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* Then Pilate caused him to be scourged . * And the soldiers crowned him with a wreath of thorn , which they had platted ; and having thrown a purple mantle about him , * said , Hail ! King of the Jews ! and gave him blows on the face . * Pilate went out again , and said to them , Lo , I bring him forth to you , that you may know that I find in him nothing culpable . * Jesus then went forth , wearing the crown of thorns , and the purple mantle , and Pilate said to them , Behold the man ! * When the chief priests and the officers saw him , they cried , saying , Crucify , crucify him ! Pilate said to them , Take him yourselves , and crucify him ; for my part , I find no fault in him . * The Jews answered , We have a law , and by that law he ought to die , because he assumed the title of the Son of God . * When Pilate heard this , he was the more afraid ; * and having returned to the praetorium , said to Jesus , Whence are you ? But Jesus gave him no answer . * Then Pilate said to him , Will you not speak to me ? Do you not know that I have power to crucify you , and power to release you ? * Jesus replied , * From that time Pilate sought to release him ; but the Jews exclaimed , If you release this man , you are not Cesar 's friend . Whoever calls himself king , opposes Cesar . * Pilate , on hearing these words , ordered Jesus to be brought forth , and sat down on the tribunal , in a place named The Pavement ; in Hebrew , Gabbatha . * (Now it was the preparation of the Paschal Sabbath , about the sixth hour .) And he said to the Jews , Behold your King . * But they cried out , Away , away with him ; crucify him . Pilate said to them , Shall I crucify your King ? The chief priests answered , We have no King but Cesar . * He delivered him , therefore , to be crucified .

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