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* But Thomas , one of the twelve , called Didymus , was not with them when Jesus came . * The other disciples therefore said to him , We have seen the Lord . But he said to them , Unless I may see the mark of the nails in his hands , and put my finger into the mark of the nails , and put my hand into his side , I will , no , no * And after eight days his disciples were again inside , and Thomas with them . Jesus comes , the doors being shut , and stood in the midst , and said , Peace to you . * Then he says to Thomas , Bring thy finger here , and see my hands , and bring thy hand , and put into my side , and do not become faithless , but believing . * Thomas answered and said to him , My Lord and my God . * Jesus says to him , Because thou have seen me , thou have believed . Blessed are those who have not seen , and have believed . * And indeed therefore many other signs Jesus did in the presence of his disciples , which are not written in this book . * But these are written , so that ye may believe that Jesus is the Christ , the Son of God , and that believing ye may have life in his name .

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