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* Now it came to pass , when Adoni –zedek , the king of Jerusalem heard that Joshua had captured ‘Ai , and had utterly destroyed it ; as he had done to Jericho and its king , so had he done to ‘Ai and its king ; and that the inhabitants of Gib ’on had made peace with Israel , and were in the midst of them : * That they were greatly afraid ; because Gib ’on was a great city , like one of the royal cities , and because it was greater than ‘Ai , and all the men thereof were mighty . * Therefore Adoni –zedek the king of Jerusalem sent unto Hoham the king of Hebron , and unto Piram the king of Yarmuth , and unto Yaphia ’, the king of Lachish , and unto Debir the king of ‘Eglon , saying , * Come up unto me , and help me , that we may smite Gib ’on ; for it hath made peace with Joshua and with the children of Israel . * And the five kings of the Emorites , the king of Jerusalem , the king of Hebron , the king of Yarmuth , the king of Lachish , the king of ‘Eglon , assembled themselves together , and went up , they and all their camps , and encamped before Gib ’on , and made war against it . * And the men of Gib ’on sent unto Joshua to the camp to Gilgal , saying , Do not withdraw thy hand from thy servants : come up to us quickly , and save us , and help us ; for all the kings of the Emorites that dwell in the mountains are assembled together against us . * And Joshua went up from Gilgal , he , and all the people of war with him , and all the mighty men of valor . * And the Lord said unto Joshua , Be not afraid of them ; for into thy hand have I delivered them : there shall not stand a man of them before thee . * And Joshua came unto them suddenly ; the whole night he went up from Gilgal . * And the Lord brought them in confusion before Israel , and they smote them with a great slaughter at Gib ’on , and pursued them by the way of the ascent to Beth –choron , and smote them up to ‘Azekah , and up to Makkedah . * And it came to pass , as they fled from before Israel , while they were in the declivity of Beth –choron , that the Lord cast down upon them great stones from heaven , up to ‘Azekah , and they died : there were more who died by means of the hailstones than those whom the children of Israel had slain with the sword . * Then spoke Joshua to the Lord on the day when the Lord delivered up the Emorites before the children of Israel , and he said before the eyes of Israel , Sun , stand thou still upon Gib ’on ; and thou , Moon , in the valley of Ayalon . * And the sun stood still , and the moon stayed , until the people had avenged themselves upon their enemies . Is not this written in the book of Yashar ? And the sun stood still in the midst of the heavens , and hastened not to go down about a whole day . * And there was no day like that before it or after it , that the Lord hearkened unto the voice of a man ; for the Lord fought for Israel . * And Joshua returned , and all Israel with him , unto the camp to Gilgal .

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