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* Nevertheless I tell (5719 ) you the truth ; It is expedient (5719 ) for you that I go away (5632 ): for if I go not away (5632 ), the Comforter will not come (5695 ) unto you ; but if I depart (5680 ), I will send (5692 ) him unto you . * And when he is come (5631 ), he will reprove (5692 ) the world of sin , and of righteousness , and of judgment : * Of sin , because they believe (5719 ) not on me ; * Of righteousness , because I go (5719 ) to my Father , and ye see (5719 ) me no more ; * Of judgment , because the prince of this world is judged (5769 ). * I have (5719 ) yet many things to say (5721 ) unto you , but ye cannot (5736 ) bear them (5721 ) now . * Howbeit when he , the Spirit of truth , is come (5632 ), he will guide (5692 ) you into all truth : for he shall not speak (5692 ) of himself ; but whatsoever he shall hear (5661 ), that shall he speak (5692 ): and he will shew (5692 ) you things to come (5740 ). * He shall glorify (5692 ) me : for he shall receive (5695 ) of mine , and shall shew (5692 ) it unto you . * All things that the Father hath (5719 ) are (5748 ) mine : therefore said I (5627 ), that he shall take (5695 ) of mine , and shall shew (5692 ) it unto you .

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