
rwp@John:16:13 @{Howbeit} (\de\). One of the most delicate and difficult particles to translate, varying from "and" to "but." {When he, the Spirit of truth, is come} (\hotan elthˆi ekeinos, to pneuma tˆs alˆtheias\). Indefinite relative clause (\hotan\ and the second aorist active subjunctive of \erchomai\, no _futurum exactum_), "whenever he comes." Note \ekeinos\ (masculine demonstrative pronoun, though followed by neuter \pneuma\ in apposition. See strkjv@15:26| for this phrase about the Holy Spirit. He shall guide you (\hodˆgˆsei humas\). Future active of old verb \hodˆge“\ (from \hodˆgos\, from \hodos\, way, \hˆgeomai\, to lead). See strkjv@Psalms:24:5| for "lead me into thy truth" (\hodˆgˆson me eis tˆn alˆtheian sou\). Christ is both the Way and the Truth (14:6|) and the Holy Spirit is the Guide who shows the way to the Truth (verse 14|). This he does gradually. We are still learning the truth in Christ. {From himself} (\aph' heautou\). In this he is like Christ (1:26; strkjv@12:49; strkjv@14:10|). {He shall declare} (\anaggelei\). Future active of \anaggell“\, as in strkjv@4:25|. See it also repeated in verse 14|. {The things that are yet to come} (\ta erchomena\). Neuter plural articular participle of \erchomai\, "the coming things." This phrase only here in the N.T. The things already begun concerning the work of the Kingdom (Luke:7:19ff.; strkjv@18:30|) not a chart of future history. See strkjv@Luke:7:20; strkjv@John:6:14; strkjv@11:27| for \ho erchomenos\ (the coming one) used of the Messiah.

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