hotan\ and the second aorist (effective) active subjunctive of \ekball“\. No need of the _futurum exactum_ idea, simply, "when he leads out all his own sheep." They are all out of the fold. He overlooks none. \Ekball“\ does mean "thrust out" if a reluctant sheep wishes to linger too long. {He goeth before them} (\emprosthen aut“n poreuetai\). Staff in hand he leads the way in front of the flock and they follow (\akolouthei\) him. What a lesson for pastors who seek to drive the church like cattle and fail. The true pastor leads in love, in words, in deeds.

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