
rwp@John:7:23 @{That the law of Moses may not be broken} (\hina mˆ luthˆi ho nomos M“use“s\). Purpose clause with negative \mˆ\ and first aorist passive subjunctive of \lu“\. They are punctilious about their Sabbath rules and about circumcision on the eighth day. When they clash, they drop the Sabbath rule and circumcise. {Are ye wroth with me?} (\emoi cholƒte;\). Old word from \cholˆ\ (bile, gall), possibly from \chloˆ\ or \chl“ros\ (yellowish green). Only here in N.T. Songs:to be mad. With dative. Vivid picture of bitter spleen against Jesus for healing a man on the sabbath when they circumcise on the Sabbath. {A man every whit whole} (\holon anthr“pon hugiˆ\). Literally, "a whole (\holon\) man (all the man) sound (\hugiˆ\, well)," not just one member of the body mended.

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