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* Then came Iesus , and found that he had lien in the graue foure dayes alreadie . * (Nowe Bethania was neere vnto Hierusalem , about fifteene furlongs off .) * * Then Martha , when shee heard that Iesus was comming , went to meete him : but Mary sate still in the house . * Then said Martha vnto Iesus , Lord , if thou hadst bene here , my brother had not bene dead . * But now I know also , that whatsoeuer thou askest of God , God will giue it thee . * Jesus saith unto her , Thy brother shall (note :)That is , will recover life again .(:note ) rise again . * Martha said vnto him , I know that he shall rise againe in the resurrection at the last day . * Iesus saide vnto her , I am the resurrection and the life : he that beleeueth in me , though he were dead , yet shall he liue . * And whosoeuer liueth , and beleeueth in me , shall neuer die : Beleeuest thou this ? * She said vnto him , Yea , Lord , I beleeue that thou art that Christ that Sonne of God , which should come into the world . * And when she had so saide , she went her way , and called Mary her sister secretly , saying , The Master is come , and calleth for thee . * And when she heard it , shee arose quickly , and came vnto him . * For Iesus was not yet come into the towne , but was in the place where Martha met him . * The Iewes then which were with her in the house , and comforted her , when they sawe Marie , that she rose vp hastily , &amp ; went out , folowed her , saying , She goeth vnto the graue , to weepe there . * Then when Mary was come where Iesus was , and sawe him , she fell downe at his feete , saying vnto him , Lord , if thou haddest bene here , my brother had not bene dead . * * And saide , Where haue ye layde him ? They said vnto him , Lord , come and see . * And Iesus wept . * Then saide the Iewes , Beholde , how he loued him . * And some of them saide , Coulde not he , which opened the eyes of the blinde , haue made also , that this man should not haue died ?

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