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* He comes therefore into a city of the Samaritans , being called Sychar , near by the field , of which gave Jacob Joseph to the son of himself . * Was and there a spring of the Jacob . The then Jesus having become weary from the journey , sat down thus over the spring ; hour was about six . * Comes a woman of the Samaria , to draw water . Say to her the Jesus : Give to me a drink . * (The for disciples of him had gone into the city , that provisions they might buy .) * Says then to him the woman that Samaritan : How thou , a Jew being , from me to drink askest , being a woman a Samaritan ? (Not for associate with Jews Samaritans .) * Answered Jesus and said to her : If thou hast known the gift of the God , and who is be saying to thee : Give to me to drink ; thou wouldst ask him , and he would give thee water living . * Says to him the woman : O lord , nothing to draw with thou hast , and the well is deep ; whence then hast thou the water the living ? * Not thou greater art the father of us , Jacob ? who gave to us the well , and he of it drank , and the sons of him , and the cattle of him . * Answered Jesus and said to her : All the drinking of the water this , will thirst again ; * who but ever may drink of the water , of which I shall give to him , not not may thirst to the age ; but the water , which I shall give him , shall be in him a well of water springing into life age –lasting . * Says to him the woman : O lord , give to me this the water , that not I may thirst , nor may come in this place to draw . * Says to her the Jesus : Go , call the husband of thee , and come here . * Answered the woman and said : Not I have a husband . Says to her the Jesus : Rightly thou didst say : That a husband not I have . * Five for husbands thou hast had ; and now whom thou hast not is of thee a husband ; this truly thou hast said . * Says to him the woman : O lord , I see , that a prophet art thou . * The fathers of us in the mountain this worshipped ; and you say , that in Jerusalem is the place , where it is necessary to worship . * Says to her the Jesus : O woman , believe thou me , that comes an hour , when neither in the mountain this , nor in Jerusalem you shall worship the Father . * You worship what not you know ; we worship what we know ; because the salvation from the Jews is . * But comes an hour , and now is , when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth ; and for the Father such like seeks those worshipping him . * A spirit the God ; and those worshipping him , in spirit and truth it behooves to worship . * Says to him the woman : I know , that Messiah comes ; (the being called Anointed ;) when may come he , he will relate to us all . * Says to her the Jesus : I am , he talking to thee . * And on this came the disciples of him , and wondered , that with a woman he talked . No one nevertheless said : What seekest thou ? or , why talkest thou with her ? * Left therefore the bucket of herself the woman , and went into the city , and says to the men : * Come you , see a man , who told me all what I did ; not this is the Anointed ? * They went out of the city , and were coming to him . * In and the meantime were asking him the disciples saying : Rabbi , eat . * He but said to them : I food have to eat , which you not know . * Said then the disciples to each other : Not any one brought to him food ? * Says to them the Jesus : My food is , that I may do the will of the sending me , and may finish of him the work . * Not you say , that yet four months it is , and the harvest comes ? Lo , I say to you , lift up the eyes of you , and see you the fields , that white they are to harvest already . * He reaping a reward receives , and gathers fruit for life age –lasting ; so that both he sowing together may rejoice , and he reaping . * In for this the word is the true , that one is the sowing , and another the reaping . * I sent you to reap what you have labored ; others labored , and you into the labor of them are entered .

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