
rwp@John:11:52 @{But that he might also gather together into one} (\all' hina sunagagˆi eis hen\). Purpose clause with \hina\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \sunag“\. Caiaphas was thinking only of the Jewish people (\laou, ethnos\, verse 50|). The explanation and interpretation of John here follow the lead of the words of Jesus about the other sheep and the one flock in strkjv@10:16|. {That are scattered abroad} (\ta dieskorpismena\). Perfect passive articular participle of \diaskorpiz“\, late verb (Polybius, LXX) to scatter apart, to winnow grain from chaff, only here in John. The meaning here is not the Diaspora (Jews scattered over the world), but the potential children of God in all lands and all ages that the death of Christ will gather "into one" (\eis hen\). A glorious idea, but far beyond Caiaphas.

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