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* I speak not of you all . I know those whom I have chosen ; but that the scripture might be fulfilled , He that eats bread with me has lifted up his heel against me . * I tell you [it ] now before it happens , that when it happens , ye may believe that I am [he ]. * Verily , verily , I say to you , He who receives whomsoever I shall send receives me ; and he that receives me receives him who has sent me . * Having said these things , Jesus was troubled in spirit , and testified and said , Verily , verily , I say to you , that one of you shall deliver me up . * The disciples therefore looked one on another , doubting of whom he spoke . * Now there was at table one of his disciples in the bosom of Jesus , whom Jesus loved . * Simon Peter makes a sign therefore to him to ask who it might be of whom he spoke . * But he , leaning on the breast of Jesus , says to him , Lord , who is it ? * Jesus answers , He it is to whom I , after I have dipped the morsel , give it . And having dipped the morsel , he gives it to Judas [son ] of Simon , Iscariote . * And , after the morsel , then entered Satan into him . Jesus therefore says to him , What thou doest , do quickly . * But none of those at table knew why he said this to him ; * for some supposed , because Judas had the bag , that Jesus was saying to him , Buy the things of which we have need for the feast ; or that he should give something to the poor . * Having therefore received the morsel , he went out immediately ; and it was night .

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