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* And because of this the Jews persecuted Jesus , and sought to kill him , because he did these things on a Sabbath . * But Jesus answered them , My Father works until now and I work . * Because of this therefore the Jews sought even more to kill him , because not only did he relax the Sabbath , but also he called God his own Father , making himself equal to God . * Jesus therefore answered and said to them , Truly , truly , I say to you , the Son can do nothing of himself , except what he sees the Father doing . For whatever he may do , the Son also does these things in like manner . * For the Father loves the Son , and shows him all things that he himself does . And he will show him works greater works than these , so that ye may marvel . * For as the Father raises up the dead and makes alive , so also the Son makes alive whom he will . * For neither does the Father judge any man , but he has given all judgment to the Son , * so that all would honor the Son , even as they honor the Father . The man not honoring the Son , does not honor the Father who sent him . * Truly , truly , I say to you , that he who hears my word , and believes him who sent me , has eternal life . And he does not come into condemnation , but has passed from death into life . * Truly , truly , I say to you , that an hour comes , and now is , when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God , and those who hear will live . * For as the Father has life in himself , so also he gave to the Son to have life in himself . * And he also gave him authority to execute judgment because he is a son of man . * Marvel not at this , because an hour comes in which all those in the sepulchers will hear his voice , * and will come forth , those who have done right to a resurrection of life , and those who have practiced wrong to a resurrection of judgment . * I can from myself do nothing . As I hear , I judge . And my judgment is righteous because I seek not my will , but the will of the Father who sent me .

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