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* When Jesus had spoken these words , he went forth with his disciples across the Kidron valley , where there was a garden , which he and his disciples entered . * Now Judas , who betrayed him , also knew the place ; for Jesus often met there with his disciples . * So Judas , procuring a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees , went there with lanterns and torches and weapons . * Then Jesus , knowing all that was to befall him , came forward and said to them , "Whom do you seek ?" * They answered him , "Jesus of Nazareth ." Jesus said to them , "I am he ." Judas , who betrayed him , was standing with them . * When he said to them , "I am he ," they drew back and fell to the ground . * Again he asked them , "Whom do you seek ?" And they said , "Jesus of Nazareth ." * Jesus answered , "I told you that I am he ; so , if you seek me , let these men go ." * This was to fulfil the word which he had spoken , "Of those whom thou gavest me I lost not one ." * Then Simon Peter , having a sword , drew it and struck the high priest 's slave and cut off his right ear . The slave 's name was Malchus . * Jesus said to Peter , "Put your sword into its sheath ; shall I not drink the cup which the Father has given me ?" * So the band of soldiers and their captain and the officers of the Jews seized Jesus and bound him . * First they led him to Annas ; for he was the father-in-law of Ca 'iaphas , who was high priest that year . * It was Ca 'iaphas who had given counsel to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people . * Simon Peter followed Jesus , and so did another disciple . As this disciple was known to the high priest , he entered the court of the high priest along with Jesus , * while Peter stood outside at the door . So the other disciple , who was known to the high priest , went out and spoke to the maid who kept the door , and brought Peter in . * The maid who kept the door said to Peter , "Are not you also one of this man 's disciples ?" He said , "I am not ." * Now the servants and officers had made a charcoal fire , because it was cold , and they were standing and warming themselves ; Peter also was with them , standing and warming himself . * The high priest then questioned Jesus about his disciples and his teaching . * Jesus answered him , "I have spoken openly to the world ; I have always taught in synagogues and in the temple , where all Jews come together ; I have said nothing secretly . * Why do you ask me ? Ask those who have heard me , what I said to them ; they know what I said ." * When he had said this , one of the officers standing by struck Jesus with his hand , saying , "Is that how you answer the high priest ?" * Jesus answered him , "If I have spoken wrongly , bear witness to the wrong ; but if I have spoken rightly , why do you strike me ?" * Annas then sent him bound to Ca 'iaphas the high priest . * Now Simon Peter was standing and warming himself . They said to him , "Are not you also one of his disciples ?" He denied it and said , "I am not ." * One of the servants of the high priest , a kinsman of the man whose ear Peter had cut off , asked , "Did I not see you in the garden with him ?" * Peter again denied it ; and at once the cock crowed . * Then they led Jesus from the house of Ca 'iaphas to the praetorium . It was early . They themselves did not enter the praetorium , so that they might not be defiled , but might eat the passover . * So Pilate went out to them and said , "What accusation do you bring against this man ?" * They answered him , "If this man were not an evildoer , we would not have handed him over ." * Pilate said to them , "Take him yourselves and judge him by your own law ." The Jews said to him , "It is not lawful for us to put any man to death ." * This was to fulfil the word which Jesus had spoken to show by what death he was to die . * Pilate entered the praetorium again and called Jesus , and said to him , "Are you the King of the Jews ?" * Jesus answered , "Do you say this of your own accord , or did others say it to you about me ?" * Pilate answered , "Am I a Jew ? Your own nation and the chief priests have handed you over to me ; what have you done ?" * Jesus answered , "My kingship is not of this world ; if my kingship were of this world , my servants would fight , that I might not be handed over to the Jews ; but my kingship is not from the world ." * Pilate said to him , "So you are a king ?" Jesus answered , "You say that I am a king . For this I was born , and for this I have come into the world , to bear witness to the truth . Every one who is of the truth hears my voice ." * Pilate said to him , "What is truth ?" After he had said this , he went out to the Jews again , and told them , "I find no crime in him . * But you have a custom that I should release one man for you at the Passover ; will you have me release for you the King of the Jews ?" * They cried out again , "Not this man , but Barab 'bas !" Now Barab 'bas was a robber .

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