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* Verily , verily , I say (5719 ) unto you , The hour is coming (5736 ), and now is (5748 ), when the dead shall hear (5695 ) the voice of the Son of God : and they that hear (5660 ) shall live (5695 ). * For as the Father hath (5719 ) life in himself ; so hath he given (5656 ) to the Son to have (5721 ) life in himself ; * And hath given (5656 ) him authority to execute (5721 ) judgment also , because he is (5748 ) the Son of man . * Marvel (5720 ) not at this : for the hour is coming (5736 ), in the which all that are in the graves shall hear (5695 ) his voice , * And shall come forth (5695 ); they that have done (5660 ) good , unto the resurrection of life ; and they that have done (5660 ) evil , unto the resurrection of damnation .

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