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* And as he passed on , he saw a man who had been blind from his birth . * And his disciples asked him , saying , Master , who sinned , this man , or his parents , that he was born blind ? * Jesus answered , Neither hath this man sinned , nor his parents , but that the works of God might be made manifest thro ' him . * I must work the works of him that sent me , while it is day ; the night is coming , when no man can work . * While I am in the world , I am the light of the world . Having said this , * he spit on the ground , and made clay with the spittle , and anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay , * And said to him , Go wash at the pool of Siloam , (which is by interpretation , Sent .) He went therefore , and washed , and came seeing . * Then the neighbours and they who had seen him before , when he was blind , said , Is not this he who used to sit begging ? * Some said , This is he : others , He is like him : but he said , I am he . * They said to him , How were thine eyes opened ? * He answered and said , A man called Jesus made clay and anointed my eyes , and said to me , Go to the pool of Siloam and wash . * And I went , and washed , and received sight . Then said they to him , Where is he ? He said , I know not . * They bring to the Pharisees the man who had aforetime been blind . * (It was the sabbath , when Jesus made the clay and opened his eyes .) * Again the Pharisees also asked him , How he had received his sight ? He said to them , He put clay on my eyes , and I washed , and see . * Therefore said some of the Pharisees , This man is not of God , because he keepeth not the sabbath . Others said , How can a man that is a sinner , do such miracles ? * And there was a division among them . They say to the blind man again , What sayest thou of him , for that he hath opened thine eyes ? * He said , He is a prophet . But the Jews did not believe concerning him , that he had been blind and received his sight , till they had called the parents of him who had received his sight . * And they asked them , saying , Is this your son , who ye say was born blind ? * How then doth he now see ? His parents answered them , and said , We know that this is our son , and that he was born blind . * But how he now seeth , we know not , or who hath opened his eyes , we know not . * He is of age : ask him ; he will speak concerning himself . His parents said this , because they feared the Jews ; for the Jews had already agreed , That if any man should own him to be Christ , he should be put out of the synagogue . * Therefore said his parents , He is of age ; ask him . * Therefore they called a second time the man that had been blind , and said to him , Give glory to God ; we know that this man is a sinner . * He answered and said , That he is a sinner I know not : one thing I know , that I was blind , and now see . * They said to him again , What did he to thee ? * How opened he thine eyes ? He answered them , I have told you already , and ye did not hearken : why would ye hear it again ? * Are ye also willing to be his disciples ? Then they reviled him and said , Thou art a disciple of that fellow ; but we are disciples of Moses . * We know that God spake to Moses ; but we know not this fellow , whence he is . * The man answered and said to them , Why herein is a marvellous thing , that ye know not whence he is ; altho ' he hath opened my eyes ! * We know that God heareth not sinners ; but if a man be a worshiper of God , and do his will , him he heareth . * Since the world began it was not heard , that any man opened the eyes of one that was born blind . * If this man were not of God , he could do nothing . * They answered and said to him , Thou-wast altogether born in sins , and dost thou teach us ? And they cast him out . * Jesus heard that they had cast him out ; and having found him , he said to him , Dost thou believe on the Son of God ? * He answered and said , Sir , who is he , that I may believe on him ? * Jesus said to him , Thou hast both seen him , and he that talketh with thee is he . * And he said , Lord , I believe . * And he worshiped him . Jesus said , For judgment am I come into the world , that they who see not , may see , and that they who see , may become blind . * And some of the Pharisees that were with him heard this , and said to him , Are we blind also ? * Jesus said to them , If ye had been blind , ye would have had no sin . But now ye say , We see : therefore your sin remaineth .

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